
oerheksyes. install, logout/login or reboot00:01
Raiinzenoerheks,  sorry for my beginner questions.  How do I get that package?  Do I use wget for that?00:06
marcopolo1Hi, whenever my screensaver turns on and computer goes to sleep i always get some weird graphical bugs when i log back in00:08
RaiinzenWhen I install firmware-sof-signed, I get this  " sudo apt install firmware-sof-signed00:14
RaiinzenReading package lists... Done00:15
RaiinzenBuilding dependency tree... Done00:15
RaiinzenReading state information... Done00:15
Raiinzenfirmware-sof-signed is already the newest version (2.0-1ubuntu4.1).00:15
Raiinzenfirmware-sof-signed set to manually installed.00:15
RaiinzenWas getting a weird can't send message.  Update to my last few posts, it says that I already have firmware-sof-signed.00:17
WaVRaiinzen: You were muted for sending several messages back-to-back. In the future, use a pastebin.00:20
WaV!paste | Raiinzen00:20
ubottuRaiinzen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:20
RaiinzenUnderstood, thank you, my apologies!00:22
svm_invictvsUbuntu is gnome based right?01:31
svm_invictvsWhere does gnome keep its logs?01:31
svm_invictvsAnd why would gnome stop handling URLs from Firefox?01:31
Raiinzenoerheks may I ask you what I should do if the firmware is already installed, but it doesn't resolve the issue?  Please feel free to ignore, just thought I'd ask.01:32
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
NickHsvm_invictvs: try "journalctl --user --since yesterday" or similar.02:43
dabblerThere's some problem with the handoff from my machine's EFI to GRUB. So I'm using the GRUB of a live disc to chainload my machine's GRUB. I've gotten that far, but it gives me my machine's GRUB prompt instead of its menu. Does anyone know how I can access its menu instead?02:48
dabblerOr just make it execute the first menu entry's commands02:52
preachif it's not loading the menu it's usually because it can't02:54
preachmaybe the file doesn't exist where it's looking or the filesystem isn't supported02:54
dabblerThe EFI system partition's filesystem and .efi file location within it haven't changed since it worked. What's changed is that I had to reinstall Ubuntu, and opted to change my /boot filesystem from ext4 to btrfs. Anyway, I'm not really trying to troubleshoot that yet. There're some Mac-specific concerns potentially involved. I just want to get my system booted using my installer USB03:04
akikwhat does this error message mean on ubu 22.04?03:16
akik"/system.slice/vncserver-akik.service is not a snap group" (i'm trying to start firefox)03:17
akikdabbler: i had /boot on btrfs for fedora so it should be possible03:18
akikdabbler: try "insmod btrfs" and start browsing the files with "ls"03:19
akikdabbler: so for example: ls (hd0,gpt1)/03:19
akikdabbler: when you find grub.cfg, use "configfile (hd0,gpt1)/.../grub.cfg03:20
dabblerakik: is that file within /boot?03:23
dabblerI see a grub.efi, but no .cfg03:24
akikdabbler: there's one in the efi esp that's kind of a stub file that references the one in /boot/grub03:24
akikdabbler: maybe that's your problem if you don't see grub.cfg at all03:25
dabblerI've got a /EFI/grub/mach_kernel and a /EFI/ubuntu/.../boot.efi . (The exact path for the latter is just to satisfy the Mac UEFI firmware.) My GRUB used to work in this condition03:30
akikdabbler: you can try booting by manually loading the kernel and initramfs03:30
akikdabbler: you need to find the right partition for those files first03:31
dabblerI know the partition. I'm just not sure the commands necessary to deal with my / being in a LUKS container and btrfs subvol within that03:32
akikthen in grub> linux (hdn,gpt1)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXN ro03:32
akikthen in grub> initrd (hdn,gpt1)/boot/initrd03:32
akikthen in grub> boot03:32
akiki don't know on which partition they're for you03:32
akikfor btrfs it might be rootflags=subvol=@ instead of root=03:33
dabblerMy second partition contains /boot03:33
akiki have root=UUID= but i don't know how to get the uuid in grub03:34
akikso maybe root=/dev/sdXN would work too03:34
akikso maybe in grub> linux (hdn,gpt1)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXN rootflags=subvol=@ ro03:35
dabblerI have to decrypt / first03:35
akikargh :)03:35
dabblerLooking at GRUB's cryptomount command now03:36
akikdabbler: somebody says that "ls -l" in grub> shows the uuid03:37
