
Guest14is it possible to upgrade from kubuntu 21 to 22 from the OS?00:37
IrcsomeBot<Unmindful7541> 3A5X02:59
IrcsomeBot<Unmindful7541> Mnst03:01
IrcsomeBot<Unmindful7541> Hello guys. This is my first time using KDE and i really like it. So how can i backup my panels configuration?03:05
user|95What's the problem in my partition on dual boot, installation is succeded but grub don't find L'EFI04:54
skramer_mmikowski: Local login on that machine does work...05:03
mmikowskiskramer_: hmmm, that is odd. So I certainly have seen that issue before, typically when NFS is having difficulty mounting drives because of a network connection or similar.05:04
mmikowskiskramer_: is the remote connection using a different user? The fact you can see processes but not list the file system certainly implies there is some sort of FS hang involved. If there are network drives, you might want to disable them and see if the behavior is the same.05:06
mmikowski(of course, testing with the same user would be critical too). If you do have network drives there, it could be the remote connection is interfering with the network drive protocol somehow.05:08
mmikowskior - could be remote connection limitations like ssh rules associated with permissions. Definitely you will want to tail syslog or similar to see what kind of errors pop up during connection. That would be my first step honestly; then I'd try to use the remote connection and see what happens.05:10
IrcsomeBot<R32p3R> Hello there guys, i wanted some help regarding partitions in my Kubuntu05:20
IrcsomeBot<R32p3R> um i cant send screenshots until 10pm something, how can i state my problem then?05:21
skramer_mmikowski: remote is using the same user as local, but you are right: I should tail syslog first (didn't think about it yet, shame on me)05:37
mmikowskicool skramer_. Best of luck. I must call it a night!07:03
weedmicI have some *.md documents which I try to open in firefox, file open index.md, but it always opens in okular.  how do I fix that?08:02
mparilloHave you tried System Settings > Applications > File Associations > text > markdown08:16
weedmicI shall atm08:17
weedmicokular was listed twice, no firefox, testing - ty08:18
weedmicom - it opens about 30 tabs a second - must be okular on purpose :o08:19
weedmicneeds an extension, unsure which - putting okular back and figuring out later.08:22
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IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> @endo_kenji you have Asus Motherboard I presume?11:50
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Asus board? (re @endo_kenji: 0.201849] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Failure creating named object [\ADBG], AE ALREADY EXISTS (20220331/dswload2-326)11:51
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> 0.2018611 ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (202203 31/psobject-220)11:51
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> [ 0.212726] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [SB.PC00.I2C1.T PL11, AE NOT FOUND (20220331/dswload2-162) 0.212730] ACPI Error: AE_NOT_FOUND, During name lookup/catalog (20220331/ps11:51
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> object-220)11:51
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> [ 1.851278] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: pciehp: Cannot get irq -1 for the hotplug11:51
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> controller11:51
IrcsomeBot<endo_kenji> Gigabyte (re @ksenchy: @endo_kenji you have Asus Motherboard I presume?)13:04
user|48Hi, I have software updates that are not updating.  Once I hit update all, it asked permission to remove packages for the update, then is asks for a restart to finish the update.  Upon reboot the updates are not installed.14:54
alkisguser|48: sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade --yes14:56
alkisgIf that fails, send us the output14:56
user|48this is the message I get when I reboot,....new ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 114:56
user|48after trying, this is the output I received15:05
alkisguser|48: put ALL of the terminal output in a pastebin, and send us the link15:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:06
