
CrellHm.  Do I need to format the new drive before I can add it to the raid array?00:02
Crellmdadm seems to not be accepting any commands to add or remove drives.  It also claims I have both md1 and md0, with partitions from all drives on each of them.  Except the new one, which is on md1 only, but marked with an S.00:04
oerheksturner ... pssst, all torrents https://torrent.ubuntu.com/01:31
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darwini have sudo (but not main administrator) access to an Ubuntu server.  They didn't give me the username I wanted, so I added it and did 'usermod -aG user' in which 'user' is my username.  I logged in as it and typed 'groups'.  It said 'user sudo' in which 'user' is my username, so adding to the sudo group worked.  The problem is I still can't 'sudo' nor 'sudo su -' as this user; password only works for the original user they created for me, not the new one04:30
darwinthey said I can change/add the user04:30
mybalzitchdid you sudo passwd user ?04:31
darwini added a password on setup.  My password isn't the same as the root password04:31
darwini see, you get root access with a user password?  This doesn't seem secure04:32
toddc1darwin: you need to add yourself to the sudo users group04:32
toddc1gone vapor04:32
tarzeauso my focal ended up with debootstrap 1.0.118ubuntu1.10 and apt policy debootstrap says: 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status (not from a repository)05:24
tarzeauis it only me finding that annoying?05:24
alkisgtarzeau: how did you get it, did they push it to the archive and reverted it to the older version?05:29
Guest99hi guys, Im trying to setup a WireGuard VPN so I can Self-host a VPN. Does anybody have any advice for self-hosting WireGuard VPNs on Linux VPSs?06:25
cxlHi all, my zsysd seems to be rather confused about its states. A while back I didn't know about `zsysctl state {remove,save}` so I messed with the snapshots etc manually with `zfs` directly. This resulted in a major headache of dependent snapshots that were gobbling up free space because deleted files always had a reference. Anyway, that's solved now, but `zsysctl show` has bogus entries with a date of06:41
cxl0001-01-01 00:00:00 and the snapshot names don't match what `zfs list` shows. How do I recover from this? See https://gist.github.com/coaxial/625328fe95a6474a2928e01cae63711606:41
rfmcxl. zsys has no other storage than the zfs properties, so once you seek out and destroy all the bogus snapshots that should go away.06:47
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tarzeaualkisg: yes, on focal i didn't turn off phased updates06:50
tarzeaualkisg: since it's a group of 8 machines that finish end of year.06:50
throwthecheeseIs there any chance that global menus will be brought back?06:51
alkisgtarzeau: I mean, this update hasn't reached me at all, and I do have phased updates turned off, which means I would get all updates06:51
alkisgSo it sounds like they published it and then withdrew it06:51
tarzeaualkisg: we run automatic update+upgrade every night...06:51
tarzeaualkisg: can you turn off phased updates without removing the -updates repo? (i wasn't able to)06:52
tarzeaualkisg: the withdrawal can also happen much later, there's a page about phased updates, if the automatic bug reporting goes up a lot, they even take back updates at 80%06:52
tarzeauthrowthecheese: apt install menu ?06:52
alkisgtarzeau: sure, but by "turning off phased updates" I mean "get all of them". Do you mean "get none of them"?06:54
tarzeaualkisg: yes, not install any of them, never06:54
tarzeaualkisg: because when you have 1+ computers you want them at the same state, well normally. unless you're chaotic06:54
throwthecheeseBy global menus I meant the menu bars of programs appearing in the top panel06:54
alkisgGetting all of them is "same state", but there's a chance that you'll end up with withdrawn packages (or however that word is spelled)06:55
tarzeauthrowthecheese: yes you can still have them. appears you mean gnome only. there's addons for having global menu06:55
throwthecheeseThe only addon that works hangs up LibreOffice06:56
Guest99Hi, how can I set a VPN-only firewall with a custom wireguard VPN? The best method I know is to set a UFW firewall rule to only allow connections to and from the VPN server IP, do u guys know a better way?06:59
