[00:03] Thanks rbox === mulaney is now known as JHMpancake [00:38] I love that the IRC is still alive. thought it was dead [00:39] stayin alive... stayin alive... [00:39] yeah [00:45] lovely find, JonM :) [00:53] i keep seeing "rsyslogd was HUPed" every 2-10 mins on an 18.04 device that i don't control OS updates on. i thought the /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog file might've been causing it but the none of the files listed seem to be due for rotation (and rsyslogd isn't being HUPed on a server with the identical /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog file) [01:05] i deleted all my fonts [01:05] im in a vm tho [01:43] Does anyone know whether the Kubuntu 23.04 64-bit ISO uses ubiquity or the old installer? [01:47] In the release notes, one of the known issues relates to ubiquity, so I guess it has it. Does it have both by any chance? === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:49] What's the most recent version of Kubuntu for which the legacy installer is available? I need LUKS+Btrfs support. [02:50] JonM, it will allive forever [02:51] dabbler, just install ubuntu minimal and kde :/ [02:54] You mean install the kubuntu-desktop package? [02:55] I wonder whether that'll miss any configuration [02:59] dabbler, yes, `kubuntu-desktop` [03:01] Hopefully the result is exactly the same [03:07] it will be same [03:07] dont worry === remy_ is now known as Remy === realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx [07:45] How to make effect of "loginctl enable-linger username" persist across reboot? === shokohsc1 is now known as shokohsc === Forza_ is now known as Forza [09:04] Hello, I'm trying to install unity hub, with those instructinos: https://docs.unity3d.com/hub/manual/InstallHub.html#install-hub-linux [09:04] but sudo apt update says "https://hub-dist.unity3d.com/artifactory/hub-debian-prod-local stable InRelease [...] NO_PUBKEY BE3E6EA534E8243F" [09:05] whereas I did add it.. [09:05] Would anyone have an idea how to work this out? [09:05] any chance you confused the private key with the public one. these errors are usually (vague, but) true. [09:07] support on their forum, as it is a commercial blob https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-to-install-unity-hub-3-4-1-in-ubuntu-22-04-lts.1311612/ [09:08] good luck! [09:10] oerheks: Ah, I see, thanks [09:10] weedmic: Not sure, but I copy pasted the commands in the link I sent [09:19] oerheks: All good, your link worked :). Thanks a lot [09:21] Bardon, have fun! [09:42] Ehm, one last thing, the software complains that no usable version of libssl was found. I have libssl3:amd64 installed, and the link you provided says it needs libssl1.1. The guy manually installed it. Is libssl1.1 not available in the official repos? [09:42] I may have a link for that, just checking [09:44] avoid such software .. libssl1.1 ? [09:44] yes! "sudo dpkg -i libss11.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb [09:44] contains all the depircated libssl1 items [09:44] * oerheks facepalms [09:44] oerheks: Why? libssl1.1 is outdated? [09:45] yes it is depricated aeons ago. [09:45] weedmic: So the only solution is to install it manually? [09:45] Ok well, why don't they update it.. I need this software for work though so I'll install it :s [09:46] if you really need it, if you are enterprising, you can find all the calls to it and use symbolic links and fix it up, but... alas I was too lazy. I needed it to setup safenet etoken. [09:46] ask on their forum ? [09:46] it had security issues, they did update it, but... new versions have new numbers - some programmes don't just look for libssl, but a number. [09:47] Sadly I have no time to fix their stuff :( [09:47] symbolic links are powerful. you could fix it and share the link list with your vrienden [09:48] I'm just helping my brother install it for some internship, just not worth my time I think [09:48] even though a symlink shouldn't be too much work [09:58] Hmm I can't even find libssl1.1 to install it manually [09:58] How can I know which symlinks are needed? [10:00] Bardon: using libssl1.1 is dangerous & outdated [10:01] But I need to use unity for work [10:01] Can't they coexist with libssl3? [10:01] bad for such commercial product [10:02] if unity3d really needs libssl1.1 I would suggest you drop it, because clearly the people who make it are incompetent [10:02] but maybe your are just looking at some outdated information? [10:04] Bardon: or maybe you should install an old version of Ubuntu, but you