akikdabbler: "ls -l" didn't work for me03:40
dabblerakik: Good to know. I just remembered: I don't think GRUB can decrypt my LUKS2 container, only the kernel can. When I try cryptomount on it with the correct password it tells me it's wrong. I think it's because it doesn't support the key derivation function it uses03:43
dabblerIt does print the UUID (of the partition, I assume), though. Maybe that's what I have to pass to the kernel?03:44
akikdabbler: i have the encryption setup on my laptop at work, not here at home03:45
akikdabbler: ls -l worked for you?03:45
dabblerakik: it looks like it prints filesystem UUIDs, but not partition UUIDs03:47
akikdabbler: isn't the filesystem uuid the thing you want?03:48
dabblerakik: GRUB can't see the / filesystem because it can't decrypt it03:48
dabblerI'm looking at the kernel documentation to see if I can figure out what must be passed to tell it to decrypt /03:49
dabblerHmm I wonder if the instruction to decrypt is baked into initrd.03:59
dabblerAnyone else here have a LUKS-encrypted / with a separate /boot? I'd like to know the right form of the grub commands and yours could be a reference04:21
dabblerakik: I got it! Thanks for your help! :)05:06
akikdabbler: how ?05:07
akikthese things should be documented in the ubuntu wiki05:08
dabblerakik: where (hd3,gpt2)/1 is the btrfs subvol containing /boot and, once the kernel is loaded, /dev/sda3 will contain my encrypted / ...05:21
dabblerFor some reason it drops me into an initramfs shell and I still have to decrypt with cryptsetup then 'exit' to continue, so there's something not quite right about the above, but altogether it works haha05:22
akikhow did you open the encryption?05:23
dabblerOnce someone's installation works, they can always just get their tailored commands from grub.cfg (?) for future reference, but it would be nice to have it in the wiki too05:24
dabblercryptsetup open --allow-discards /dev/sda3 system05:24
dabblerThat's it05:25
dabblerIt prompts you for the password in between, of course05:25
dabblerThe --allow-discards is optional05:26
dabblerArch wiki to the rescue again haha05:26
dabblerhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/kernel_parameters#GRUB and https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/System_configuration#cryptdevice05:28
akikbookmarked :)05:29
dabblerNow to get grub working properly...05:29
dreamonhello, Im learing "home-assistant" where I connect to by ssh. now my question. there is autocompletion tool working that is great. I want it on Ubuntu too. dont know where to find. It works this way: you only typ some thing like cat and it shows your last used case this command ghostwritten. it changes by what your typing. really nice. to tab to autocomplete is needed.05:53
dreamonhow can I find out what is installed in home-assistant, or does anybody know what kind of software this is?05:54
alkisg1dreamon: it might be the "fish" shell, https://fishshell.com/05:55
dreamonalkisg1, Thats it.. !! Thank you05:55
circleHi is it possible to tell remotely (via ssh) whether the GUI is active vs one of the virtual terminals (Cntl-Alt-Fn) are active? It appears that some KDE applications (Konversation) goes inactive if a virtual terminal is active.06:32
circleAnd is it possible remotely issue the equivalent to locally typing Cntl-Alt-F1, reactivating the KDE Window system?06:33
tarzeaucircle: chvt 1 ?07:00
alkisg1circle: sudo fgconsole and sudo chvt07:01
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
zzarrHello! Is it possible to tell gio to a specific network interface?07:55
zzarrto use*07:56
FrenchMaltDoes Mark Shuttleworth still come in here08:16
Wixnethello, i have a hp envy 360 15 Ryzen 5 4000 series laptop, i just finished installing ubuntu, do i need to install graphics driver etc?08:37
=== Wixnet is now known as Frenchwix
toddcFrenchwix: Video drivers are usually included Nvidia is an exception08:43
willcl-arkHow can I get libglib2.0-dev installed on kinetic? Trying to install results in this dependency problem: https://bpa.st/A5VUE08:46
willcl-arkLooks like I might need to somehow specify this version of the package? https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic-updates/libglib2.0-dev Is there a way I can specify this version with apt so that it will fetch the reight deps too?08:51
toddcwillcl-ark: https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/kinetic/main/proposed/libglib2.0-dev has some info and a apt install08:52
