[01:48] good morning [08:36] Hi! I am on Ubuntu 22.04LTS, and I have noticed a glitch on certain apps: Nautilus, Calculator, Monitor... When you take the focus off those apps, a very thin line appears at the very top of the window's title bar... it is almost unnoticeable because it is the same color of the theme (light/dark), but in mixed mode it is annoying.... I have [08:36] almost get to think that that is the reason behind ubuntu's 22.04 having only light/dark mode and not mixed mode: for the time being, it is easier to hide the problem. It is more annoying that the glitch seems to happen only in certain "Canonical" applications, but you don't get it in Nemo, galculator... === JanC is now known as Guest9792 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC === JanC_ is now known as JanC === deepSleep is now known as Guest3665 [19:25] UWN: Issue790 now available to our reading public: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue790 :D [19:41] \o/