alkisg(or better yet, paste.debian.net)15:06
user|48I dont know how to send it to you15:12
alkisguser|48: output of this? apt policy libpam-modules libpam-modules-bin | nc termbin.com 999915:15
alkisguser|48: ok, now run: sudo apt --fix-broken install15:23
alkisgPastebin what it says, BEFORE pressing "yes" to continue15:23
alkisguser|48: OK, press y; if it fails, pastebin the whole terminal output once more15:29
alkisguser|48: what's the output of this command?15:33
alkisgfor f in /etc/grub.d/* /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.d/*; do test -f "$f" && sh -n "$f"; done15:33
alkisguser|48: try this: sudo rm /etc/grub.d/README.dpkg-new15:38
alkisgThen again: sudo apt --fix-broken install15:39
user|48Y to continue? correct?15:42
alkisgPress y there15:42
alkisguser|48: there's a syntax error in one of your configuration files but we can't locate which one15:46
alkisgWould you like help for this over terminal sharing, to finish it sooner?15:47
user|48sure if that's easier15:47
alkisgYeah it'll save a lot o ftime15:48
user|48ok, let's do it15:48
alkisgRun this: sudo apt install -y epoptes-client15:48
alkisgAFAIK this will install the necessary program, even though in the end it'll report failure due to the apt issues you already have15:48
alkisgSo after it's installed, run:   /usr/share/epoptes-client/share-terminal
alkisgThat will share your terminal with me; you'll be seeing what I'll be typing15:49
user|48did that work?15:50
alkisgCan you pastebin the whole terminal output once more?15:50
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Ok, I think this needs to be fixed by manufacturer, gigabyte in your case. You could probably fix it, but it's dangerous 🙄 (re @endo_kenji: Gigabyte)15:50
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/amd-600-series/strix-x670e-f-gaming-wifi-acpi-bios-error/m-p/934353/emcs_t/S2h8ZW1haWx8ZGlnZXN0X25vdGlmaWNhdGlvbnxMSVpZVlpPTzVGSUw4RHwtMXxPVEhFUlN8aEs#M335415:50
alkisguser|48: meh, you can't install any packages until the problem is resolved15:52
alkisguser|48: do you have a kubuntu live usb stick?15:52
alkisguser|48: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio* | nc termbin.com 999915:54
alkisgType that, it'll show a URL, paste the URL here. It's a quicker way to pastebin stuff15:54
IrcsomeBot<endo_kenji> Just went and switched to fedora :') (re @ksenchy: Ok, I think this needs to be fixed by manufacturer, gigabyte in your case. You could probably fix it, but it's dangerous 🙄)15:57
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Problem solved? 😂15:57
user|48so we are not able to go further?15:58
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> I lost my nerves trying to get cuda working in fedora 😩15:59
alkisguser|48: yes we are able, see my last instruction above15:59
alkisguser|48:   ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio* | nc termbin.com 999916:00
user|48is that a website or do I type that in?16:00
alkisguser|48: you type all of that in your terminal and you tell us the output16:01
user|48owner@owner-Satellite-L75-C:~$ ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio* | nc termbin.com 999916:01
alkisguser|48: cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings.postinst | nc termbin.com 999916:02
alkisguser|48: that's the next command that we need ^16:05
user|48owner@owner-Satellite-L75-C:~$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings.postinst | nc termbin.com 999916:06
alkisgOK, final one, copy/paste it or type it correctly:16:07
alkisgsudo sed 's/set -e/exit 0/' -i /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings.postinst16:07
alkisgThen do this and it should now work: sudo apt --fix-broken install16:07
user|48It asked me for my password but then it didnt do anything.16:12
alkisguser|48: it did something but it didn't show anything on the terminal. That's fine.16:12
user|48oh wait, I forgot the last command16:12
alkisguser|48: the new package installed a new broken file :D16:16
alkisgTry the last two commands one more time16:16
alkisgsudo sed 's/set -e/exit 0/' -i /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings.postinst16:16
alkisgsudo apt --fix-broken install16:16
