=== LjL is now known as RENT === RENT is now known as LjL === Irrelevant86 is now known as Irrelevant8 === gnubio is now known as biodigital [01:42] I want to install Ubuntu into an empty subvolume of an existing btrfs filesystem within a LUKS container. I have a bootable thumb drive of the 23.04 legacy installer ISO. I've decrypted the LUKS in another tty. Is there a way to achieve what I want using hidden options to the installer and/or virtual block devices, chroot, or something else? === tass4 is now known as tass === ubuntu is now known as Guest9951 [02:13] test [02:14] pong === esv_ is now known as esv === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [03:27] Nobody seeing this knows? [03:32] what did you ask [03:36] What should lunar sources list as at default look like-i've messed with mine and wish to return to default state. Is using this list safe? [03:36] https://gist.github.com/hakerdefo/9c99e140f543b5089e32176fe8721f5f [03:37] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 23.04" [03:38] planning on making a bup b4 i change anything-just curious about what the default looks like; what lines; which uncommented? [03:44] ??????ubuntu???????,???2019 ????ari14IWL [03:44] ????? [03:51] hino: There is a example sources.list file >> /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list . [03:54] ty Bashing-om [03:55] hino: :D Pleased to help. [04:06] I want to install Ubuntu into an empty subvolume of an existing btrfs fs within LUKS. I have a bootable thumb drive of the 23.04 legacy installer ISO. I've decrypted the LUKS in another tty. Is there a way to achieve what I want using hidden options to the installer and/or "fake" block devices, chroot, or something else? [04:11] hino: ? [05:58] Can anyone tell me whether this is still accurate with respect to the Ubuntu legacy installer's behavior? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2dvokd/comment/cjufq5h/ [08:43] The legacy installer for 23.04 is hanging on "removing conflicting operating system files" on my machine. I see reports of this problem going back 11 years. [08:44] The few "solutions" I see involve not pointing the installer to an existing /home. I'm not. [09:12] hello. Given somelib.so, is there a way to find corresponding deb package(s) which use it? The package is not necessarily installed on my system [09:25] paop, sudo apt install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; apt-file search libfoo1.2-3.so [09:25] ogra I see thanks [09:46] Hello, hello I install a laptop for my friend : would he ever need ny other repository then main, restricted, universe, multiverse ( the ones which are enabled by default???) [09:48] malwina: tak [09:49] so what to install else ? [09:51] malwina: nothing [09:52] malwina: i usually also install stacer cool-retro-term htop screen zsh # and a bunch of other things, but depends what he wants to do? [09:52] oki thanks [10:28] I am reviewing some audit requirements. I have this one and cannot think of how the "rationale" is possible. Can anyone present a scenario - https://www.tenable.com/audits/items/CIS_Debian_Linux_9_Workstation_v1.0.1_L1.audit:76d3fa4994467b61dc320182c1ba734f [10:30] also, isn't root always gid 0? [10:38] I installed wine , but no icon in the menu application shows up ... what's up ? [10:39] I can only type from the terminal wine .... but that's nt [10:39] not nice* [10:39] weedmic: normally is [10:41] if you type "nice wine" it's nicer? normally wine takes takes an argument to launch. should be easy to write your own .desktop file for it taking arguments === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [11:04] It looks like Snaps are not getting updates. In particular Gnome devs are not updating their apps on Snap store. Do they want Ubuntu users to use Fedora? [11:04] more like they want them to use Debian! [11:06] Either way they need to update their apps or just remove them. [11:06] I am testing Fedora in a VM, and it is consuming more RAM than Ubuntu. **sigh** [11:07] debian updates their apps (aka packages) [11:07] Tweaked Gnome on Ubuntu is slightly better than latest Gnome on Fedora. [11:07] which fedora version, kernel version? using zram or without? doing what? [11:07] from 100 machines i've got 2 leaking memory (gnome-shell) [11:09] F38, Kernel 6.xx without zram. It's plain testing of my development environment on Fedora. Running my git repos, testing firefox, a bit of few more browsers. [11:10] I cannot forget