toddcwillcl-ark: WARNING: the "libglib2.0-dev" package was deleted from this repository  no addl info so may have a issue with it08:54
willcl-arkHmmm, well still not sure how to proceed from there? This page appears to have a non-removed version, https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/kinetic/main/updates/libglib2.0-dev but clicking the APT link just opens Software program which says I don't have permission to install software. No ideas on how I could open that as su...09:08
BardonHello, when I plug my HDD, `ls` says "Can't access 'System Volume Information': Input/Output Error"09:22
BardonI can't rm that file, it also says "Input/Output Error"09:23
zaggynlSounds like a dying disk Bardon09:30
zaggynlThat or it may need a chkdsk from windows09:31
fred_gHello, I have successfully changed my keyboard layout to japanese with 'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration'. This works beautifully in apps such as the terminal and Libre Office, but when I use applications such as Chrome, Firefox and emacs my computer not recognize this new configuration. Any ideas of how to debug are very helpful to me.09:36
Bardonzaggynl: Can I remove that faulty file from Ubuntu?09:36
Bardonzaggynl: I'll try to diagnose it with smartctl09:37
zaggynlIt's not so much a faulty file as a damaged filesystem or damaged hdd Bardon09:41
zaggynlYou need to either repair the filesystem or even replace the hdd, depending on what diagnostics say09:42
BardonOk, would I repair the fs with fsck.ext4?09:44
Bardon(it's an ext4 fsà09:44
tomreynBardon: 'System Volume Information' is a directory Windows creates on NTFS and ExFat file systems. you would not usually have such a director yon an ext4 file system.09:47
tomreynif you know the device node of the block device containing the file system this is about, such as /dev/sda3, you can run   sudo file -s /dev/sda3    to determine the file system.09:49
yes-ubuntuHello! I am using Ubuntu 22.10 and I know there is an upgrade available, which I did not do up to now. How do I trigger the installation of the update to 23.04 via the desktop interface? (and not from terminal - pure curiosity)09:50
=== ord is now known as quem
tomreynyes-ubuntu: by running the "Software Updates" application, i think09:51
yes-ubuntutomreyn: yes, you are right, thank you! :) Fingers crossed, all will go well (as my previous experiences are keeping me away from upgrades...)09:53
tomreynyes-ubuntu: make sure you have backups, have removed any third party packages and apt sources.09:54
tomreyn(and package versions)09:54
yes-ubuntutomreyn: :| ... ahm... as time goes on, I do install and uninstall stuff, without keeping track of them for such reasons? I was wondering, would it ever happen that an upgrade is installed on the system, with the grub allowing to boot into the previous version if anything malfunctions?09:58
tomreynyes-ubuntu: grub does not keep a backup of the previous grub version installed, no.10:00
tomreyngiven a working boot to grub, you can boot to a previous kernel, though10:01
vbmade2000Is there a way to persist lingering of a user service across reboot? I did "loginctl enable-linger <username>" but it doesn't make restart service after system reboot. Any help?10:08
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=== Guest729 is now known as abcX
tarzeauvbmade2000: just use cron with @reboot ?10:17
vbmade2000tarzeau I know about cron in general but not sure how to use it for start something after reboot. Is there something apart from that? Is there any setting I am missing in loginctl?10:18
weedmicvbmade2000: i missed the original question, pls repost.10:19
vbmade2000weedmic Is there a way to persist lingering of a user service across reboot? I did "loginctl enable-linger <username>" but it doesn't make restart service after system reboot. Any help?10:20
tarzeauvbmade2000: instead the usualy numbers (see man 5 crontab) you just use @reboot in EDITOR=yourchoice crontab -e10:21
weedmici believe you want to edit /etc/inittab (it is similar to autoboot.ncf from the old old days).10:21
vbmade2000tarzeau Does that require root/sudo access?10:21
weedmici thnk so, but let me look10:22
vbmade2000weedmic Sure. Is there any way using loginctl? Like some setting or arguments?10:23
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weedmicapparently I am older that I remember - i found this, it was depricated :( https://askubuntu.com/questions/220071/where-is-etc-inittab-in-ubuntu10:23
