
=== Bebef is now known as Guest9919
jjosephHow to get the KStatusNotifierItem working in Ubuntu Budgie?05:09
fossfreedom_jjoseph: what's the app?05:12
jjosephI don't see tray icon05:14
jjosephI think mostly all electron based apps05:15
fossfreedom_Installed from where?05:15
jjosephI saw an applet StatusNotifier https://github.com/rilian-la-te/xfce4-sntray-plugin05:18
jjosephIt's very old and not maintained05:18
jjosephHaving a lot of bug05:18
fossfreedom_Thx. Have you got the budgie indicator applet on your panel?05:18
fossfreedom_Surprise ayatana indicators don't display this05:19
jjosephYes, the underlying problem is with electron and chromium, chromium removed support for libappindicator and switched completely to KStatsusNotfierItem05:20
jjosephSorry, I'm having a power outage, I might need to log off. Any suggestions would be appreciated05:22
fossfreedom_Suggest raise on our discourse forum ... this will allow you to revisit in between power issues05:23
jjosephThank you, any topic you suggest in discourse ?05:24
fossfreedom_Budgie applets05:24
jjosephThank you!05:24
jjosephGood day!05:24

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