throwthecheeseI'm looking for software that can rotate both display and stylus07:00
throwthecheeseI had to switch to XFCE to get a non-laggy global menu but problem is that it doesn't really support tablet PCs out of the box07:02
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xanguathrowthecheese: Ubuntu unity has global menus07:30
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bhechingerHas anyone else experienced VRAM leakage with Xorg? I'm on Ubuntu Studio 22.04 and my Xorg VRAM usage grows over time. I was getting terrible performance in Cyberpunk the other day and it was due to Xorg consuming 4.5GB VRAM on my GPU. This is with nvidia proprietarty drivers.10:35
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weedmicbhechinger: no, but I am curious how you are measuring this growth?  htop?10:54
bhechingerweedmic: nvtop.10:54
bhechinger   4057  root   0 Graphic   0%    356MiB   3%     2%    143MiB /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{3d1d8b92-34e6-4a0f-84e10:54
bhechingerI just rebooted, before I did that was at 2.9G10:54
bhechinger(First MiB value, second is system ram usage)10:55
tarzeaubhechinger: which nvidia drivers? which hardware exactly? dkms status and lspci?10:55
weedmicMine is 0.9% and has remained so since you posted this.  and it is running like 25 items +/- - you may have some issue10:56
bhechinger   4057  root   0 Graphic   0%    372MiB   3%     0%    143MiB /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{3d1d8b92-34e6-4a0f-84e10:58
bhechingerIt's gone up almost 20MiB in the last 4 minutes10:58
tarzeaubhechinger: it's maybe related to sddm ? can you try without sddm?11:00
bhechingertarzeau: I'm not sure how hard that would be. How would sddm cause Xorg to leak memory though? Doesn't it just get things launched and then basically step out of the way?11:03
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tarzeaubhechinger: i've seen gdm and lightdm leak memory, not often, but it happens.11:22
bhechingertarzeau: Yeah, but this is Xorg leaking VRAM, so I don't think those would be related.11:30
tarzeaubhechinger: i've seen it all :)11:40
=== Mathisen_ is now known as Mathisen
BluesKajHi all12:37
yates_workhow do i get nodejs version 10.13.0 when the apt-installed package is 8.10.0~dfsg-2ubuntu0.412:53
leftyfbyates_work: you install a supported version of ubuntu12:54
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pickanick[Ubuntu 22.04] When I issue 'fwupdmgr get-results' and select (UEFI dbx), it returns: Previous version:     77  Update State:         Failed:  Update Error:         failed to run update on reboot Last modified ...  Device Flags: • Internal device • Updatable • Needs a reboot after installation13:15
pickanickmany weeks have passed since this failed update What should I do to make it try again, hopefully successfully?13:15
pickanickwhen I 'fwupdmgr get-releases $DeviceID' it returns: 'No releases found: Not compatible with org.freedesktop.fwupd version 1.7.9, requires >= 1.9.1'13:16
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Guest8394Hello, can someone help me understand how the WAN enp3s0 connects in Ubuntu on my virtual setup? https://i.imgur.com/SN3AB9H.png13:48
leftyfbGuest8394: is this for some sort of course?13:49
Guest8394leftyfb, no, I just set up my desktop with a vm router.  Just trying to map the topology.  I can see and map the lan traffic, but I don't understand how the WAN traffic connects from Wired connection1 to VM router WAN?13:51
Guest8394I suspect the last connection I'm missing may be Wired connection1 to vitbr0, but I can't confirm with any evidence?13:55
al1r4dthrowthecheese: just download the package13:58
leftyfbal1r4d: they left over 3 hours ago13:59
al1r4dleftyfb: oh, sorey13:59
al1r4dI sent via xmpp lol..13:59
al1r4dI still able to see his chat13:59
leftyfbright, from over 6 hours ago14:00
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=== blaklistd6 is now known as blaklistd
Buff3r0v3rfl0whow can I verify my Wireguard tunnel is working as expected? I want to verify encrypted traffic is flowing14:18
zaggynlBuff3r0v3rfl0w: wg show I'd say?14:22
Buff3r0v3rfl0whmm it says wg is listening on port 59962, but my server is set to use 2002 for the actual connection hmmmm.14:23
