
wontfix[m]Bill, you are free to have it autologin and also have an encrypted disk password00:00
wontfix[m]Why would an OS ask you about what DE you want as a default? It is one more thing to break and added user friction.00:02
wontfix[m]Is chromeos_pstore.service used for generic ACPI platform operations or chromeos hardware?00:09
ravagelong gone00:14
oerheksquestions about  chromeos_pstore.service ? where does this comes from?00:14
oerheksnot from installing chrome browser00:14
wontfix[m]The service is running in systemd00:21
oerhekson a chromebook?00:21
oerheksnot in ubuntu00:21
wontfix[m]Yes in ubuntu00:22
oerheksi find none, explain?00:22
wontfix[m]systemd-analyze blame | grep chromeos00:22
oerhekshuh? what does that do ..00:23
oerheks persistent storage on x86 ChromeOS devices. It can be used to store away console logs and crash information across reboots.00:26
wontfix[m]Which is why I was asking if this was abstracted into something useful in userspace or if it runs just in case and is lacking a conditional way to turn itself off for non CrOS hardware platforms and VMs.00:27
oerheksweird, i find nothing what that service actually does   modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service00:37
ravageit tries to load it from /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-pstore.service00:38
ravagebut the module never gets loaded if you are not on chromeos00:38
ravagethe driver was added in kernel 5.1900:38
oerheksi am not on a chromeos.00:38
oerheksonly connected to my android phone via chrome browser.00:39
ravagedoes not really matter00:39
ravageit tries to load the module00:39
ravageWants=modprobe@efi_pstore.service modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service modprobe@ramoops.service modprobe@pstore_zone.service modprobe@pstore_blk.service00:39
oerheksmaybe it is a part of accounts services00:39
ravagemy system registers the efi_pstore00:40
ravagefrom that list00:40
wontfix[m]Right so I'm wondering if the chromeos one is being loaded accidentally.00:45
ravageim almost sure it is not loaded on your system00:47
ravageit will not show up in lsmod00:47
wontfix[m]The service00:48
wontfix[m]88ms modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service00:48
ravagesee above00:48
wontfix[m]systemd-analyze blame | grep pstore00:49
=== Andrew- is now known as andrewyu
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dsdhi im trying to find and install the propriety nvidia 340x driver(for nvidia geforce8500gt) because on nouveau i have a pretty unstable perfomance.is there an easy and safe way to do it in ubuntu,i also found out maybe i have to get an older kenel but not sure02:32
JanCdsd: nvidia-340 is available on all supported Ubuntu-versions; it should be listed under Additional Drivers in the Software Updates dialog, I think?02:37
dsdJanC i have open the "software and updates" and on the additional after searching it says "No additional drivers available"02:38
JanCoh, wait, I see on newer versions that package pulls in nouveau...  :-/02:39
dsdsorry what do you mean by that?02:40
dsddoes that mean that the 340xx package is not supported on ubuntu?02:42
JanCit means that only Ubuntu 20.04 still has the real nvidia-340 package02:42
oerhekseven the driver ppa gives no 340, https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=jammy02:42
oerhekscorrect, 20.04 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=focal02:43
oerheksmaybe not on wayland02:44
oerheksx11 only?>02:44
JanChttps://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/nvidia-340 just installs nouveau instead of the real driver02:44
dsdso does that mean that i will have to install/download another distro with an older kernel?02:45
oerheksyes, but bionic is EOL02:46
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) was the 28th release of Ubuntu. Support ended May 31st, 2023. See !eol, !pro and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-May/000290.html02:46
JanC20.04 is still supported02:46
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dsdso if i get the iso from here https://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ and select the desktop image will i have the 340 driver?02:48
JanCdsd: what do you mean by "unstable performance"?02:48
JanCdsd: you can get it fro mAdditional Drivers then, yes02:48
dsdJanC well i get short screen tearing and stutter even for something as switching windows sometimes and also on games i get untextured graphics and crashes02:49
dsdJanC i remember like 2-3 years ago maybe i was able to get the driver from "additional drivers" and on the same games i had no issue.02:50
dsdby the way will have any problem having an older ubuntu version?02:53
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octav1awow! Finally to meet the one and only "ubuntu"!02:53
