[07:21] 3799 and 2943 closed. Thanks meen_a! [07:43] falcojr: morning. [07:43] What I found with Rocky9, confirmed with the person who works on their cloud images is that they modify /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg which is on the imae after installation of cloud-init. [07:43] So, since the .spec file generated by make srpm tags this file as (noreplace), the original file is not replaced and cloud-init 23.2 fails. [07:43] By removing the (noreplace) and fixing the distro: user: and gecos: fields to fit the distro everything works as expected [10:41] ? https://im.eena.me/uploads/79e0a1f1454691fd/Screenshot_2023-06-05-11-39-36-19_ffb2f5e1b976ff98cfc94f359fbce8de.jpg ? === esv_ is now known as esv