[00:03] i need to be loged in?!! [00:03] i give up, not my day [00:04] i want to add a shell user on an ubuntu system that won't have a password but will require an ssh keypair. i'd like to have this scripted so that it prompts for the pub key to be added and sets a home directory and shell to /bin/bash. anyone got a handy script for this? [00:05] deadrom: yikes that's an ugly trace, what'd you do to get that? [00:06] deadrom: yeah, there was enough spam and abuse on the pastebin that they closed it down enough that it's not really used much any more ;( I usually pipe things through | nc termbin.com 9999 but paste.debian.net is nice for browser use [00:07] anyone else experiencing extreme lag with downloading updates from *.ubuntu.com [00:08] Fetched 12.2 MB in 9min 37s (21.1 kB/s) [00:09] sarnold, if only I knew! that entire system is behaving erratic since today. worked peachy for 3 days. today I set out to get the mobo nic working, even with everything unapplied even the live usb systems are now acting up. I have *one* suspicion, that's my somewhat ugly usb-keyb/mouse switching between my computers [00:09] krzx_: *ouch*. I just got 26.2 MB/s from [00:10] but now have an old trusty keaboard and mouse on a usb2 hub directly on the macine, still weird things happen [00:10] especially when I rmmod r8169 [00:10] security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com ipv6 [00:10] deadrom: maybe run memtest86 over night? [00:10] Does anyone know of an open source USB-over-Ethernet application? [00:11] brb\ [00:11] I gave it half an hour earlier, that was fine. and 20.04 live is better than 22.04 live [00:11] the bitrate should be doable [00:11] yes, i know memtest need slonger === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [00:12] jongsta: adduser and ssh-copy-id [00:12] tomreyn: i know the general commands, i was hoping someone had a script ready to go [00:15] ah, not I. but it should not take a lot more than that. [00:30] chatgpt helped me out, thanks :) [00:31] neat :) [00:34] "A stop job is running for Session cs of user deadrom (1min 25 sec / ).... is there any way to make it tell me what the job is about? I can never figur ewhat's hogging the system for 90sec there [00:35] leftyfb, boot-repair really did it at a mouse click. nice. thanks for the hint. === msyke1 is now known as msyke [00:54] the machine got more stable now that I blacklisted r8169 and run on a usb-gbe-adapter [00:57] which adds up: I used that adapter before as for reasons beyond me the r8169 module was not loaded when switchign hardware. I then went for r8168-dkms at a hint off the web, then learned the dkms module wasnt required anymore and uninstalled, enabled r8169 [01:07] sarnold: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1411950/xubuntu-22-04-keeps-crashing-after-multiple-fresh-installs/1472702 [01:07] I bet dollars to donuts that nic is the issue [01:08] gtg === hino is now known as bobbydazzlers === Disconsented is now known as DisconSented === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === Nicklificent is now known as Millicent [06:05] how can i access usr/local directory in GUI mode? [06:15] Guest10: what is the issue you are facing? [06:17] can not link opencv and cpp [06:17] having two folders opencv2 and opencv4 in include root [06:17] so I need to copy one contains to other === deepSleep is now known as Guest4310 [06:25] Guest10, usr/local is a relative directory; however /usr/local/ may require elevated permissions to write changes into.. thus you may need to elevate app's privileges. I just tested & i can with my DE/release... but normally I'd just do it at terminal [06:27] i move filed, but still not linke [06:27] d [06:32] can someone help? [06:35] I don't understand your issues Guest10 ; you've given no OS/release nor desktop details.. mentioned a relative directory (ie. /usr/ and usr/ are very different).. but it'll be harder if you're using a release using *snap* packages or Core (where all ares run confined) [06:35] Guest10: what are you trying to do exactly? [06:35] Are you following a guide? [06:40] Yes, I did it so many times, but  now I could not Link Cpp, Opencv in Ubuntu 20 [06:41] just purged everything and need to reinstall [06:41] cpp, opencv, ubuntu, Qt 6 environment === root is now known as Guest936 === nickname is now known as nickname_ === nickname_ is now known as NotAServ_ === nickname is now known as NotAServ_ === AndrewYu is now known as Andrew [08:59] help, there were some messed up updates, and