Guest4027Hi, I would like to create a bootable USB, but selecting the .iso file doesn't add it to the Ubuntu program? https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#6-installation-complete02:53
akikwhich ubuntu release has support for nvidia-340?03:05
akiki found that it could be 22.10 but i'm not sure03:06
akikbecause it says "kinetic (22.10) (misc): Transitional package for xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" why nouveau?03:07
Guest4027akik, Ubuntu 22.04 can't handle nvidia.  My monitor has wrong resolution.03:08
xanguaGuest4027: I personally find Ventoy more useful (you can add multiple Linux iso's, no need to format USB drive, just drag and drop) https://ventoy.net/en/index.html03:10
Guest4027xangua, thanks, just need simple solution to make Proxmox.iso a bootable USB.03:10
Guest4027I solved it https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-make-a-bootable-usb-from-an-iso-in-linux03:24
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wontfix[m]So I'm looking at the plymouth freedesktop repo and I noticed that the throbber.svg doesn't exist and isn't referenced in any file. Is Ubuntu actually using the svg or the pngs for the throbber? ply-throbber.c makes it seem like it is ranges of pngs.04:39
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al1r4dGuest4027, just use `dd` command :)06:18
weedmicI have an update "solid state storage technology corporation cl4-3d512-q1..." - I think this is a firmware update and I must apply it via the bios.  Is this accurate?  If yes, where is the file so I can put it on a usb stick?06:26
weedmicwhole message "solid state storage technology corporation cl4-3d512-q11 nvme ssstc 512gb"06:35
weedmicanswer was fwupdmgr06:48
tomreyn"must apply it via the bios" was maybe a bit misleading there06:55
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weedmicwhat am I looking for here?  if "." is in the path?  https://www.tenable.com/audits/items/CIS_Amazon_Linux_v2.1.0_L1.audit:1dfd5fccc07886f2196d980a6405052e08:12
tomreynweedmic: how's that ubuntu related?08:14
lotuspsychjethink i found a bug on the default gnome screenshot function, lets say you want to make a screenshot of a picture, the picture has left/right/turn arrows that wont go away until you made your screenshot08:35
weedmicit's a step to hardening ubuntu by tenable08:36
weedmictomreyn: ^08:37
lotuspsychjetested on ubuntu desktop 22.04, https://imgur.com/a/6ZtE4i7 see if anyone can reproduce that08:38
tomreynweedmic: you're applying the CIS benchmark for AWS Linux, though08:38
weedmichave you a better one?  perhaps more germaine?  I'm almost done, only about 13 steps left (so I'm kind of hoping nope)08:40
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tomreynit's not "better", it's the one that matches, unlike the one you are using now.08:42
tomreynthat's if you're using ubuntu 22.04 server08:42
weedmicwill finish first, then look at it08:44
lotuspsychjei created bug #2023473 on the screenshot tool/EOG see if anyone can confirm that09:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2023473 in eog (Ubuntu) "arrows and rotate icons do not autohide when making a screenshot" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202347309:47
lotuspsychjewith flameshot i dont get the bug, so prob related to gnomes screenshot tool^09:56
=== andreas is now known as Guest9204
seer__I have tabs that wont show so I cant get to them in chrome and one is playing music. I liked it when clicking on chrome in the dock would open up tabs consecutively.  -- this is a bug not a feature.10:52
weedmicseer__: top sort by programme - close the one that did not close properly, you can do it within top (or remember the pid and do "kill pid"10:54
weedmicfyi, happened to me last night with runescape, which did not close properly and we keep hearing fishing in the background of a movie :D10:55
seer__I made the dock tiny, I made the icons tiny. Neigher helped.10:56
seer__weedmic, I did not understand what you recommended.10:56
seer__i will killall chrome -010:57
seer__totally no understanding but who cares it worked.10:59
Apachez"did you turn it off and on again?" ;)11:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
weedmicseer__: similar to what you did, only I generally find the actual pid (or kill it in htop).12:01
Guest61I'm on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS .  do-release-upgrade is hanging; and doesn't appear to even be doing much.  I'm watching a process list in htop and there's very little activity.12:26
Guest61when I strace the process, I get a long pause on something that's running some futex wait stuff; I assume it's associated with python multi-threading.  But, then it continues on and the trace information fills up the screen.12:27
Guest61syslog shows nothing useful.12:28
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tomreynGuest61: how about dmesg, or the combined logs in the systemd journal ("journalctl" command)12:42