alkisgThe terminal sharing program should have been preinstalled in Ubuntu, to help technicians quickly solve such problems :D16:19
user|48That would have been very good for sure.16:20
user|48I got one more error16:20
alkisguser|48: ls -l /etc/grub.d | nc termbin.com 999916:24
user|48owner@owner-Satellite-L75-C:~$ ls -l /etc/grub.d | nc termbin.com 999916:25
alkisguser|48: careful while typing these ones:16:26
alkisgsudo rm /etc/grub.d/*.dpkg-new16:26
alkisgsudo rm /etc/grub.d/*.lowlatency16:26
alkisgAnd then re-try: sudo apt --fix-broken install16:27
user|48Errors were encountered while processing:16:29
user|48 /var/cache/apt/archives/ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings_22.04.26.3_all.deb16:29
user|48E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:29
user|48I can send the whole output if you would like but thats the end of it16:29
alkisgIs it the same error, "syntax error"?16:35
user|48Syntax error at line 16316:36
user|48Syntax errors are detected in generated GRUB config file.16:36
user|48yes looks like that was the same one16:37
alkisgEh. Let's try something else :)16:37
alkisgwget https://download.anydesk.com/linux/anydesk_6.2.1-1_amd64.deb16:37
alkisgsudo dpkg -i ./anydesk*.deb16:37
alkisgIf this gets you a running anydesk, we'll solve it over anydesk :)16:38
user|48That is not working ...16:40
alkisgPastebin the whole output16:41
user|48from the last command we tried?16:41
alkisgFrom wget and below16:41
alkisgYou missed a command16:43
alkisgwget https://download.anydesk.com/linux/anydesk_6.2.1-1_amd64.deb16:43
alkisgsudo dpkg -i ./anydesk*.deb16:43
alkisgwget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gtkglext/libgtkglext1_1.2.0-11_amd64.deb16:47
alkisgsudo dpkg -i ./lib*.deb16:47
user|48I think that worked16:48
alkisgOK now do again:16:48
alkisgsudo dpkg -i ./anydesk*.deb16:48
alkisgThen you should be able to run anydesk16:48
user|48Yes, I have it open!16:49
alkisgOK give me the number16:50
user|481 948 406 55916:50
alkisguser|48: do not reboot before we fix it, as we had to move aside update-grub to get past the issue16:55
alkisguser|48: so, the problem is that the /etc/grub.d/09-lowlatency script, shipped by ubuntu studio, is causing a grub.cfg syntax error AFTER the cfg gets generated17:05
alkisgTo work around the issue I move that file to /root. So now your system will work fine but you won't see the lowlatency kernels17:05
alkisgBut that's OK since you're not using them anyway; you're using the -oem kernel17:05
user|48thank you so much!!17:06
alkisgYou're welcome. I also issued the updates, you've a lot of updates in your queue :)17:06
alkisg(closed anydesk)17:06
user|48Great, so I should be all set then?17:06
user|48I can't thank you enough.  I really appreciate all your time and your patience!!17:07
alkisgAnd you have both anydesk and epoptes-client in case you need remote support ever again :D17:07
user|48Thats Awesome!!17:07
alkisgI was writing some scripts in the meantime, np ;)17:07
user|48I appreciate it very much17:07
user|48All because I was trying to update today. I am happy I found your help.17:08
=== mmikowski5 is now known as mmikowski
IrcsomeBot<Hacene Abderraouf> good evening, I installed Kubuntu 22.04 on my pc with an nvidia graphics card and a 4k screen, after installation kubuntu starts in UHD resolution (4k) but when I lower the resolution to fullHD KDE becomes much larger, unlike ubuntu which reset fine when I change the resolution. How do I fix this problem please?18:46
IrcsomeBot<Hacene Abderraouf> SEPJ18:48
IrcsomeBot<Hacene Abderraouf> PEPJ18:48
IrcsomeBot<Hacene Abderraouf> good evening, I installed Kubuntu 22.04 on my pc with an nvidia graphics card and a 4k screen, after installation kubuntu starts in UHD resolution (4k) but when I lower the resolution to fullHD KDE becomes much larger, unlike ubuntu which reset fine when I change the resolution. How do I fix this problem please?18:48
mparilloI use System Settings > Display Configuration and set scale to 150%20:10
IrcsomeBot<Hacene Abderraouf> I want to use full hd not 4k. I want full hd but in smaller scale.20:20
mmikowskiUse 100% display scale. Force font dpi to 96. Logout and back in. Works great here :)21:56

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