[01:06] No,I running on physical PC (re @IrcsomeBot: IrcsomeBot: are you asking how to create a virtualbox machine and have one of more than 1 physical gpu be assigned to the vm using kde?) [02:35] S5ox [02:35] NA7T [02:35] Zeitgeist === paolo is now known as paop [08:28] /msg@IrcsomeBot [15:07] anybody want to help me on using simultaneously 2 bluetooth speaker ?? [15:07] i have tried its general way and it's not working [18:01] @milesdredd First, your computer needs to have Bluetooth version 5 for this to be possible, then the devices you are trying to pair also need to support this [18:48] @genii when i was on ubuntu os , that time i tried the same , and was working , but in kde it's not working for me ... (re @IrcsomeBot: @milesdredd First, your computer needs to have Bluetooth version 5 for this to be possible, then the devices you are trying to pair also need to support this)