should wonder why they don't support newer versions then... [10:05] idk I followed this doc https://docs.unity3d.com/hub/manual/InstallHub.html#install-hub-linux, which looks like the official doc and it didn't work. I had a key issue.. [10:05] seems like Ubuntu 20.04 still had it [10:06] anyway, I manually installed libssl1.1, now unity "works"... Anyway, it's for my brother's internship, which lasts a few months, it's really no big deal if it's half broken [10:06] Thanks for your help :) [10:08] the question is: how many more things will he learn wrong at a company like that... [10:09] note that he will likely get into trouble the moment he needs support from Unity3D too, because he's using an unsupported OS... [10:09] company is at risk now. [10:10] oerheks: to be fair, they likely were at risk already [10:11] Would it be safer to install ubuntu 20.04 and use it for unity? [10:11] Or would it be outdated the same way? [10:12] it would be easier to install it on 20.04 as it still had libssl1.1 for compatibility reasons, the potential security issues would likely be the same [10:12] I'd say test that setup with pentesting tools like kali. sure that makes his internship interesting for that company. [10:13] and add the log of our conversation* [10:14] haha that would be interesting, for sure! [10:14] but the real problem here is that Unity3D is clearly not caring for linux users or security in general, or they would have switched to using libssl3 a long time ago... [10:14] Exactly! [10:14] I need to go, bbye! [10:14] And thanks for teaching me a few things :) [10:15] maybe they are going bankrupt or something, that they can't afford a developer part-time to care about such things...? [10:21] I just got a usb headset. In the main settings I can't see it as an option at all. I can't see any sound as an option [10:25] How can I make effect of "loginctl enable-linger username" persist across reboot? === vbmade88 is now known as vbmade [10:53] Bardon: I apologise for being incomplete: [10:53] wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb [10:53] sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.21_amd64.deb [10:57] Bardon: many times devops get it to work once with an OS they don't know, like linux, and leave it etched in stone. Runescape still requires 1.1 I believe. To me, it is just irresponsible. And, no one knows which symlinks to make, hence why "I" found the archive. [10:58] oerheks: the company probably has a windows network and will always be at risk [10:58] I'd install it with apt rather than dpkg -i; apt will install any dependencies [11:01] I think that would fail geirha when using depricated items. apt is "the way" (normally), but ad hoc, I think not. === Vercas1 is now known as Vercas [11:36] anyone else having weird issue after deleting files with files/nautilus on ubuntu 23.04? the file is deleted correctly but the file list shows that the other files have been deleted instead. after i pressed F5 it shows the correct ones. for example i have files A, B, C. i deleted B and C. files/nautilus removes A and B instead and only leaves C. [11:37] a bit annoying if i have to press F5 after deleting files each time [11:47] realivanjx, if this is simular, add yourself to this bug report [11:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/2022851 [11:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2022851 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Inappropriate files display" [Undecided, New] [11:47] there are a few more https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated&start=0 [11:55] I tried to install qemu and was returned "Package 'qemu' has no installation candidate". I then wanted to install it from muon. But, which package to I pick in muon? "qemu-system"? [11:57] qemu-kvm i guess, that would pull virt-manager and such [12:01] ty oerheks [12:02] closest i find is "aqemu" which seems to have both qemu and kvm. [12:04] weedmic: qemu-system-x86 [12:05] ty [12:07] weedmic: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ [12:13] Hi all [12:13] Hi BluesKaj [12:13] hi al1r4d [12:14] akik: found the file - tyvm - installing atm [12:28] I have some available update according to apt but gnome-software only shows me pending Flatpak or Snap packages. How can I include it to check for all updates? [12:30] for example apt shows some new perl updates coming from the lunar-security repository, but gnome-software only wants to update Anki [12:30] and Ubuntu Software also does not show them [12:30] snap refresh [12:31] dunno