[01:02] yeah me too [04:25] fenris[m]1, RikMills[m]: is System Settings > Displays interface fixed? [05:16] Haven't attached to the monitor yet [05:17] But in wayland on 4k screen , I didn't face freeze @ greyish screen [05:23] fenris[m]1: Thanks! If I can get it on 22.04, I'll let you know how X11 goes. [05:41] U facing the same before? [05:41] s/facing/faced/ [07:04] fenris[m]1: no, but multi-display interface was sticky, where one could not select or move screen icons in interface. [08:19] wayland felt laggy compared to x11 : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7841ea73/image_2023_06_22_16_19_35.png [08:19] plus while lunching the apps