vbmade2000weedmic Ah yes. Systemd is used now a days. Loginctl is part of that I guess.10:24
vbmade2000weedmic Actually I enabled lingering using "loginctl enable <username>". This works except the restart.10:25
weedmicI now know not what to do myself10:25
weedmicty, i'll add that to my learn this new thing list10:26
vbmade2000weedmic Sure.10:26
weedmicwhere is the name of the service in "loginctl enable <username>"10:27
yes-ubunturebooting into 23.04 fingers crossed :D ...10:28
weedmicnvm - i read the man page - it isn't at all what I was looging for10:28
tarzeauvbmade2000: no, any user can do that10:29
vbmade2000tarzeau Ok. I'll still try to do something with loginctl.10:30
yes-ubuntuAfter reboot, 23.04 is so far so good ;)10:32
pierbuongiorno è il canale di ubuntu italiano?11:35
jeremy31!it | pier11:36
ubottupier: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:36
pierjeremy31 thank you11:37
weedmicanyone familiar with qemu?11:57
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=== Guest6463 is now known as abcX
BluesKajHi all12:55
u8353v[m]Guys, what's the best linux/ubuntu command to pull detailed info of what applications you have installed, and if possible where they are installed?15:11
leftyfbu8353v[m]: apt list --installed   # will list all packages installed15:13
leftyfb"where they are installed" is .....   not really worth the effort15:13
oerhekslocate <name>, which <name>15:15
oerheksapt-cache show <name> gives detailed info, you can find in softwarecenter too15:16
leftyfbu8353v[m]: mind you, the first command only lists packages installed using apt/dpkg. Not snap, appimage, flatpak, tarball, etc15:16
leftyfbu8353v[m]: what is the exact goal you are trying to achieve and why?15:17
nathan-webHow frequently is the ubuntu kernel updated? 6.4 is in rc, but the latest version I see is 6.3. Will the Ubuntu kernel be skipping straight to 6.4?15:19
oerheksnathan-web, on what ubuntu version?15:20
nathan-webErr, .0415:21
oerheksi think not, lunar gives 6.2, next mantic will have 6.3,15:22
oerheksit will get pached, but not jump to 6.415:22
nathan-webWhere can I find that roadmap?15:24
lotuspsychje!23.04 | nathan-web15:25
ubottunathan-web: Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) is the 38th release of Ubuntu and the current regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/lunar-lobster-release-notes15:25
oerheksit is by design,. not to jump to newer packages in LTS versions, and the in-between versions have a lifespan of 9 months15:25
oerheksbut do get patched, so it basicly is the same security15:25
lotuspsychjenathan-web: every ubuntu release sticks to its kernel version, at final release + the !HWE kernel (when available) as choice15:25
lotuspsychjenathan-web: is there any reason you want a latest kernel?15:26
nathan-webI see.15:26
nathan-weblotuspsychje: Yeah, I have a newer AMD card but I get occasional GPU crashes that require a reboot to be work correctly again. I am hoping there are driver improvements in 6.3 that will help.15:28
lotuspsychjenathan-web: you got a bug ID for your issue yet?15:28
oerheksyou could test next mantis 23.10 beta for that15:29
nathan-webI haven't reported it because I wanted to first see if it was fixed in 6.315:29
leftyfbnathan-web: how would it get fixed if it hasn't been reported?15:29
nathan-webAMD GPU drivers were getting frequent updates because of new cards that may fix things that were never reported.15:30
lotuspsychjenathan-web: reporting bugs is a good thing to yourself and the community, i would strongly advice it when one arises on a fresh ubuntu install15:33
u8353v[m]<leftyfb> "u8353v: what is the exact goal..." <- unfortunately i think i'll have to re-install kubuntu because i messed up the system tray where you have your apps.15:33
u8353v[m]i just don't have the time to figure out how to get things the way i did previously. as kde plasma can be a bit complex to figure things out.15:33
u8353v[m]so i just want to know what apps i have installed additionally other than the ones that came with the base system?15:33
u8353v[m]in my case minimal install !15:33
nathan-weblotuspsychje: I normally report bugs, but I try not to do it when I'm not using the latest code, because that usually the first question is: are you using the latest code?15:33
oerheksu8353v[m], look at the dpkg log, what you installed manually15:34
