
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Unit193...Dang, I have a lack of motivation for the plugins.05:55
knomeoh noes06:32
knomewell, that was unexpected06:43
knomei merged a branch to master and... nothing exploded06:43
Unit193Hey!  I do that but with puppet pushes!06:45
knomeon the other hand.. why is this working as it is06:46
knomeoh well06:46
knomei guess that's the name of the game for today06:46
knomeoh, right06:47
knomei see06:47
knomehuzzah ¸o/06:47
Unit193PHP or wordpressy thingy?07:12
knomeit's a wordpress plugin that we're developing with a partner with a codebase that i should know the best...07:34
knomebut this is a feature merge that has been sitting and waiting for like 4 months07:35
knome(see #shimmer for the worse horror)07:37

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