=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [05:55] ...Dang, I have a lack of motivation for the plugins. [06:32] oh noes [06:33] (hullo) [06:37] Howdy! [06:43] well, that was unexpected [06:43] i merged a branch to master and... nothing exploded [06:45] Hey! I do that but with puppet pushes! [06:46] on the other hand.. why is this working as it is [06:46] oh well [06:46] i guess that's the name of the game for today [06:47] oh, right [06:47] i see [06:47] huzzah ¸o/ [07:12] PHP or wordpressy thingy? [07:34] it's a wordpress plugin that we're developing with a partner with a codebase that i should know the best... [07:35] but this is a feature merge that has been sitting and waiting for like 4 months [07:35] (: [07:37] Urgh.. [07:37] (see #shimmer for the worse horror)