now my Xubuntu 22.04 can't see my Ethernet or Wifi device, and I'm stuck without internet or any networking. How can I reset my network stuff? [09:00] my touchpad also stopped working btw, but I'll worry about that later === nkshirsa_ is now known as nkshirsa [10:14] amcsi: boot into older kernel and try to install updates again [10:41] jeremy31, thanks. I actually got that suggested to me by ChatGPT and that did work :D === Poster` is now known as Poster === V1A is now known as VlA [14:18] Hello. I am having some issues with Focal installs, it appears that /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/focal (presumably from debootstrap-udeb) is missing rather than being a symlink to 'gutsy' in the same directory. Is this a known issue, and is there a good way to figure out what happened to the package? [14:19] I am highly familiar with Debian but not quite as much with Ubuntu, so I figured I would ask here before digging around in the package archives. [14:48] someone *just* posted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/+bug/2024200 so I will follow that one up [14:48] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2024200 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "[debootstrap] /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/focal missing" [Undecided, New] [14:57] danieli, ubuntu only uses /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy anyway ... all others are just symlinks to gutsy ... yu should be able to just add that symlink yourself ... also note that ubuntu does not use debian-installer anymore so there are no udebs anywhere [14:59] ogra: indeed, but my org is in a specific use case stuck to using Ubuntu 20 due to it supporting the old Debian installer, which is where this issue is applicable [16:27] what's the rationale behind switching to Power Profiles Daemon? Disabling turbo seems a little controversional and seems like the venerable TLP is way more comprehensive === ord is now known as quem [16:39] hi [16:40] I keep moving in circles trying to report a bug. I'm logged into launchpad but nowhere got an actual report function. where is it? ubuntu-bug blabbs out way too much information about my system [16:41] Hi, is Ubuntu Desktop available on arm64? [16:42] CumbaLit: arm64 is supported, depending on your platform you may need a vendor specific image, say raspi4, odroid [16:43] otherwise: https://ubuntu.com/download/server/arm [16:43] ah, server image, my fault. [16:45] deadrom ha, I was about to say :) [16:46] from there you can install desktop environments of course, but it all depends if you have supported graphics hardware. [16:46] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jammy/daily-live/current/ [16:46] these are not officially supported from what I gather. what platform do you use? [16:46] with apport-cli PACKAGENAME one gets the chance not to send, but send later. so you have control about the info collected https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/reporting-bugs-in-ubuntu-server/11508 [16:51] deadrom trying to run a vm with an m2 chip on my mac. I was hoping for an easy install don't feel like tinkering with much to get it working [16:52] CumbaLit: an arm64 vm on an m2 host? [16:53] deadrom that's right [16:54] sounds like a qemu job. but if you are out for a foreign platform anyway, why not run an x64 vm? [16:59] deadrom I could but I want to run it on my mac and will not let me run x64 vms because of the m2 chip arch [16:59] "ARM based", no idea how arm M2 actually is. is it arm64 compat? [17:00] CumbaLit: have you tried VirtualBox? the 7 series have Mx support, but still in the early stage [17:01] deadrom yes it is, not a chip expert but as far as I know is fully backwards compatible with added proprietary instruction sets for apple stuff like neural engine etc. [17:03] deadrom I haven't, I'm on VMware Fusion 13 which is the latest and will not boot with an x64 iso. Just errors out telling me I have to use an arm ISO [17:04] guess the arm64.isos from the unsupported builds are your best shot. that or a dedicated machine :) [17:04] arm server as a start, and choose your de [17:04] how hard can that be? [17:05] depending on gpu support up to impossible. worth a shot though [17:07] “Developer preview for macOS / Arm64 (M1/M2) hosts” https://osxdaily.com/2022/10/22/you-can-now-run-virtualbox-on-apple-silicon-m1-m2/ [17:11] gettign nowhere with the bug report. apport writes the tmp file, then exits. ok, then not. [17:14] What is the commandline (text only) installer script called for 23.10 (mantic?) [17:14] or is mantic 23.04? [17:58] Hello [18:07] Hello === Nicklificent is now known as Millicent [18:19] hey [18:20] Do you guys think Mullvad is a good VPN? [18:20] Ive heard it had a lot of connection/re-connection bugs [18:27] Hello === realivanjx5 is now known as realivanjx [18:29] Emerald898812: this is an Ubuntu support channel. Please /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like opinions on 3rd party services [18:50] help, in my Xubuntu when booting all the title bars are missing. How best to fix? [18:55] amcsi: Which release? Do you mean the title bars for the application windows, or in a specific app? [18:55] amcsi: Also, what do you mean by "when booting". [19:03] problem solved, probably [19:06] jhutchins, 22.04 [19:06] jhutchins, application windows, all of them [19:07] never mind the on booting part [19:07] I just mean the issue persists even when restarting [19:09] also the desktop items seem to be missing [19:10] here is an example of how windows look: https://imgur.com/a/zEiHUCs [19:11] looks like the window manager is missing or crashed [19:12] could be [19:12] maybe this helps, reset panel config, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1417774/problems-with-panel-in-xubuntu-22-04 [19:16] thanks, I've run those commands and now I'm restarting [19:16] sadly it didn't help [19:16] but it did reset my xfce configuration [19:20] any way to uninstall and reinstall xfce perhaps? [19:23] maybe apt uninstall then reinstall xubuntu-desktop? [19:26] wow, removing xubuntu-desktop, purging, doing autoremove, then reinstalling xubuntu-desktop achieved nothing at all [19:26] after a reboot I still see the exact same problem [19:27] why would removing files and adding the exact same files back change anything [19:27] amcsi: create a new user and login as that new user. That will give us some more info [19:27] don't know, maybe it would have removed some botched config files along the way [19:27] leftyfb, good idea [19:29] I already had another user actually... [19:29] and wow, the other user works perfectly! [19:30] so it must be a home/config issue, huh? [19:30] yep [19:31] this is helpful. any ideas on which configuration I should probably remove? [19:32] I'm not familiar with xcfe and where it stores it's configurations [19:39] amcsi What happens when you run?: xfwm4 --replace [19:40] lemme see [19:42] xangua, wow, that worked too. and no restart was needed [19:42] now I'll try rebooting again to see if the fix gets persisted [19:43] amcsi: check that xfwm is enabled in: xfce settings>session>startup [19:44] after rebooting it doesn't work anymore again [19:44] ^ [19:46] amcsi: Try running "rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/*" to clear any saved (and faulty) sessions and relog in. [19:46] xangua, can't find that :/ [19:46] krytarik, I'll try that in the meantime [19:50] krytarik, that worked :o [19:50] thank you so much, all of you! [19:51] \o/ [19:56] steam refuses to show itself [19:57] so annoying === kentucky44409 is now known as kentucky444 [20:01] If linux-signatures-nvidia-6.2.0-23-generic contains nvidia-530 sigs, shouldn't it eliminate the need for 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-530' to pull in a dkms dependency? [20:01] I have secure boot enabled [20:02] howarth_: if you disable secure boot you'll have less issues and zero downside [20:02] well, install that package, then try to install the other pacakge, and see what happens [20:03] I have linux-signatures-nvidia-6.2.0-23-generic installed and it doesn't seem to do what is should when you attempt to install nvidia-driver-530 regarding signed kernel modules [20:05] what do you think it should be doing [20:06] It shouldn't be trying to install dkms [20:06] that only happens when the sigs aren't recognized by the installation process [20:07] and requires you to locally sign the kernel modules at a bios level === imagenerator is now known as ImAGenerator [20:59] i might have to nuke this install just because steam refuses to show itself [21:00] which seems insane [21:00] dang [21:02] moved all the config folders purged and installed various versions from different locations and still the window doesn't display [21:02] tried wayland and x [21:02] did yo ucreate a new user? [21:02] hello. I have an emerald theme I would like to convert over to gtk. is there a program that exists to aid in the creation of gtk window themes? [21:03] haven't tried that one