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signofzetaI've been getting this error when doing an apt upgrade for a while:   trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libodbc.so.2.0.0', which is also in package libodbc2:amd64 2.3.9-514:54
signofzetaLooks like I somehow fell into dependency hell. what's the best way to troubleshoot this?14:54
signofzeta(Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, amd64)14:55
leftyfbsignofzeta: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy libodbc2 ) | nc termbin.com 999914:55
signofzetaleftyfb: https://termbin.com/8plxs14:56
signofzetaIt's trying to install libodbc2 2.3.11-1.  Let me get a pastebin link, one second14:57
leftyfbsignofzeta: so to clarify, you're only getting that error when trying to install libodbc2 2.3.11-1 right?14:59
signofzetayeah, it's been happening for a little while, but I haven't been able to figure it out.  It's a part of my apt upgrade. Everything else installs just fine.15:00
leftyfbsignofzeta: please pastebin the command you are running and the output to get the error message15:00
signofzetaHere's the output of `sudo apt -f upgrade`: https://termbin.com/1cfj15:01
signofzetaI didn't install libodbc2 by myself; it must be a dependency of something.15:01
leftyfbsignofzeta: apt-cache policy libodbc1 | nc termbin.com 999915:03
signofzetaah, it's one of my third-party sources.  https://termbin.com/keyy15:04
leftyfbthere you go15:04
signofzetawhat should I do to resolve it?  Should I uninstall libodbc2 and let APT grab the newer version?15:05
signofzetaI see it's only a patch-level release (2.3.9 -> 2.3.11) so I don't think it'd cause any API/ABI changes.15:05
leftyfbsignofzeta:  I would remove libodbc1 and libodbc12 and all the dependencies and contact Microsoft for support with their repo/packages15:05
signofzetaGot it, thank you for showing me why it's failing.15:06
signofzetaunfortunately, I do use PowerShell quite a lot15:06
leftyfbor you could put the packages from their repo on hold so they don't upgrade15:06
leftyfbsignofzeta: sudo snap install powershell --classic15:06
leftyfbno need for 3rd part repos15:07
signofzetaGood idea, I might switch to the snap.15:07
signofzetanothing (first-party or third-party) is malfunctioning, so I guess I'll try switching over.15:08
Rocketeer99Hey, I think I found a very worrying bug:15:21
leftyfb!bug | Rocketeer9915:22
ubottuRocketeer99: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:22
Rocketeer99I was hoping somebody could replicate it - I can replicate by just unplugging and replugging the external monitor after locking the screen15:24
Rocketeer99This is ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome, all up to date15:24
Buff3r0v3rfl0wis there a way to make wireguard auto-reconnect if it disconnects?15:25
Rocketeer99expected behavior: screen stays locked15:25
Rocketeer99actual behavior: dock appears "above" the lock screen and can be interacted with, leaking open window previews without unlocking15:25
Rocketeer99But I'm not sure exactly what package to report it against or how to narrow that down15:26
Buff3r0v3rfl0wremove the dock15:26
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Rocketeer99looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/1769383 since I have dash-to-dock installed but not enabled, and the dock on the lock screen is dash to dock15:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Disco) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High, Fix Released]15:30
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webchat31Hi there. I want to install uibuntu 22.04.2 on an older dual core. The ISO is too large to fit on a DVD disk and the motherboard does not support USB boot. What do I do?17:53
lotuspsychjewebchat31: try a lubuntu or a smaller ubuntu !flavour17:54
webchat31Is anyone there?17:54
leftyfbwebchat31: I've never heard of a modern motherboard that doesn't support USB boot17:54
leftyfbare you sure about this?17:54
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leftyfbwebchat31: regardless, use this https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/pending/mantic-mini-iso-amd64.iso17:56
webchat31Well, the ASRock board has an Intel G31 chip[set. It's an early board that will run a single or dual CPU17:57
