
juerghghavil: Mainline builds as well as the mainline-crack repo are special and different from the regular Ubuntu kernels.Basically, we pull from upstream whenever there's a new tag, then pull in the debian/ packaging files from the closest Ubuntu kernel, massage the configs, commit and tag (cod/mainline/<upstream_tagname>) and push to virgin/testing/crack.git. Then shove build requests into a build queue to trigger builds on remote machines09:35
juerghand later collect build results/artifacts and put them on https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline.09:35
juerghlogs and summary.yamls give some more info on tags and hashes and what not.09:41
juerghAll the scripts behind that: https://git.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/+git/kteam-tools/tree/mainline-build09:42
juerghNote that we're in the process of migrating the mainline builds to a different infrastructure which seems to cause issues every once in a while. Like syncing tags to LP...09:44
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