leftyfbthat's also going to include updates for stock packages15:35
leftyfbthis is why I used ansible15:35
lotuspsychjenathan-web: thats a bit of weird thinking, a bug would be filed when a bug arises, not depended on wich kernel15:35
oerheksapt-mark showmanual15:35
u8353v[m]leftyfb: sorry mentioning you! it's just for this issue and over!!!... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/bf3f97ea5a17dab903f0cf4358446ce21bd322f0>)15:35
* leftyfb sigh15:36
oerheksi hate it when matrix cuts off messages15:36
leftyfbyes, exactly15:36
oerheksgood luck with reinstall!15:36
leftyfbI shouldn't have to click on a link in IRC to read an IRC message15:37
nathan-weblotuspsychje: In all my years of looking at bug reports, I don't think I have ever seen a bug report that said: "I'm reporting a bug in a previos version, but it works in the latest version."15:37
ubottuUbuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) will be the 39th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2023 (https://ubottu.com/y/mm). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.15:37
oerhekssee the releasenotes, nathan-web, you can test 6.3 and newer mesa with the beta version15:38
lotuspsychjenathan-web: ubuntu has several active releases going at the same time, see !topic15:38
leftyfbnathan-web: that's exactly how SRU's work15:38
nathan-weboerheks: Yes, I might try that.15:38
nathan-webleftyfb: I've never seen the SRU acronym. What is that?15:39
leftyfbnathan-web: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:39
leftyfbnathan-web: in your case https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelUpdates15:39
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:41
u8353v[m]<oerheks> "u8353v, look at the dpkg log..." <- 💡15:41
nathan-webleftyfb: Ah, I have usually used rolling-release distributions, so this hasn't really been a thing for me.15:41
oerheksif you find an update important enough, with a patch that cannot be backported, file a SRU to get the package updated by the teams.15:41
oerheksu8353v[m], sure you can find it15:42
oerheksapt-mark showmanual # is much easier15:42
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* u8353v[m] uploaded an image: (55KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/cuYWicHRTmMgrscIwBSpZtia/image.png >15:52
paophello, is there a way to set g++-9 as g++ default (instead of 11) ? I did apt install g++-9, but I can't launch it only with "g++-9" (executing g++ runs the version 11)15:52
u8353v[m]is there a command or app/utility pulling every app under every category like | Development | Graphics | Internet |15:53
u8353v[m]this is exactly what i want!15:53
u8353v[m]or it has to be manual?15:53
oerhekspaop, to set default gcc, use sudo update-alternatives > https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-switch-between-multiple-gcc-and-g-compiler-versions-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-focal-fossa15:57
oerheksu8353v[m], not that i know, use the list apt-mark gives as a guide15:58
oerheksyou need to find the main package, that pulls other packages in, it is fun to experiment15:58
paopthanks oerheks15:59
wontfix[m]How long is Ubuntu going to run with icons that have incomplete names? Additional Driv.... Drivel? Driving directions?16:11
wontfix[m]Do wordwraps not exist within the icons? Are custom and obvious names the answer?16:12
wontfix[m]Software & Up... Upvotes? Up-to-date news? Advanced Net... Networking opportunities? Nettle tea recipes?16:14
oerheksicon names show up when you hoover over it, get used to it?16:14
wontfix[m]"You're holding it wrong"16:15
wontfix[m]If you're using a touchscreen and press it launches. If you hold it, it shows but then shrinks to allow you to move the icon16:16
wontfix[m]Text Editor is not the name of the application so I'm not sure why other applications cannot have shorthand in the same vein.16:19
lotuspsychjewontfix[m]: wishlist to the rescue16:21
=== rob is now known as Guest9283
Guest9283Very frustrating problem with sudo rejecting correct passwords. Have reset the password and it still happens, so it is definitely not that I am using an incorrect password. Also not solved by a reboot. Suggestions on next steps much appreciated.16:30
jhutchinsGuest9283: Are you a member of the correct group?16:30
Guest9283Certainly was.16:30
Guest9283Would be surprised if that had changed.16:31
Guest9283Look in sudoers?16:31