Gnome memory leaks back in 2017/18-> 17.10 or 18.04 as much I remember and they way Canonical fixed it. [11:10] edge? chromium? google-chrome? something else? which? as ff as deb or snap? === shokohsc5 is now known as shokohsc [11:12] FF as snap. [11:27] you can find out which apps are snap with "snap -list" [12:40] tarzeau: You are managing 100 Linux desktops? [12:43] jhutchins: no, 320 [12:43] jhutchins: i just picked 100 because then you can say 2% [12:44] jhutchins: but it's like 800 active users. avg installed packages is 4k, these two are very helpful: [12:44] https://github.com/alexmyczko/ruptime [12:45] https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/tree/master/config.sys [12:45] jhutchins: how many for you? [13:00] tarzeau: About 1500, but all servers, no desktops (except my own). [13:00] tarzeau: Past tence, retired now. [13:01] jhutchins: well mine are partly multi user desktops in the serverroom so, not sure if it's server or desktop [13:01] jhutchins: nice. what field? what did the servers had to do? and anything special you can tell about? [13:02] tarzeau: Nothing particularly special. One was a specialized publishing company. Industrial journals like Aviation Week. [13:02] tarzeau: The other processed citizen interactions with state governments, including payments of licenses and fees. [13:02] nice, if you into aviation check out: https://www.aiei.ch/airports/ and https://www.flickr.com/photos/aiei/sets/72157650144744776/with/24400951973/ [13:02] tarzeau: Yours? [13:03] science, ethz.ch d-phys, + d-baug, + d-biol [13:03] tarzeau: Ah, labs? [13:03] https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=gurkan%40phys.ethz.ch [13:03] not only, offices, and labs as well yes. very interesting labs (expensive) [13:04] started with 10mbit+100mbit and linux (before did solaris), 32-bit, then came 64bit and meanwhile after gbit, 10gbit and 100gbit [13:05] like back 18 years ago disks were very slow and well 128 gb, meanwhile we're using 20 tb disks and/or nvme/ssd combinations or jbods 80gb. production data 4 pt, backup 4 pt (a bit less due compression) [13:05] I think we've drifted off-topic here. Nice to hear about what you're doing though. [13:05] ah an it's nice to have 256 cores, 2 tb memory... [13:06] and well gpus. A100, 4090, 3080, 2080, 1080 and A6000, A5500 single up to 8 [13:06] true [13:07] jhutchins: if you want to post: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/enterprise-desktop-usage-ubuntu-advantage/27417 [14:25] Hi, i need help with Ubuntu. How can i schedule some tasks weekly? [14:26] torrki: https://opensource.com/article/20/7/systemd-timers [14:26] thanks [15:54] I'm trying to install featherwallet which is an appimage. Now, do I need to install something first? [15:55] libfuse2 probably [15:56] What are the current support sources for certbot/letsencrypt? [15:56] snap, i guess https://snapcraft.io/certbot [15:57] ioria: thx [15:57] ok [15:57] I wouldn't expect a certbot issue to be covered by snap support, but I'll look. [15:58] oh, that kind of support , github says the page [15:58] https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues [15:59] Yeah, that's what I got from the snap page. Again, development/package support, not so much user support. [16:00] The system appears to be working correctly, but needs maintenance/cleanup. [16:00] well, certbot is a classic snap ... thats pretty much just a tarball on steroids with some fancy bells and whistles ... not much "packaging" [16:02] (i.e. te snap system doesnt have much impact in classic mode execpt being the delivery mechanism ... think any stuff you'd extract to /opt ... just with rollback features etc) [16:02] Right, so package support is not what I need, I need operational support. [16:03] Clearly beyond the topic of this channel, but it appears that they shut down their irc channel in 2018. [16:04] So I'm actually looking for someone with actual knowledge of operational support for certbot. [16:04] they have an unofficial channel here, maybe on an other network too? [16:04] oerheks: Haven't found it yet. Supposedly there's a discourse forum, I'll see where that gets me. [16:05] #certbot [16:05] oerheks: Correct. [16:40] how do I install libxcb-cursor.so.0 ? Looking to install the feather wallet for monero. [16:41] !find libxcb-cursor.so [16:41] File libxcb-cursor.so found in libxcb-cursor-dev, libxcb-cursor0 [16:41] !info libxcb-cursor0 [16:41] libxcb-cursor0 (0.1.1-4ubuntu1, lunar): utility libraries for X C Binding -- cursor. In component universe, is extra. Built by xcb-util-cursor. Size 11 kB / 39 kB [16:41] make sure you have universe enabled [16:42] oerheks: thx [16:42] xcb-util-cursor [16:44] E: Unable to locate package xcb-util-cursor [16:44] hmm, I think that I have universe enabled on apt [16:46] what happens when you try libxcb-cursor0 ? [16:46] does it pull in others? [16:49] libxcb-cursor0 is already the newest version (0.1.1-4ubuntu1). [16:50] no, libxcb-cursor0 doesn't pull in anything else. [16:51] why would that appimage need those packages [16:51] https://featherwallet.org/files/releases/linux-appimage/feather-2.4.9.AppImage [16:52] I don't know. I'll try the AppImage as above. [16:52] xcb-util-cursor-0.1.3-15.fc37 [16:52] FedoraProject.org [16:52] https://packages.fedoraproject.org > pkgs > fedora-37 [16:52] View xcb-util-cursor-0.1.3-15.fc37 in Fedora 37. xcb-util-cursor: Cursor library ... libxcb-cursor.so.0()(64bit); xcb-util-cursor; xcb-util-cursor(x86-64) ... [16:52] Ubuntu 20.04 xcb [16:52] JetBrains [16:53] .. wrong channel, we are ubuntu [17:31] what is linux-image-5.15.0-1026-nvidia === mbeierl_ is now known as mbeierl [17:32] is this linux kernel with nvidia included stuff? [17:32] what is linux-image-5.15.0-1026-nvidia [17:34] Supports Nvidia processors. [17:34] Geared toward desktop and server systems.You likely do not want to install this package directly. [17:34] Instead, install the linux-nvidia meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. [17:34] ahh makes sense [17:35] i tried the low latency kernel on a server to see if it would make any difference on a nodejs app [17:35] https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-nvidia/log/?h=ubuntu/jammy [17:35] no difference at all [17:35] it is a testing package, not in production [17:35] you would not get it automaticly [17:58] i had a not very nice person do this to my server [17:58] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/trgB2NPSY5/ [17:58] any ideas how i can/should repair? [18:00] attempting to install package gives this [18:00] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XmtkX2FkR8/ [18:01] goddard: your first paste tells you what to run to fix the issue: sudo apt --fix-broken install [18:01] it fails [18:02] same error as my second link [18:02] goddard: why do you need the lowlatency kernel and linux-tools-common? [18:02] i dont need them any more [18:02] i didn't install this [18:02] this is just the mess i am left with [18:03] i can't uninstall it either === Furna is now known as Furna_ [18:03] goddard: sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-lowlatency linux-tools-common linux-intel-iotg-tools-common [18:04] same error [18:04] still the same issue as days ago? [18:04] telling me to fix broken [18:05] should i use -f [18:05] sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-lowlatency linux-tools-common linux-intel-iotg-tools-common 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/apt.log && cat /tmp/apt.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:05] boot in an older kernel? dunno ,.. [18:06] dont believe me :D [18:06] https://termbin.com/tiim [18:06] same as second link i posted truly [18:07] goddard: sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-lowlatency linux-tools-common linux-intel-iotg-tools-common linux-lowlatency-tools [18:07] 35 not upgraded .. time to do that first? [18:07] nothing works [18:07] cant upgrade can't uninstall cant install anything [18:07] sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-lowlatency linux-tools-common linux-intel-iotg-tools-common linux-lowlatency-tools 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/apt.log && cat /tmp/apt.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:07] we'll keep moving along at each package it complains about [18:08] https://termbin.com/ihk0 [18:09] goddard: sudo apt remove --purge linux-lowlatency* linux-tools-common [18:09] goddard: what release of ubuntu is this? [18:09] linux-intel-iotg-tools-common .. that was the package you had trouble with a few days ago? [18:10] no i never talked about this perviously [18:10] maybe it was the guy that did this [18:10] haha [18:10] no, it was you [18:10] nope [18:11] funny, our package is called linux-intel-iotg-5.15-tools-common === deepSleep is now known as Guest6637 [18:19] maybe i can reboot into the non-low latency kernel and then remove this? [18:20] i