=== mike is now known as Guest8881 [04:35] How do I change a custom icon of a desktop icon? I want to set a custom Icon for Firefox, using Lubuntu 22.04 I've tried this: Right Click Firefox desktop icon > Properties > Icon in properties window > click it > nothing happens. That process usually brings up a file menue where I can select a different .ico in other distros. [04:36] right click the desktop icon and open it with featherpad. [04:37] in the text section search for icon= [04:38] Icon=firefox change it with Icon=/home/user/pics.jpg [04:38] or soemthing. [04:39] ok ty [05:06] 12345678 [05:07] === tristan123 is now known as tristan_ [22:49] So i was trying to install lubuntu on my old pc to make use of it and I encountered some issues while installing [22:50] First i will add some context the pc was running windows 7, legacy mode on, and i have 2 hdd drives, one for windows and the other planned for lubuntu