
RikMills[m]santa_: are you going to update gear to 23.04.2 tars, out tomorrow?19:54
RikMills[m]I would think it makes sense to do so.....19:55
RikMills[m]Instead of uploading 23.04.119:55
mmikowskiRikMills[m] Looks like I might have time to investigate flutter + ISO this weekend. Is building off 22.04 LTS ok with you? Or do you prefer a different base?20:09
=== ahoneybun[m]1 is now known as ahoneybun[m]
santa_RikMills[m]: yes21:35
santa_the kdepim drama is done21:35
santa_I will have tomorrow more time than usual for kubuntu21:35
santa_also I found today another corner case bug in KA21:35

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