
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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evitI setup fail2ban and now when I reboot I'm getting jail restart email notifications like --- [Fail2Ban] sshd: stopped on example.com14:45
evitIs there a way I can selectively disable these?14:45
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sergiodjkanashiro_: heya18:50
sergiodjso, I applied your patch here, but I can't make it build.  sbuild complains: https://paste.debian.net/1282087/18:51
sergiodjthis is using a git-ubuntu repo, and having applied the debdiff against pkg/ubuntu/devel18:51
kanashiro[m]sergiodj: weird, it built fine for me here18:59
kanashiro[m]but I am not using the git-ubuntu repo18:59
sergiodjthat's weird indeed19:02
kanashiro[m]I applied all the patches with quilt here and there is no offset19:03
sergiodjI did a "pull-debian-source -d docker.io" here, and it looks like it's not picking up the orig tarballs19:03
sergiodjthe patch applied successfully on top of git-ubuntu.  I expected it to work19:04
kanashiro[m]really? pull-debian-source has worked flawlessly for me19:04
sergiodjsorry, I meant to say that *sbuild* is not picking up the orig tarballs19:04
sergiodjpull-debian-source worked fine19:04
sergiodjI'll try to pull-lp-source docker.io and apply your patch there19:05
sergiodjlet's see19:05
sergiodjnope, same thing19:06
sergiodjso it's not git-ubuntu19:06
sergiodjah wait, your debdiff contains changes only to the debian directory19:07
sergiodjI see it now.  that's the problem19:08
sergiodjI missed your comment in the bug :)19:08
sergiodjcan you post your full debdiff somewhere else?  people.ubuntu.com for example?19:08
sergiodjthat'd make things easier19:09
kanashiro[m]let me try to do this19:10
kanashiro[m]the full debdiff was taking ages to get uploaded to LP19:11
sergiodjheh, I'm not surprised19:13
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