leftyfbGuest9283: please provide the exact error message via pastebin16:31
Guest9283leftyfb: It's just "sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt"16:31
leftyfbGuest9283: what do your logs say?16:32
leftyfbGuest9283: auth.log and/or syslog16:32
Guest9283Will have to do a rescue boot to look at them. One moment16:33
leftyfbwhy would you need a rescue boot?16:33
Guest9283Because I need sudo rights to look at the logs!16:33
leftyfbnot on a default install of ubuntu you don't16:34
Guest9283This one had some security hardening, so perhaps this restriction came from that.16:34
leftyfbGuest9283: and there might be your problem16:34
Guest9283It's been working with those settings for a couple of years or more16:35
ppwcan someone clarify what is the "legacy desktop installer" iso?16:39
Guest9283leftyfb: Nothing in in authlog16:39
leftyfbGuest9283: If there's absolutely nothing related in the auth.log, then you have a heavily modified system which we can't support without knowing all the ways you have modified the system that affect security16:42
leftyfbGuest9283: login and su/sudo authentications all log to auth.log by default16:43
Guest9283Ah I give up. I'm just going to delete this machine and start from scratch. Thanks for your help anyway.16:48
ravageppw: 23.04 comes with a new installer. the legacy iso used the old one16:49
ppwravage: I see, thanks.16:50
RickyRat5005Hi. I am trying to connect my google account with 23.04. When I go into online accounts and then click google. I can put in my email address but then when I click next the box locks up. Sometimes I can get to the password prompt, but I can't type nor can I paste anything in the box. It just locks up.17:07
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: while you testing around, open a journalctl -f ,to see whats going on under the hood17:16
RickyRat5005Jun 08 11:17:01 CCW-HAL CRON[11093]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root17:17
RickyRat5005Jun 08 11:17:06 CCW-HAL kernel: WebKitWebProces[11026]: segfault at 55bd22ad9adc ip 000055bd22ad9adc sp 00007ffd1f6adbe8 error 14 likely on CPU 2 (core 2, socket 0)17:17
RickyRat5005Jun 08 11:17:06 CCW-HAL kernel: Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0x55bd22ad9ab2.17:17
RickyRat5005Does that help?17:17
RickyRat5005un 08 11:17:36 CCW-HAL gnome-shell[3803]: Window manager warning: WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x3a02767 for 0x3a02778 window override-redirect is an override-redirect window and this is not correct according to the standard, so we'll fallback to the first non-override-redirect window 0x3a006dc.17:18
lotuspsychje!paste | RickyRat500517:18
ubottuRickyRat5005: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:18
RickyRat5005So sorry.17:20
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: the gnome-online-accounts-panel.desktop[9764] line could be relevant17:21
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: maybe its related to bug #201973917:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2019739 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Cannot reauthorize Google account or authorize again. The app crashes" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201973917:23
RickyRat5005Awesome. Thank you so much!!!17:24
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: could you check your /var/crash folder?17:25
lotuspsychjeok tnx17:28
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: not sure if its the same bug then17:29
jhutchinslotuspsychje: What happens if you go directly to https://mail.google.com?17:29
RickyRat5005No problems that way.17:29
jhutchinsRickyRat5005: ^17:29
jhutchinsRickyRat5005: Try logging out so that you have to log back in manually.17:30
RickyRat5005I am having bug: 2022864 and 171787817:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1717878 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3/gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGTRAP logging 'GdmSession: no session desktop files installed, aborting...' from get_fallback_session_name from get_default_session_name from get_session_name from get_session_filename from gdm_session_is_wayland_session" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171787817:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2022864 in Ubuntu "Xorg freeze" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202286417:30
RickyRat5005I'm not logged in.17:30