lotuspsychjewebchat31: there's also a tool out there named 'plop' boot manager you can burn on cd/dvd to simulate an usb boot virtualy17:58
webchat31USB booting is not on the list ib BIOS17:58
leftyfblotuspsychje: https://ubunlog.com/en/asi-funciona-y-para-esto-sirve-la-nueva-ubuntu-mini-iso/  the iso I linked to is what they're looking for17:58
webchat31Should have said dual copre17:58
webchat31pardon my typos17:59
webchat31Thank you, leftyfb and lotuspsychje, I think that's what I'm looking for18:04
ograwebchat31, note that this image is for the brave ... this is for the current in-development release (mantic ... 23.10) ...18:25
ogra(it might offer to download and install an LTS though, but it might lso still have bugs)18:26
leftyfbogra: the article shows it gas options for 22.04 desktop18:26
ograah, cool ... i wanst sure if they had added it (i tried an early version that didnt have many options 🙂 )18:27
leftyfbit looks pretty nifty in fact18:27
leftyfbit might be something I keep on me at all times18:28
leftyfbthough at the moment, I still require 20.04 server so ..... maybe in a year or so :)18:28
=== ord is now known as quem
enigma9o7I would like to make qt apps have gnome title bars on jammy.   After various tests and trying stuff I found qgnomeplatform, but it isn't available for jammy.  I tried to build it from debian's source package but need libadwaitaqt-dev >= 1.42  and only have 1.41.18:37
enigma9o7So I looking for any suggestions, either another approach completely, or how to make this way work, etc.18:38
enigma9o7I also tried to build it manually from git, and same issue, cmake wants that newer version of libadwaitaqt-dev.18:41
Guest87Have you thought about gettin libadwaitaqt-dev from their git and like replacing the old one?18:41
enigma9o7I'm afraid of breaking stuff doing that )18:44
enigma9o7But yeah ok maybe I should give that a try.18:44
enigma9o7Just keeps getting harder and harder, farther down the rabbit hole.18:44
Guest87If you are afraid make a chroot enviroment or a VM so that you don't brake your own system18:46
leftyfbenigma9o7: use an lxd container to test these sorts of things18:48
anderson_wuao, como te llamas19:05
leftyfb!es | anderson_19:05
ubottuanderson_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:05
Guest17Hello, I just arrived in Nicaragua, I am trying to connect my laptop to the wifi. It says I'm connected, I can ping the router but can not ping google.com19:35
leftyfbGuest17: that would be a router/ISP issue. Not ubuntu19:35
Guest17I'm on phone on irc webclient. Phone can connect to wifi19:35
Guest17There is a windows laptop that connects too. Just my Ubuntu 20.04 that wont19:36
Guest15Sorry, I guess I'm guest15 now19:38
Guest15I don't know if it's a. O19:39
Guest15I don't know if it's a country thing, but my laptop was working stateside, now it's the only device that won't work on the wifi here19:40
enigma9o7try an http address (not https) and see if theres some login portal redirect19:41
Guest15Enigma9o7 not sure I follow. Most public websites are https right? And I'm not sure how to see if there is a login redirect.  Unless you mean In the browser19:44
Guest15So browser can't reach anything. First says dns, then no internet. Then connection interrupted, then dns probe started19:47
enigma9o7its probably not a login portal anyway if your windows and android devices connected automatically.  But yeah what i meant was using a web brwoser, for example http://m.cnn.com19:50
enigma9o7if there's a login portal it'll intercept that19:50
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hearithello, anyone can help me plz? i have problems with apt-get update lazarus package20:36
yensitohelp plz20:40
enigma9o7neither of you have given any clues, not sure how to guess20:40
duuudehearit: sudo apt install lazarus20:44
duuudeto update that20:44
duuudeif there is any new version20:44
yensitoi always get that errorlog no matter what package  try to installor uninstall20:45
yensitoi wanto to remove lazarus20:54
yensitoi dont need it anymore but i cant20:54
tarzeauyensito: can't because ?20:55
tarzeaui usually do dpkg -P --force-all badpkg20:55
yensitolook that pastebin allways i get that error message https://pastebin.com/Rh2YmQhW20:55
tarzeausaw it20:55
iluminetionOlá amigos 😃21:16
yensitohelpp plz21:17
iluminetionHello friend21:19
