
pingukubuntu is just loading the desktop wallpaper and nothing else when I boot the ISO00:48
pinguand please only 1 person help me because im not getting bombarded with bash commands as a complete newbie00:48
pingu(unless you want me to go back to windows of course :P)00:48
pingui gave the VM 4gb ram and 21gb VDI00:49
pinguoh wait it finally loaded the logon screen00:58
pinguwow really ? 'If your user account doesn't have a password set, you won't be able to switch to another user or perform administrative tasks using the su or sudo commands. In this case, you can follow these steps to set a password for your user account:'01:10
pinguits a damn VM01:10
pinguI only want to learn bash01:10
pinguk  I was advised it would be much easier to just delete this user and make a new user so I did that01:21
dabblerWhat's the most recent version of kubuntu for which the old installer is still available?02:19
dabblerI need LUKS+Btrfs support02:47
=== Guest8487 is now known as EyEvil
guruprasaddabbler, the 23.04 installer looked the same as the installers from the previous releases and it allowed me to set up Btrfs+LUKS by following the instructions in https://mutschler.dev/linux/ubuntu-btrfs-20-04/09:30
guruprasadThe only thing that I had to change was to use `space_cache=v2` instead of `space_cache` in the mount options.09:31
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Hi all11:28
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Kubuntu shows busybox initramfs error when SATA in bios is set to RIDE ON11:30
IrcsomeBot<Omar> RAID*11:32
oerheksOmar good, as expected.11:48
oerheksdo not set it to raid, as the manual gives.11:48
BluesKajHi all12:13
IrcsomeBot<Omar> What should i set it to? (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> do not set it to raid, as the manual gives.)12:34
oerheksset it back12:35
IrcsomeBot<Omar> + my other laptop is sat to RAID and it is working12:35
oerheksoh? working with ubuntu?12:35
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Yeah (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> oh? working with ubuntu?)12:35
oerheksmost of those raid devices onboard are soft raids12:36
IrcsomeBot<Omar> It was on RAID before i install linux (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> set it back)12:36
oerheksand such raid option should be set before install.12:36
IrcsomeBot<Omar> It work when i set it to ACHI12:36
oerheksi guess that raid is not suitable.12:37
oerheksgood luck!12:37
IrcsomeBot<Omar> It was (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> and such raid option should be set before install.)12:37
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Thank you (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> good luck!)12:37
IrcsomeBot<Alaa> I tested it via Bluetooth and it lagging13:09
oerheksIrcsomeBot, nobody knows what you are testing, telegram is a lagging service13:24
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
user|17come si installa su pendrive usb17:32
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:33
IrcsomeBot<Alaa> Thanks man22:46

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