RickyRat5005I have run the command suggested in 1717878 to fix that issue.17:31
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: but thats not related to your online accounts?17:32
RickyRat5005No, not that I can tell.17:32
lotuspsychjelets not mix several issues at once then17:33
ravagetried it on a fresh 23.03 VM and i could login to my google account17:33
lotuspsychjeravage: on wayland?17:33
ravagewhatever LXD uses for VMs :)17:33
ravagei need to check17:33
lotuspsychjeseems like there are several reports; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=017:34
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: if yours isnt listed there, maybe consider filing a new bug17:35
ravageyep. wayland17:35
lotuspsychjetnx ravage17:35
RickyRat5005Sorry, Internet went down for a moment17:41
RickyRat5005On backup internet now!17:42
RickyRat5005Is there anything else I can do or to check?17:56
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: i would file a new bug, if yours isnt listed here yet; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=017:57
RickyRat5005Submitted, thank you!18:02
RickyRat5005Thanks so much for your help!18:04
lotuspsychjeRickyRat5005: can you run; apport-collect 2023322 from your terminal please18:06
wontfix[m]Why are there leftover .uuid files with the contents "1" leftover after almost all font packages are removed?18:14
oerheks after almost all font packages are removed? can you elaborate please?18:33
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wontfix[m]Remove any font package. For example sudo apt purge tlwg* then ls -a /usr/share/fonts/truetype/tlwg18:47
JanCwontfix[m]: that's just something to help fontconfig/fc-cache18:48
JanCso that fontconfig can tell applications that new fonts are available or fonts were removed18:49
wontfix[m]So the 1 means uninstalled?18:50
wontfix[m]Shouldn't dpkg be suppressing warnings for this in the font dir?18:51
oerheksif you run fc-cache then those are removed, no?18:52
JanCI don't think there should be a "1" (or is that for empty directories or something?)18:52
wontfix[m]the .uuid files all contain the character "1"18:52
wontfix[m]Which is the same thing removing the bolt package does with the "version" file.18:53
wontfix[m]oerheks fc-cache does not remove the files18:56
wontfix[m]What that does do however is change the "1" to a hash.18:57
JanCis there a problem with those files being there?18:58
oerheksi find no info when they would be wiped, after logout/login?18:59
oerheksand an update run?18:59
nickmick49837connect irc://irc.420-hightimes.org19:02
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JanCwontfix[m]: there is a Debian bug report about this; it seems like removing them should be fine (as well as otherwise empty directories if they are in one)19:05
wontfix[m]Ok great. Sorry I didn't check that first. I checked launchpad and assumed there may have been a reason.19:05
JanCwontfix[m]: there is a reason why the files are there (fontconfig makes them in all directories it monitors, even empty ones); and there is a reason why the directory is not removed (it is not empty as dpkg expects)19:11
JanCanyway, those files shouldn't really hurt either19:13
oerheksmaybe they get removed with the next update run.19:14
JanCno, the problem is that the empty directory should be removed when you purge a package, but the directory is never empty because fontconfig creates that file in it19:16
JanCbasically, fontconfig & dpkg are "sabotaging" each other   :P19:19
JanCand there has been some discussion about solving it, but it seems complicated for various reasons (e.g. without those files the caching would not or not always work for flatpacks & such)19:25
wontfix[m]Worse, dpkg doesn't even catch all of the dirs. I wonder if some of the dirs exist from fonts that were never installed or due to the process of a minimal installation.19:37
RickyRat5005Wow what a day... power was out for a couple of hours. But I have a bug report on this filed now. Thanks!19:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2023322 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Unable to connect Ubuntu with Google Online Accounts" [Undecided, New]19:59
oerhekssame as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bug/201973920:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2019739 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Cannot reauthorize Google account or authorize again. The app crashes" [Undecided, Confirmed]20:02
