
=== VEEEUghh is now known as V12
deadromwhenever I reboot ym 22.04 it comes up after boot with "a system process stopped working" os whatever the exact phrase is, and all I can do is click on "send report" or don't. like Windows 98. WHICH bloody process chucked it down, and WHY, and what was the output?08:37
gnrpdeadrom: You should be able to see details on the left, no?08:37
deadromone other thing: up till 18.04 when I suspended the system it would do so immediately, now it takes a precise 30 seconds before the machine hibernates. seems like a timeout, but I don't knwo whose timeout. ideas? got some nfs mounts in fstab, prime suspect.08:38
deadromgnrp not at all. I'll take a screenie next time it comes up.08:39
gnrpdeadrom: And there is no timeout set in the energy settings?08:39
deadromnot that I'm aware of. I upgraded the machine from 18.04 to 20.04 to 22.04, first started happening on 20.04 (the process thing, too)08:40
deadrommain reason I went straight to 22, thought I'd sort it out automagically, did not.08:41
gnrpdeadrom: Anyway, check out /var/log/syslog. You should see there the messages before sleep08:45
deadromwill do08:45
xu-irc21wHow would i setup xubuntu to log into our work domain/14:44

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