yet [21:03] might as well [21:05] i tried installing a metacity / gtk theme from the appearance installer, but it does not show up as being selectable though i confirmed the files are in place [21:06] did you use sudo or something? [21:06] like does your user own the files? [21:08] it's been installed into the ~./themes directory with other ones installed the same way, that are selectable [21:13] I'm back... Multiple lockups today sadly. Not sure if they are related to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2022864 [21:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2022864 in Ubuntu "Xorg freeze" [Undecided, Incomplete] [21:17] While the issue is fixed, try to roll back on a stable version for your hardware or another distrib that don't have this issue, and maybe wayland would work better. [21:18] And Wayland is okay with NVIDIA? [21:21] !info chrony [21:21] chrony (4.3-1ubuntu4, lunar): Versatile implementation of the Network Time Protocol. In component main, is extra. Built by chrony. Size 297 kB / 610 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [21:25] RickyRat5005: so those 'lockups' you're discussing, they're about the graphics freezing, or the entire system? you can tell the difference by e.g. switching to a tty with a keyboard shortcut (such as ctrl-alt-F3) and pressing ctrl-alt-del there. if the system then reboots cleanly (give it a minute or two) then this was 'just' a graphics driver issue. [21:25] another way you can test, but worse, since it doesn't allow for a clean shutdown, is: [21:26] !sysrq [21:26] In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [21:26] Seems like the whole system, I can't even ssh in from another machine when it locks up. [21:26] these are handled by the kernel, so if they still succeed it means the kernel still works [21:26] I wanted to ssh in to see what is going on. [21:26] the first approach requires both kernel and userspace to still work [21:27] Ok, I will try that. [21:28] if you can reboot using one of these methods, there's a better chance to actually catch the root cause on your logs, too, which did not succeed so far [21:29] Gotcha. [21:30] Am I having so many problems because I am not using LTS or because I am using NVIDIA? I love linux but honestly (Sadly) have less problems when running Windows. [21:30] And I don't really want to go back to Windows. [21:32] RickyRat5005: Remember the hardware companies build for Windows, not for Linux. That the hardware works in linux is entirely secondary, and often nothing to do with the vendor. [21:32] i guess we haven't yet learnt what is happening exactly (user space, kernel, graphics driver failing) nor what is causing it, so it's hard to tell so far. [21:33] ok, thanks. [21:33] did you already do sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-session as recommended in bug 1717878 [21:33] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1717878 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3/gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGTRAP logging 'GdmSession: no session desktop files installed, aborting...' from get_fallback_session_name from get_default_session_name from get_session_name from get_session_filename from gdm_session_is_wayland_session" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717878 [21:34] ah yes you wrote that you did [21:34] why do you boot with nomodeset? [21:35] and text [21:36] I have problems booting without nomodeset [21:37] It locks up. [21:37] And text so that I can see if there are errors [21:39] is 530 the recommended nvidia driver series for your graphics card, though? [21:42] Quadro T1000 Mobile ? [21:42] apparently so [21:43] TU117GL-A -> "nvidia quadro T1000" [21:43] https://psref.lenovo.com/Detail/ThinkStation/ThinkStation_P350_Tiny?M=30EF004VUS says so, too [21:47] I tried 535 but stayed at 530 to see if that would help. [21:48] new 535 published a few hours ago https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [21:49] https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/205464/en-us/ [21:54] well, first of all try to get a better understanding of what fails at all [21:55] at this point, it could also be a hardware issue [21:56] I thought that to, I have run hardware diags and I put Windows on it for over a month and it never locks up on Windows... [21:56] up to date on Firmware... [21:57] i see [21:57] Yeah, it's bizarre. [22:33] been a long time [22:40] t [22:40] wb [22:40] hey [22:48] wb all === csullivan is now known as CharlieSu