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juerghchilversc: something is not running it seems. will look in a bit.07:10
badutskiHi, I have a problem with a btrfs raid1 that will not mount on boot because it claims some devices are missing, what is the correct venue to discuss this topic?11:11
mhcerribadutski, I would say that's probably more about system administration than kernel. or do you see something odd in dmesg?11:17
badutskii don't know what would qualify as odd, but btrfs reports missing devices, but after boot, the raid can be mounted manually without any problems whatsoever. all devices are present.11:30
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badutskii tried testing the builtin udev command used in the systemd rules `udevadm test-builtin btrfs /dev/sda1` and it returns `Failed to open device '/dev/sda1': No such device`11:45
badutskithe command fails to open any blockdevice regardless of device path and it's format11:47
badutskithat strikes me as odd, especially because the device exists and can be mounted.11:52
arighibadutski, if you could post the output of dmesg somewhere (e.g., pastebin) I think it'd be helpful to better understand if it's a kernel issue or a user-space issue13:00
vic-thoris there any particular reason why the CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_SECURE_BOOT is not upstreamed?17:03
ograprobably the option name is too long 😛17:04
vic-thoreven after changing it from CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT?17:04
ograwhen did kernel config options become full sentences ? 17:05
JanCprobably inevitable that they become longer as people keep adding more & more of them  :)17:15
vic-thorboth ubuntu and red hat have exactly the same implementation, but vanilla doesn't have it17:16
JanCbe happy people didn't start to name them CONFIG_1, CONFIG_2, etc. or something like that  ;)17:17
atmarkHi, I have a problem with KVM live migration on focal running kernel 5.15.0-75-generic, the VM/instance freezes after migration. I tried the upstream mainline version 5.15.99 and didn't experience any issue. 17:21
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