iluminetionMatrix  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/AoWH5bre/matrix.jpg21:21
leftyfbiluminetion: this is an ubuntu support channel21:23
iluminetionSó achei esses21:25
iluminetionAconselha algum outro 🙂21:26
leftyfb!pt | iluminetion21:27
ubottuiluminetion: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:27
yensitobrazuka get lost macaco21:27
Bashing-omyensito: Looks to me like you have 2 versions of lazarus installed. Please post back ' dpkg -l lazarus ; apt policy lazarus ' . See what we can finger out here/21:28
iluminetionyensito:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Us0ZoFeq/%F0%9F%98%8E.jpg21:35
leftyfbiluminetion: please stop21:35
yensitohe is trying to hack me with jpg images caontaining some malicious code21:35
yensitoplease ban him21:35
=== mloza is now known as atmark
atmarkhello, any idea why isn't there mainline build for v5.15.99 in https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?21:36
leftyfbatmark: why do you need 5.15.0-99?21:38
atmarkleftyfb: I'm hitting what seems to be live migration bug in KVM using the linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04( 5.15.0-75.82~20.04.1-generic ). 5.15.0-75 is mapped 5.15.99 mainline. I compiled 5.15.99 from kernel.org and didn't experience the said bug21:43
atmarkI wanted to try out v5.15.0-99 mainline but I couldn't find it in the mainline repo21:44
Bashing-omyensito: Looking ^ ,21:44
Bashing-omyensito: "http://http.kali.org/kali" I know nothing of Kali ---- what is the host system here ? pastebin ' lsb_release -a ' please.21:48
semHow would I debug the following: My hardware volume up/down keys aren't doing anything, but my keyboard function keys for volume are working. How can I get the hardware keys to work21:51
yensitoits just the same, its a distro based on ubuntu, apt and dpkg systems works just like ubuntu21:53
Bashing-om!kali | yensito21:53
ubottuyensito: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/21:53
yensitonelson mandela will say, that attitude is not ubuntu22:06
LjLljl will say, this channel was tired of these excuses back in 200622:07
LjLshut up and go ask your distro's channel22:07
cukenI'm having a hard time determining what I should put in to apt-get install when I want to request a specific version. I did an apt search on ansible and the version It returned looked like 7.6.0, but  requesting that specifically via apt-get install ansible=7.6.0 did not work. Any thoughts?22:55
LjLcuken, == iirc, not =22:56
cukenLjL ahh! I'll try that thank you22:56
cukenLjL if I use == it throws an error about unable to locate package ansible=23:04
enigma9o7does apt policy ansible show more than one version available?23:05
LjLcuken, sorry then, i must have remembered wrong. but what they said: if it's not available in the repos you have enabled, tough luck.23:05
cukenWhen I look at the output from search it shows: ansible-core/jammy,now 2.14.6-1ppa~jammy all [installed,automatic]23:05
cukenI assumed version was just 2.14.623:05
LjLnot searc. "apt policy ansible"23:05
enigma9o7cuken, you're using ppa, thats not official ubuntu23:05
Bashing-omcuken: what release are you on there ... as 20.04 shows version 2.9.6+dfsg-1.23:06
enigma9o7but in any case, apt policy will show you all versions you have available, for any source yo yuhave set up23:06
enigma9o7and those are the versions you can install.  the one listed as candidate is the one that'll install if you dont specify.23:06
enigma9o7if therea re others, you must specify the version23:06
cukenahh understood thanks all23:06
cukenso it looks like the version I'm getting back includes the ppa~jammy I added23:07
cukenI'll try that thanks23:07
enigma9o7ubuntu usually only provides one major version per ubuntu release, th ey dont usually update that, the udpates are just bug/security fixes for that particular version23:09
enigma9o7but ppa can get you a newer version than ubuntu provides23:09
enigma9o7and then apt policy will show both available, with the highest version number as the install candidate23:09
cukenUnderstood thanks, I realized part of the other issue is (in docker where I was running this) I didn't import the ppa prior to referencing the ppa version23:10
cukenThat worked thanks all!23:21
Bashing-om!yay | cuken23:29
ubottucuken: Glad you made it! :-)23:29
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