dont think i have ever tried to uninstall a kernel i cam currently using === ord is now known as quem [18:20] have to edit grub or something? [18:20] don't do any of that [18:22] goddard: sudo apt remove --purge linux-intel-iotg-tools-common linux-nvidia-5.19-tools-common linux-nvidia-tools-common linux-tools-common linux-image-lowlatency linux-lowlatency-tools [18:22] same error unfortunately [18:23] goddard: it's still complaining about linux-lowlatency-tools ? [18:23] yep [18:23] i never had an issue like this before [18:23] goddard: what release of ubuntu is this? [18:24] that would be in the 35 updates waiting.. [18:24] 22.04 [18:26] i looked at his history and he used aptitude if that makes a difference which i doubt [18:26] aptitude has been known to break things [19:51] hello [19:52] can u recommend a speech recognition to word for me [19:54] Can you recommend a speech recognition to word for me? [19:56] google docs has that buildin, but requires a network connection https://www.debugpoint.com/speech-recognition-to-text-in-linux-ubuntu-using-google-docs [19:56] else look at these, none are perfect https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-linux-speech-recognition-tools-open-source-software/ [19:58] jaco: try: "apt-cache search speech recognition" -- there's a handful of packages listed there, perhaps one will suit your needs" [19:59] i played with simon, a huge learning curve [20:00] Commercial voice recognition has gotten pretty good these days, I have no idea what software they're using. [20:01] I worked with Dragon Dictate for a while a couple of days ago. [20:06] i dont know a method available right now but mycroft assistant may work [20:07] open source and has a native kde plasma plugin [20:10] oh mycroft is not in that list, good spot [20:15] i heard the company behind it isn't doing so good, but they did manage to release mark II [20:16] its a cool device but software does need more work [20:16] their infrastructure is pretty rad [20:44] hello ubuntu === eXekutor9 is now known as eXekutor === Liowenex_ is now known as Liowenex [22:35] Document scanner and "Failed to connect" Using Makulu linux... Based on Ubuntu LTS .. any help pls [22:36] but i can see the ready to scan button [22:36] and can use the same maching to pring] [22:36] Print [22:46] Greetings. I am trying to install dropbox on ubuntu 22.04 but I get this error: ropbox depends on libgtk-4-1 (>= 4.8.0); however: [22:46] Version of libgtk-4-1:amd64 on system is 4.6.6+ds-0ubuntu1. [22:47] how can I fix this? [22:50] OlMan: It's a lot easier for us to troubleshoot if you'll install Ubuntu and see if you have the same problem with it. === blacktop is now known as brutex [22:51] DynamiteDan: What's the source of your dropbox package? Sounds like conflicting architecture. [22:51] DynamiteDan, looks like the package has not been built for 22.04 then ... ask at dropbox === brutex is now known as blacktop [22:51] WOw Really... after a clean format and install of a Ubuntu LTS os.... why would i go through all that trouble if someone might know the fix [22:52] OlMan, well, this is an ubuntu support channel ... how would we know what changes, hacks and modifications Makulu does ? [22:53] ogra well thats true for sure but seriously, shouldnt the hardware be of a similar structure if it is based off Ubuntu ? [22:53] OlMan, see the topic (especially the second half) [22:54] orga Not sure what you mean [22:54] "Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here " [22:54] i see and thanks.. im new to all this and dont even know how to get to them ? [22:55] looks like they have https://www.makululinux.com/wp/forums/ [22:55] so then dont have a live xchat ? [22:56] no idea ... that above was the first hit on google for "makulu support" ... perhaps there is a chat if yu look around a little [22:57] orga ok and thanks again. never knew how much "learning" id have to do just to answer some questions lol.. have to learn how to look around now lol === shokohsc3 is now known as shokohsc [23:13] I have an Xbox controller, which on Arch works perfectly and on Ubuntu 22.04 does not: the keys are mixed up. [23:14] Is there anything I need to install/configure? [23:31] lucenera: antimicro may allow you to change the actions of the controller buttons [23:32] It's what I use to bind keyboard keys to the controller's buttons [23:57] why are mc and tigervnc updates coming from esm apps and not from the normal updates?