[11:06] OvenWerks: Here's an interesting one for you. I have Audacious started by RaySession. It connects to Ardour as it should, but no matter how many times I delete and save it always also connects directly to my the Focusrite. [11:06] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YTcajgEp/image.png [17:33] bhechinger: puylse or pipewire? [17:39] bhechinger: both pulse and pipewire will tend to autoconnect to the default device... audacious may as well. I have found the best way to deal with things in pulse or pipewrite is to create a fake or passthrough device and make it the default device. You can then send the output of that fake device to where ever it is really wanted. [18:41] Audacious is jack native. I wonder if there is an option for it for autoconnect. [18:42] Ah ha! it does! [18:42] There, that should fix that.