about those silly flatpaks, see the man [12:31] yeah, I can update both flatpaks and snap via the terminal, too [12:32] snaps would update one a day, or your first update run after boot [12:32] I just wonder why those big GUI "marketplaces" omit any updates to the classical repository updates [12:33] s/updates/packages/ [12:33] they do not .. if they do, it is a bug [12:33] well, at least for the official snap-store (ubuntu software) this is true [12:34] not sure what happens if you move to the plain gnome-software instead === pagios is now known as blah [12:35] oerheks, snaps actually check 3x/day for updates (randomized 6h apart) ... and will quietly update themselves (unless they are open nd running) [12:38] flatpaks let me play runsecape on opensuse machines. [12:38] maybe there is a snap-store update? [12:39] snaps - i had to remove firefox and install the real one b/c snap firefox doesn't allow security module installation [12:39] not since april according to "snap info snap-store" [12:39] unless you run te preview/candidate version [12:40] err ... preview/edge [12:40] you can see what you have on your machine that is a snap verision by typing "snap list" [12:40] yeah, but as i understnd hsiktas[m] is seeing a bug with the GUI app [12:42] correct. both snap-store and gnome-software did not show me the pending apt/dpkg updates for my system. Restarting both processes did not help. [12:42] right, there must be some bug ... snap-store is (and should) definitely showing dpkg [12:42] not sure about gnome-software though ... but i'd expect that too ... [12:43] IIRC both use packagekit to manage dpkg stuff, did oyu perhaps uninstall that [12:44] afaik, the share some code (and bugs :)) [12:44] s/the/they/ [12:44] no, never messed with that [12:45] well, snap-store is the snapped version of gnome-software ... so indeed, they are the same (the snap-store one might be using newer code though) ... but both interface with the systems packagekit installation to see the native (deb) packages [12:56] When I use the magnifier, I find that the magnified window is often not aligned with the text cursor when typing. Should I report this as a bug or is there something else I should do? [13:01] niels862, i'd check the zoom options [13:05] I have, it's set to follow the mouse cursor, but when I type a filename in Files or a link in Firefox, the screen tries to focus on the text cursor but it often does not do this correctly, like in Files it just goes to the upper left corner instead of tracking the cursor [13:07] niels862, might be a bug, yes; i suggest to try wmagnify (in wmaker) or magnus [13:08] wmaker ? that still exists ? [13:08] sure! [13:09] niels862, or try the Xorg session [13:09] niels862, unlikely, but can be a mutter issue === johnny_ is now known as MyComputer [13:45] I installed kvm from a website.. the new kvm is quite detailed: That being said i gave it a whirl, the config got borked so i uninstalled it all from synaptic: Now - i have no network. [13:48] from a website? [13:48] MyComputer: define "kvm" [13:48] https://linuxhint.com/install-kvm-ubuntu-22-04/ [13:49] MyComputer: is this a desktop or server? [13:49] desktop [13:49] MyComputer: undo your netplan changes [13:49] MyComputer: networking is done though network manager on the desktop, not netplan [13:50] oh oke, tutorial from a website, seems oke. what did you remove exactly? this yaml too ? "sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml etc etc" [13:50] i removed kvm and quemu and all virt packages [13:51] MyComputer: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/jYKffVyhBX/ this is what your netplan file should look like [13:51] ok [13:51] ill copy it so i can see it later.. [13:51] thanks lefty [13:53] theres nothing on that page [13:54] MyComputer: https://termbin.com/1qzv [13:55] got it [13:56] cool deal. [13:56] I thought i broke nm [13:59] have a super day, lefty, thanks. [14:08] I just did a 22.04 install and updated it. When I tried to use apt-add-repository to add a ppa repo, it threw a SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE which looks like a ssl/tls cipher mismatch. From what I see in SSL labs report of launchpad.net there isn't a compatible cipher with the default in Python 3.10.6. I can't find documentation on how to enable other ciphers in Python 3.10. [14:09] Thistle, what ppa exactly? [14:09] x2go/stable [14:11] that gives only one package, not complete server, and even the client is missing [14:12] https://launchpad.net/~x2go/+archive/ubuntu/stable?field.series_filter=jammy [14:12] contact the maintainer/team? [14:12] I'm trying to automate a jump box build using Ansble. x2go is one of the better ways to get remote access to the jump box. I've run into problems not suing this ppa. [14:13] The tls connection is to launchpad form what I understand. The repo isn't added. [14:13] don't use the ppa, but the original packages https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x2goserver [14:19] The yubico/stable does the same thing. [14:21] weird, can you show us the output when you do ? [14:21] !paste [14:21] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:21] i see nothing on https://status.canonical.com/ [14:29] Thistle: check the date/time of your machine [14:30] This will take a min. Going to snap my build vm then I can get it for you. The time is good. Been bitten there before... [14:36] https://pastebin.com/WHhPQ9va [14:37] Thistle, there is also #launchpad ... perhaps they have more ideas [14:37] Didn't know that existed. Thanks [14:38] did you run apt update first? and a proper apt dist-upgrade # to be sure? [14:39] Thistle: I'm pretty sure you're system either has something wrong with it's data/time or SSL CA's or your ISP is messing with your connection in a bad way === esv_ is now known as esv [14:47] yes I did update it Friday though it may need to be run again. Date and time are OK. ntpq -p says I'm within a few milliseconds. I'm looking into security appliances now. [14:48] we had an openssl update recently .. [14:49] oerheks: there would be much bigger problems if the update broke CA's/certs [14:51] indeed. [14:53] i bet on ca-certificates pkg === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === JanC is now known as Guest9792 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [15:20] leftyb I did that and am back up: can I now just install kvm from synaptics and create a vm ?? [15:21] leftyfb, leftyb I did that and am back up: can I now just install kvm from synaptics and create a vm ?? [15:21] MyComputer: probably. If you need a bridge interface, use network manager to create one. [15:21] MyComputer: you could also look into lxd for creating vm's [15:22] ok, got it.. your a gem , have a super day.. saved me plenty. [15:22] lxd ? [15:22] MyComputer: https://ubuntu.com/blog/lxd-virtual-machines-an-overview [15:22] ill look into that [15:23] bookmarked [15:23] thanks leftyfb , [15:24] done [15:38] test [15:38] hellp [15:38] hello [15:38] !ask | lazyfatty2007 [15:38] lazyfatty2007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:42] hey sorry im new here [15:42] i dont know this place [15:42] see topic [15:42] !support | lazyfatty2007 [15:42] lazyfatty2007: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:43] sure you know where you are [15:43] mhm [15:43] dont ask me this question wierdo [15:43] lazyfatty2007: what do you need help with exactly? [15:43] please keep this channel family friendly, thanks. no namecalling. [15:44] nothing im just testing some stuff with Kubuntu [15:44] lazyfatty2007: feel free to test in #test [15:44] lazyfatty2007: /join #test [15:44] i do / join to test something? [15:45] ohh thanks [15:47] oh well this is alreado amazing thanks guys [15:47] already' [15:47] have fun! [16:17] marnin [16:19] is Gkrellm a good choice ? [16:20] ive noticed that the others have disappeared [16:21] yes, still supported. [16:21] not sure it woks on wayland too, originally it is an x11 package [16:21] cool beans, thanks oerheks [16:21] https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/gkrellm [16:22] Hi. any suggestions on how i can install my printer Epson XP2155 on Ubuntu 23.04 ? i download the deb file and try to install it, but it says the package have unmet dependecies. their homepage says i should have LSB installed, and i have done that. from settings it can find the printer, but the pre drivers doesnt work. it cant print some error messeges tho. [16:22] i am not using wayland. [16:23] just a side question - what is the estimated time for wayland to be matured ? [16:23] 2042 [16:23] it is used standard, on many distros. maybe there are some quirks.. [16:24] can it "on other distros" replace x now ? [16:24] some are planning to drop x11 completely. [16:25] interesting [16:25] use what you like best. [16:25] its not what i like, its what works. cool. [16:26] how far away is 2042 ? [16:26] mantise: i dont see any drivers for linux on https://www.epson.de/de_DE/support/sc/epson-expression-home-xp-2155/s/s2028?selected-tab=&selected-os=Linux [16:26] j/k [16:26] sorry