
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I have been out of things to long, Ardour is at 7.5 already.02:59
OvenWerkshaving said that, I am going off grid all July...02:59
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, Debian Unstable only just got 7.4 due to freeze.02:59
EickmeyerI'm sure it'll be updated in due time.03:00
OvenWerksI expect so.03:00
EickmeyerAlright, cool. I've been sick lately, so I've been slowly working on Studio stuff.03:00
OvenWerksMy youngest son is graduating on the 28th03:01
EickmeyerOh, congratulations!03:01
OvenWerksI am not sure whay he is doing from here. He wants to work for a year but also take a few more high school courses (so he doesn't have to pay for them in collage). He wan ts to do engineering but not sure whay part of it.03:03
OvenWerksThis keyboard is small, I keep hitting y instead of t03:04
OvenWerkseven though he has graduated he can take his chem and calc so long as he is under 1903:05
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Sorry not so talkative. I've been very sick with an upper respiratory infection for the past week and a half.03:27
OvenWerksno worries on the talkative part. Both my wife and son went through that a month ago.15:32

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