
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
effendy[m]blackboxsw: Any other information apart from the cloud-init package versions and the log collection that I should share?11:38
effendy[m]I've added the bug report here: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/418811:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 4188 in canonical/cloud-init "cloud-init changes behaviour with ubuntu cloudinit image ova starting from version 20230602" [Open]11:59
effendy[m]Thanks for the instructions :)11:59
grav_willWe’ve been installing php7.4-fpm via the ppa:ondrej/php repo with apt on an Ubuntu 18.04 server with our Chef recipes, but today it’s not working. I think maybe the packages have been removed from the ppa:ondrej/php repo. Is there something I can do or maybe an alternative repo that can be used? We're trying to update the recipes and stack19:20
grav_willdependencies to work with PHP 8.x, but that won't work today. Today, I need to use php7.4-fpm unfortunately. Hoping someone might have some advice or know if/why these packages have been suddenly removed from the ppa:ondrej/php repo19:20
sarnoldgrav_will: you might be able to find the old packages via https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+builds?build_text=&build_state=built  -- there's a few hundred pages there, but maybe with specific package names you could find it faster19:24
sarnoldgrav_will: the *why* is far easier to explain: "Only Supported Versions of PHP (http://php.net/supported-versions.php) for Supported Ubuntu Releases (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases) are provided. Don't ask for end-of-life PHP versions or Ubuntu release, they won't be provided."19:25
grav_willThis is super helpful. Thank you sarnold I will review this.19:28
sarnoldgood luck, it sounds like a bad place to be19:28
grav_willIt is. I've inherited all of this 🤦‍♂️19:29

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