[20:14] hmm [20:14] so, Sainsbury's carrots use a right single quotation mark., every other product uses an apostrophe [20:15] did it break your price scraping, or? [20:17] no, but when I print out the pdf I get a blob just on the carrots and wondered why; even on the webpage it uses the single quotation mark, I've not figured out what's happening in the PDF yet [20:17] ooh [20:17] at least the blob isn't on real carrots... ;) [20:18] perhaps I should peel my pdf? [20:20] definitely, or just chop down the middle - but call it a 'bisect' as you do it ;) [20:22] podofium's text extract on the pdf shows (0.000,0.000) ? so it's not okular doing it [20:23] where as the parsnip's have (0.000,0.000) ' [20:23] i don't think any really should have an apostrophe [20:24] it's possessive to Sainsubry's isn't it? [20:25] but of the veg [20:25] oh, no, it's in their name [20:28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sainsbury%27s [20:30] not of the veg names though, it'd be unneeded on a product page say [20:31] but that is the name of their supermarket; so it makes as much sense as putting Asda or Tesco; I'd rather they didn't - it makes finding stuff on the list harder [20:32] i really just mean when you wrote "parsnip's" :D [20:33] and well, the reference to them doing similar with the carrots [20:33] oh, yes they don't do that - that was me [20:33] I'm only talking about the ' between the y and s [20:33] ooh we might have to give davef any jaffa cakes you have at home ;) [20:34] fortunately that's easy [20:34] I have no jaffa cakes [20:36] phew, neither of us will be raided [20:36] I dont think I have any orange marmalade either, so I can't generate any [20:37] that'd be like baiting him [20:38] I mean I do have oranges, so... [20:40] * daftykins looks at ripples starting in a cup of water [20:44] good point, perhaps we can form it all out of the quantum vacuum energy [20:45] where jaffacakes and oreos randomly spring into existence and then annihilate [20:45] i was just going a little Jurassic Park on you there [20:46] oh, sorry, yes I hadn't noticed that [20:46] maybe if you did make some homemade jaffa cakes, i could quote the Jeff Goldblum line about scentists not stopping to think if they should :D [20:46] how will we know they're not evil universe jaffa cakes? [20:46] zxmpi: You eat a box full and see what happens [21:30] * davef sniffs the air [21:30] keep perfectly still... his vision is based on cake movement... [22:47] * zxmpi rolls cellophane wrapper of jaffa cakes into the waiting trap [22:51] * penguin42 tosses a stale Eccles cake to distract him