[03:30] can someone help me everytime i turn off my computer the backlit keyboard stays on i have a sus rebulic of gamers s laptop! [03:30] asus* [03:30] republic of gamers [03:50] ezekiel, press F7 should turn off or on keyboard back light [03:51] madmax, all the time? [03:51] thats a hassle [03:52] madmax, i didnt habve this problem with kde neon! [03:52] Hello [07:29] I have a question concerning kde plasma. Is it possible to install on top of a "regular" ubuntu installation? [07:39] To start viber [07:39] on Kubuntu 22.04 with graphics card drivers [07:39] from here: https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/oibaf/graphics-drivers/ubuntu/jammy main [07:39] you need to open the Kate text editor built into kubuntu [07:39] type in a few letters in each language which are installed in the system and that's it [07:39] after that, viber will start up [07:41] user|21: yes. "sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop" [07:43] just curious - are there any reasons to use viber an dnot whatsapp? whatsapp I only needed to take a picture with my phone and now it works in firefox [08:48] hey [08:49] anyone around [08:53] i'm round === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === joe is now known as Guest2735 [16:28] I used the start menu, selected games, scrolled down to StarConflict and it crashed my whole system, said some kio... file in .config home was not writeable. After restart it failed at initramfs and I reinstalled the system from scratch [16:30] I only installed steaminstaller StarConflict Discordapp and TreeStyle tab / a theme / ublock on firefox so this shouldnt matter so much [16:32] Discordapp was working fine mobile tar.gz but deb gives an infinite-loop error message [16:32] StarConflict has no sound... Every app I try has some bugs [22:12] Hello everyone [22:13] Does this mean I am going to get my Firefox downgraded? https://imgur.com/a/H4PeFvn [22:13] 404 [22:14] why would firefoxs downgrade? it is a snap. [22:15] https://imgur.com/Lw3o8R7 [22:15] sorry [22:15] oerheks: ^ [22:16] no, that meand 113.0.2 gets installed over 113.0 [22:16] flatpak info https://pastebin.com/Dh0qrKWg [22:16] oerheks: then why is the arrow pointing in the wrong direction? [22:17] it looks weird, flatpak ? [22:18] yep [22:18] oerheks: fyi https://imgur.com/jua9AO7 [22:18] firefox seems already the newest [22:19] so, you have flatpak and snap firefox? [22:19] no [22:19] and this screenshot is old, you already updates? [22:20] only firefox as flatpak [22:20] no [22:20] the screenshort was taken just now [22:20] I haven't updated yet [22:20] one could file a bugreport, but i read it as the 1st number gets installed over the last one [22:21] Ya I was thinking about filing a bug report but wanted a second opinion [22:21] oerheks: Ya that would be, only thing is firefox is already seems updated [22:21] I guess its a bug [22:30] oerheks: I refreshed and closed discover again and now its showing correctly as 113.02 -> 114.0 [22:31] I guess something wrong with the flatpak [22:32] no, this page shows 114 https://flathub.org/apps/org.mozilla.firefox [22:32] so, snap lags behind .. [22:32] hmmm https://snapcraft.io/firefox [22:33] maybe i should refresh snaps.. [22:33] yes, pulling in 114 [22:33] oerheks: no snap https://pastebin.com/xiDrbpwG [22:33] sudo snap refresh [22:34] "All snaps up to date." [22:34] yes, but you have no firefox snap [22:34] oerheks: I am in the process of dumping snaps [22:34] oerheks: yes, I am only using a flatpak one [22:35] snap doesn't do well with the upstream kernel [22:35] having Apparmor issues and so unable to launch snap apps [22:36] oerheks: If nothing else, can I update? [22:37] you just showed 114 is ready to install ? [22:37] do so [22:37] ya, ok [22:37] done [22:38] oerheks: Thank you [22:38] have fun!