for the german link :) [16:27] get a real printer, lozer [16:27] mantise: all drivers i find are for 22.04. so there may just be no available package for 23.04 (yet) [16:43] Epson XP2155 is not even in openprinting database === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:52] ravage: oerheks: yes its only for LTS i guess then. https://tutorialforlinux.com/how-to-install-epson-xp-2150-xp-2155-printer-scanner-on-ubuntu-gnu-linux-distro/ [16:52] so i cant get my printer working on ubuntu :s = i have to go buy a new printer [16:52] ehh such sites are a scam. [16:53] yes, find an other printer, or use it on windows only? [16:54] oerheks: they are ? but for what reason ? virus or? i dont use windows at all. :) isnt that why we use ubuntu. to avoid windows [16:55] can anyone suggest a cheap but good printer for home use, that is good with linux/ubuntu ? [16:55] no info at all.. [16:55] mantise: HP printers have worked for me [16:56] most epson printers have great supported [16:56] HP worls as long as you buy their original Cartridges :) but this seems to be a topic for #ubuntu-discuss [16:56] just check openprinting https://www.openprinting.org/printers/manufacturer/Epson/ [16:57] if you need opinions about specific hardware === andreas is now known as freak_ [16:58] join #cyprus [17:02] ill go read about it. thank you [17:07] hello, hello, I try to install ubuntu-resstricted-extras [17:07] typo [17:07] ubuntu-restricted-extras [17:08] but get ubuntu ttf-mscorefonts-installer error - I cannot confirm OK [17:08] what to do ? [17:08] how to confirm in the ncurses screen something ? [17:08] you do this in terminal? [17:08] install fonts-arkpandora instead? [17:08] use tab to go to the selections [17:08] aha TAB [17:08] and maybe space to confirm [17:36] is there an permanent issue with the MS Core Fonts installer? [17:38] no, he could not get the selection, told him about the tab key [17:38] and space === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:53] Hello, regarding ubuntu 22.02 lts. I know multiple people has encounter lenovo ideapad3 bright f-keys not working. Is there known a workaround? [18:06] hello, is there a known workaround for brightness fn keys not working on Lenovo Ideapad3 on 22.02 LTS [18:06] ? [18:07] nope, i searched forums, even arch and github https://github.com/topics/lenovo-ideapad [18:08] file a bugreport? this one is old https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1948505 [18:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1948505 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen Brightness keys do not work on Lenovo IdeaPad 3" [Undecided, Confirmed] [18:10] Thanks [18:11] How can I add information to the bug? [18:11] like those "DistroRelease: Ubuntu 21.10 [18:11] Package: linux-image-5.13.0-20-generic 5.13.0-20.20 [18:11] ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 5.13.0-20.20-generic 5.13.14 [18:11] Uname: Linux 5.13.0-20-generic x86_64 [18:11] ApportVersion: 2.20.11-0ubuntu70 [18:13] no need to, lauchpad bugreport adds all the info we need. automaticly. [18:13] just write what you experience, ubuntu version, kernel version written out is handy too [18:14] okay, thanks [18:15] !bug [18:15] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command << ubuntu-bug >> - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [18:26] I have only one question : why does ubuntu in here when calling a command with sudo asks FOR REGULAR user password, for account it has been called from ? [18:27] paul424: https://medium.com/@asmaeziani47/understanding-the-difference-between-sudo-and-root-in-linux-528c84e9b43d [18:28] 1st account created on ubuntu, has sudo priv. [18:29] and that would be the same user password [18:29] paul424: btw, sudo works the same on all linux distro's. Not just ubuntu. [18:29] I know, years ago I tried to configure sudoers file for Slackware and it was pain in the ass [18:32] The dangers of using Root ... blah blah. .... BUT on both root and sudo you are a god and can do equal harm to the system if doing wrongly [18:33] paul424: don't make a habit of typing sudo before every command. Especially when interacting in anything in your home directory or with ssh or anything involving GUI applications [18:33] paul424: the only time a typical desktop user should be using sudo is with installing updates or new packages [18:34] paul424: there's almost no reason to ever login as root directly [18:34] I know , but I am in the after installation - configure system period, where I have to do