tomreynGuest61: did you already start the release upgrade? from 20.04.6 to 22.04, i assume? which stage did it happen in? what's in the dist upgrade log?12:44
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BluesKajHi all13:51
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DynamiteDangreetings. Hown can I check the temperature of a NVMe device on ubuntu?14:26
u8353v[m]**Linux Mint** with apt update pulls info from canonical servers right?14:27
u8353v[m]Mint says it respects user privacy/anonymity.14:27
u8353v[m]How does it differ from Ubuntu?14:27
tarzeauDynamiteDan: try nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1 ?14:28
jeremy31u8353v[m]: ask at ircs://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-chat14:28
DynamiteDani will check14:28
DynamiteDanit worked14:30
DynamiteDanthank you tarzeau14:31
wontfix[m]So I'm looking at the plymouth freedesktop repo and I noticed that the throbber.svg doesn't exist and isn't referenced in any file. Is Ubuntu actually using the svg or the pngs for the throbber? ply-throbber.c makes it seem like it is ranges of pngs.16:14
oerheks!find throbber.svg16:19
ubottuFile throbber.svg found in plymouth-theme-edubuntu, plymouth-theme-spinner, plymouth-theme-ubuntucinnamon-spinner, pychess16:19
oerheks plymouth freedesktop repo ?16:19
oerhekssorry to hear that such repo does not have it, not our problem16:27
wontfix[m]Nor in https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/amd64/plymouth-themes/filelist or https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/amd64/plymouth-themes/filelist16:27
wontfix[m]I'm wondering why it is there at all? Is it actually being used at all?16:27
Eickmeyerwontfix[m]: Did you try actually downloading the source archive for Plymouth in Ubuntu? Because as someone who makes the Edubuntu and Ubuntu Studio Plymouth themes that depend on plymouth-theme-spinner which uses throbber.svg, I assure you, it's very much used.16:31
EickmeyerAnd by downloading, I mean inspecting. And just what are you trying to figure out anyway?16:32
wontfix[m]Oh I was trying to fix something upstream and just noticed it16:33
wontfix[m]Which is why I asked16:33
EickmeyerWell, Ubuntu has a modified, patched version, but yes, it's used.16:33
=== Vercas16 is now known as Vercas1
ChunkyzHi! How do I set my battery info via terminal/sakura? I can right click with xfce and see it that way but want it in a command line type of output?17:16
oerhekssomething with dmidecode, i guess17:17
ChunkyzNope, that lists other stuff like SSD etc.17:18
jhutchinsChunkyz: Maybe something like this: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/how-check-battery-status-using-linux-command-line17:20
oerheksupower, acpi ..17:20
oerheksindeed dmidecode gives specs only17:20
Chunkyzacpi just shows the percent and remaining...17:22
Chunkyzjhutchins: command not found.17:22
leftyfbChunkyz: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?17:22
jhutchinsChunkyz: Imagine that, a useful linux utility that's not already installed.17:23
jhutchins!info upower17:23
ubottuupower (0.99.20-2, lunar): abstraction for power management. In component main, is optional. Built by upower. Size 78 kB / 396 kB17:23
Chunkyzjhutchins: percentage:          0% (should be ignored)17:23
jhutchinsChunkyz: I presume you never got as far as acpi.17:23
Chunkyznot accurate.....17:23
leftyfbjhutchins: all linux utilities are useful to someone. That doesn't mean all of them get installed by default17:23
Chunkyzleftyfb: I wanted to see what xfce tells me. capacity, capacity when full etc.17:24
=== JanC is now known as Guest7282
oerheksthen use the tool you already have? seems more advanced than acpi17:24
Chunkyzno because I'm using a different wm than xfce.17:25
ChunkyzIdk what it's called to look it up.17:25
ChunkyzHence me asking... :-)17:25
leftyfbChunkyz: when using upower, did you point it to the correct device?17:26
leftyfbChunkyz: tried this?  upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT017:27
Chunkyzwell, I don't think so. Idk where the battery battery is located.17:28
ChunkyzThat just tells me 0 and 1970 lol17:28
leftyfbChunkyz: the article jhutchins shared with you told you how to find the correct device17:28
Chunkyzamazing! thank you. just what I wanted. thanks!17:29
leftyfbChunkyz: what was the issue?17:29
ChunkyzI didn't do upower -i `upower -e | grep 'BAT'`17:30
Chunkyznow onto another question, how do I change the hz of my monitor?17:30
leftyfbChunkyz: it's helpful to read the entire article when people give you links. Not just run highlighted commands17:30
Chunkyzwindows I can set it to 30/40 but unsure in ubuntu...17:31
leftyfbChunkyz: xrandr, but that won't work with wayland I think so you'll need to check that first17:31
