
Terry49I'm new to linux and would like to install it on an old PC laptop (Toshiba Portege M200). It's 32-bit, and has pretty low specs (Intel Pentium M, 1GB ram). Can someone point me to the best release?22:10
geniiTerry49: There are no more supported 32bit *buntu distributions. Your best bet is probably Debian, and then LXDE/LXQt22:14
Terry49genii Thanks, does it matter if they are not supported?22:15
Terry49I found this: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/22:15
geniiYes, because no more updates...critically security updates. Also the mirrors are frozen in archives22:16
Terry49Ah, ok22:16
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) was the 28th release of Ubuntu. Support ended May 31st, 2023. See !eol, !pro and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-May/000290.html22:16
Terry49genii Of the ones mentioned, which would have best drivers for old hardware?22:16
Terry49The M200 was this weird tablet/laptop and has a stylus...22:17
genii*buntu is a Debian derivative, they share a common driver base22:17
Terry49I tried AntiX, which apparently would works according to this post (https://munk.org/typecast/2019/05/01/antix-17-4-1-i386-on-sweet-16-toshiba-portege-m200/), but could not get it to install.22:18
Terry49Ok, so Debian it is, then :)22:18
geniiThere are also other distributions for lower end older machines like Damn Small Linux, but with Debian you will get a wider selection of applications and larger user base when seeking support22:20
Terry49genii Ok, looking into Debian.22:21
geniiHardware wise, the single most effective thing you could do to also increase the performance is to swap out any platter based drive with an SSD22:24
Terry49Is that possible with the chipset/ports on this old laptop?  It only has IDE afaik22:25
geniiIDE/PATA SSDs exist :)22:26
Terry49Hmm, wow.22:26
geniiFor instance I have one of these in an ancient old Toshiba Satellite https://www.amazon.ca/128GB-KingSpec-2-5-inch-SM2236-Controller/dp/B0091T4ZWU22:28
Terry49genii That's pretty cool. I imagine that is a big boost to access times. The old Hitachi 60GB mechanical is slow :P22:29
Terry49Loading nicely... Thanks for this advice genii. I really was dreading using WindowsXP SP3 Tablet OS to use the machine. We'll see if I can get the stylus to work.22:34
geniiTerry49: There is also #linux channel for general Linux support on Libera IRC, Debian has it's home channel on OFTC IRC network but there is also a #debian channel here on Libera 22:37

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