oerheksconfirmed, an important step before the team takes a look at it20:02
RickyRat5005Ok, cool. Anything else I should do (or can do) in order to help?20:05
oerheksNothing i can think of, thanks for reporting.20:07
RickyRat5005Thank you for helping me.20:07
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Guest53small support question, in doing a routine check for updates, i receive a note saying updates cannot be installed and I need to run a "partial upgade" - not sure what this means or what caused it?  any help?20:57
Guest53of course partial upgrade does not succeed20:58
Guest53ver 23.0421:09
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sarnoldGuest53: what's a "partial upgrade"? pastebin the output of "sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade"  ?22:08
Eickmeyersarnold: "partial upgrade" is reported by update-manager when packages are held back and wouild normally be cured by a "apt full-upgrade".22:18
sarnoldEickmeyer: is that part of phasing or is that apt not wanting to remove packages to satisfy dependencies?22:18
devilboyHi, am frustrated22:19
Eickmeyersarnold: Not likely, update-manager is aware of those.22:19
Eickmeyersarnold: I suspect they have repository conflicts.22:19
devilboyduring update snapd requested to update from software center, and from then software center does not work. Even by purge and reinstall, not even in recovery mode, cannot be fixed.22:19
devilboythe sweet ubuntu software center wont open anymore22:20
devilboyanyone can help me out ?22:20
sarnolddevilboy: run: sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo snap refresh   -- pastebin the results of that, and maybe someone will have an idea22:21
devilboythank you sarnold22:21
devilboysarnold, https://pastebin.com/v2scW8vc22:25
Eickmeyerdevilboy: Considering you purged snapd  and the ubuntu software center is a snap, I'm not at all surprised. 99% of the time in Linux, removing and reinstalling packages doesn't help much (as opposed to Windows). Have you restarted your computer since?22:27
sarnolddevilboy: curious, it looks like everything updated just fine, what's showing an error message?22:28
devilboyI'm reinstalling now gnome-software from Synaptic Package Manager - to see if it will work.22:28
devilboyI tried everything, rebooted even in recovery, in recovery I managed to make it work.22:28
devilboybut not in ubuntu normal boot22:29
EickmeyerNot what either of us asked.22:29
devilboyEickmeyer, to enter recovery mode you reboot22:29
oerhekssnap refresh22:29
EickmeyerI was asking for normal reboot, never asked about recovery.22:29
Eickmeyeroerheks: That's already been diagnosed.22:30
devilboyEickmeyer, done that22:30
devilboyit's like a broken package22:30
Eickmeyerdevilboy: Did you address what sarnold asked?22:30
devilboyno error message shown guys, I open Ubuntu Software icon, it tries to load, nothing shows and force close.22:31
devilboyI installed gnome-software and a new software center appeared in my ubuntu with a different icon22:31
EickmeyerThat's because ubuntu-software-center is not gnome-software.22:31
devilboythat one opens, but ubuntu software center with the classic orange icon, wont open22:31
devilboyEickmeyer, I can find it by ubuntu-software-center ?22:32
* Eickmeyer going afk22:32
Eickmeyersudo snap install ubuntu-software-center22:32
EickmeyerAs I said before, it's a snap.22:32
devilboyyou are a life saver :P22:32
devilboyi searched all over google nobody mentioned ubuntu-software-center22:32
devilboyunfortunately after the command: error: snap "ubuntu-software-center" not found22:34
EickmeyerIt might have a different ame, hold on.22:34
Eickmeyerdevilboy: sudo snap install snap-store22:35
Eickmeyer(that's its name)22:35
* Eickmeyer now afk gotta drive22:35
devilboythank you all guys22:35
devilboyI will try what Eickmeyer said by remove/install22:36
devilboyand see if it work22:36
devilboyit still doesnt load, but never mind, thank you all have a wonderful day/night22:37
Guest53sarnold Eickmeyer it seems to have straightened itself out - for now anyways - thanks for the responses22:55
sarnoldGuest53: I don't like not knowing what happened :( but it'snice you're back up22:58
Guest53sarnold me either - i depend on places like this for help when i run into something strange23:00
sarnoldGuest53: heh, me too23:02
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