leftyfbChunkyz: https://askubuntu.com/questions/59621/how-to-change-the-monitors-refresh-rate # first result on google for "linux command line change monitor refresh rate"17:32
Chunkyzhow do I know if I'm running wayland?17:42
Chunkyzoh whilst I'm here (sorry for the loads of questions) how do I fully disable bluetooth?17:42
ChunkyzI ain't going to use it, you see...17:43
oerhekstype xrandr17:44
oerheksthe output will say something wayland bla bla17:44
navap_for bluetooth it will be systemctl status bluetooth.service17:45
Chunkyznvm, bye.#/part17:45
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CrellHi folks. I've an older 1 TB HDD in a RAID5 array that's dying and needs to be replaced. I'm debating if it's a reasonable time to upgrade the whole array.  Replacing it with the same as is there now is about $50; I know a larger drive won't be used larger until all the drives are replaced with something larger.  What about switching to SSD?  Is19:45
Crellhaving one SSD drive and the others HDD problematic?  Any recommendations on the best way to cleanly fix/upgrade it?19:45
Crell(It's been like 8 years since I set the thing up; it's software RAID 5, and that's about as much as I remember, frankly.)19:45
wontfix[m]ssd for boot and hdd for storage is common even on NAS systems19:48
CrellI don't have it split that way currently; I'm hoping to do it without having to do a reinstall.19:48
Crell(Home server, light load; most of what it does is run a personal Nextcloud instance.)19:49
wontfix[m]a tb SSD is cheap if that's all you need19:49
CrellWould running a RAID array with a mix of SSD and HDD cause an issue?19:50
CrellMy thought is to replace the dying drive with a slightly larger SSD, let it rebuild, then over time replace the other two with SSDs and let it take the full disk space then.19:51
wontfix[m]Even if it would let you, you're going to lose speed19:52
wontfix[m]You want to constantly wait on those slow writes or reads?19:52
CrellWell, only until I replace the whole array.19:52
wontfix[m]"There is nothing as permanent as a temporary fix"19:53
wontfix[m]These days you're better off without automated backups to other drives or locations19:53
CrellMost of the drive is nightly synced to a remote backup service.  I just don't want to have to reconfigure all the software after doing a reinstall. :-(19:55
Crell(Also trying to spread out the cost.)19:55
wontfix[m]Sounds like an XY problem19:58
CrellProblem: I have a dying hard drive that needs to be replaced, and I want to not do an OS reinstall to replace it.  I'm trying to sus out the options for doing so.20:02
CrellReplacing it with one of the same model is option A.  I'm trying to determine what options B and C are.20:02
CrellEg, if I replace all 3 drives over the course of the next 3 months with larger drives or SSDs, does that cause any issues along the way?20:03
wontfix[m]None of this is Ubuntu specific and Options aren't a thing until you establish a goal.20:03
wontfix[m]Goal is to have backup storage within X budget over Y time I presume and using Z time to accomplish.20:04
CrellI literally just said what the goal is.  Not having a dead drive.  Secondary goal: Improving the hardware in the array while I'm at it.20:04
wontfix[m]You presuppose the need for a drive array at all.20:04
wontfix[m]This is offtopic though20:04
Crell"Continuing to have a local RAID5 array in this computer" is a requirement of the process.  Changing that is not on the table.20:05
remaWhen I connect my laptop to my LAN a domain sometimes resolves to a local IP (which it should) and sometimes to my network's external IP (which it only should when the laptop is resolving the IP when connected to any other network).20:51
remaWhen I issue "resolvectl status" then I see an IPv6 DNS listed.20:51
remaI assume that the resolve system jumps between the IPv4 DNS server and the IPv6 one.20:53
remaHow do I get rid of the IPv6 DNS server (assuming that it is the reason for resolving the external IP of the domain)?20:53
jeremy31rema: Network Manager settings, IPv6 set to ignore or disable?20:54
remaDo I need IPv6 to be configured in any network I connect my laptop to?20:54
rboxdo you want to connect to hosts over ipv6?20:55
remarbox, Whenever I enter an IP its IPv4.20:55
rboxand when you use a hostname?20:56
remarbox, Then I see no IP :) I don't get your question.20:56
rboxhostnames resolve to ips... it might resolve to an ipv4... it might resolve to an ipv620:57
remarbox, If I want a hostname in my LAN to be resolved to an IP then it is always IPv4.20:57
rboxand what abou a hostname on the internet?20:58
remarbox, I don't know if there are any domains that only resolve to IPv6. I assume if there are any then I need IPv6 DNS.20:59
rboxokay well, theres your answer21:01
remarbox, So, the answer is "Maybe you need IPv6 DNS, maybe you don't"?21:02
rboxpretty much21:03
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