[10:40] hello [21:32] I'm constantly clicking the "don't show me this message again" for wifi connection changes [21:32] but it always shows them to me [21:32] does anyone know what's wrong? === mitsubachi_ is now known as mitsubachi [23:13] Hello everybody! I spent the whole day to figure this one out. Now totally exhausted and about to give up. Asking this the final try to solve this. Can somebody somebody help ? [23:14] Schnism: What is it about? [23:14] !ask [23:14] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [23:14] A description may help [23:14] ok [23:14] SITUATION: Ryzen PC running generally in BIOS mode. on the only M.2 Drive there is a Debian Bullseye installed and is running fine. Now I'm trying to install Xubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) on a secondary SSD drive (sda) from USB Stick. (Note: I use Xubuntu for many years now, so im not exactly a noob). [23:14] THE PROBLEM: The only way with the Xubuntu installer seems to be via manual partitioning. Note: I don't want Xubuntu to touch anything on the Debian M.2 Drive!!!! I added Bios, EFI and ext4 root partitions inside the partitioning tool and even marked the swap partion on the debian M.2 drive as "do not use". But when i finally try to fire up the isntallation, it alway tells me it will perform the expected changes on sda and [23:14] ALWAYS also change something with the swap partion on the M.2 disk. What exactly, it does not tell me. [23:14] I never went beyond this point, because im scared i break the Debian installation on the M.2. There is a lot of user data on the drive, and i can't simply back it up. Also it is impossible to temporarily remove M.2 as it is inside a cooling block covered with thermal strips. I tried Xubuntu 22.04 LTS. Same result. Im out of ideas and tired of trial and error. Any Ideas ? [23:17] Schnism: Without exact knowledge, my guess is that it just wants to use the swap drive on the M.2 drive. If you don't use suspend2disk (whatever this is called nowadays), I wouldn't worry too much [23:19] however, if you have user data that is not backed up... well, you know yourself. [23:19] i could disable the swap partitoon on the M.2 drive and use a swapfile instead. Then change the swap partitions type to something else. Mybe then Xubuntu will finally ignore the M.2 all together ? [23:20] Schnism, I agree that it's really not scary, but two things come to mind: you could boot the live disk and delete the swap partition, lrun the install, and add it back. You could look in the BIOS set up for a way to disable the nvme interface. [23:22] Disabling the M.2 in the ASUS bios would be the best bet. But i could not find anything like that in there. [23:23] Anways thanks guys. I will go to sleep. Tomorrow i will backup the M.2 first :-)