apt install or snap install [18:34] leftyfb, oki good to know === deepSleep is now known as Guest3665 [20:35] As an old school mainframe administrator, and a DOS power user, I prefer to become root to do general maintenance rather than having to type "sudo" for each step. [20:36] Most of the modern Windows/Linux environments were done that way as well. [20:36] I've never seen a pro system that required sudo per-task. [20:37] feel free to use sudo -s [20:37] -i [20:38] That's fairly common. [20:38] I do use su to become specific users from time to time. [20:57] When starting system I keep getting a window " a system program error has been detected. Should it be raised and send now ?" what's up ? [20:58] does that dialog box show you any details about it? eg the program, or error messages, etc? [20:59] hi all i had another upgrade failure on fossa,how would i know its false alarm ? the dialog box for the upgrade went as far as CLEANING then the last message was upgrade failed [21:00] sarnold, problem is : it doesn't [21:05] xdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id) [21:05] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/how-to-add-more-info-to-an-uploaded-crash-report/21263/3 [21:06] if you hit yes to send [21:15] yay oerheks, thanks for tracking down the links :) [21:19] nameful: at that point try "sudo apt -f install" "sudo apt -y full-upgrade" "sudo apt -y autoremove" one after the other and continue if you see not errors [21:20] oerheks, no erros have been reporte from this sytem [21:20] :( [21:20] ravage, noted. tnx mate [21:22] oerheks, why is that : [21:22] ? [21:22] if it did not send, then there is no online report [21:23] gosh , tommorow I give back the laptop to my friend , and would like that there are no such message errors [21:23] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker [21:23] err the previous link gives local reports solutions too [21:27] seems this message box shows after I ctrl-c sudo apt install codecs-extras or something [21:27] what to do, oerheks ? [21:30] heay === ord is now known as quem [21:51] hi, I have a question about constant freezing/crashing. I suddenly started seeing constant freezing/crashing on my system. I backed everything up and reinstalled but I still see the crashes. When I use my system with software rendering. I don't experience crashes but it's obviously slow. The system is 8th gen intel 8550u with an intel iGPU. Same behvaiour with 22.04, 23.04. Do you have any advice on debugging. Memtest and badblocks are clean. [21:52] Is this a hardware failure? [22:02] eruditehermit: Have you cleaned the computer lately? Blown all the dust out? [22:02] eruditehermit, if the bios gives overclock options, do not use them, and see what happens [22:02] give max mem to the igpu [22:03] look for bios updates ... [22:07] jeremy31, oerheks the bios doesn't have any GPU options and there are no overclocks. It is about 5 years old. No bios updates remaining. [22:08] jeremy31, oerheks it seems to crash in a similar way on Windows though it takes a lot longer to crash on windows. Ubuntu it's almost immediate on login screen. [22:08] jeremy31, oerheks I've never seen an iGPU go bad but could this be that? [22:09] jeremy31, I took it apart and cleaned it after this started happening. blew off the dust [22:10] jeremy31, I didn't disassemble it completely though. I could take the mainboard out and try cleaning more [22:10] it's a bad time to have to spend money on a new laptop which is why I'm trying to keep it alive [22:40] how can I setup the screen to run in 256-color PseudoColor mode in ubuntu? Im trying to play doom [22:44] sotaoverride: sudo apt install chocolate-doom [22:44] im trying to run the doom I compiled using the original source etc [22:44] they already did that for you [22:45] yeah but I have some mods etc of my own [22:45] need to run my compiled version [22:46] could new thermal paste save a cpu/igpu? [22:48] eruditehermit: only if temperarture is a problem. https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-sensors-lm-sensors-on-ubuntu-debian-linux/ === shokohsc2 is now known as shokohsc [23:15] sotaoverride: hah, that sounds like a fun challenge. these instructions seem promising, but they're nine years old, so .. who knows if they still work .. https://web.archive.org/web/20141029064912/http://jeffskinnerbox.me/posts/2014/Apr/29/howto-using-xephyr-to-create-a-new-display-in-a-window/ === rob is now known as Guest3567 === www2 is now known as Guest1858 === jean-paul_ is now known as www2