
=== JanC is now known as Guest5825
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjegood morning03:29
foxfpis ubuntu moving towards replacing apt with the snap store?08:00
lotuspsychjefoxfp: apt is cli, not sure what you mean exactly and what you heared08:02
foxfpi'm wondering if ubuntu is planning to replace their traditional package management with snaps08:05
guivercfoxfp, I've seen no real movement towards this... I have seen movement towards a snap-based desktop system + the traditional system (all flavors are currently deb based; some include some snap packages but not all do)08:06
lotuspsychjefoxfp: the devs are working on a snap only based ubuntu flavour atm08:06
* guiverc has now found 6 green SysRq keyfronts, 3x black SysRq, 2x grey... but no blue... my color blue in #ubuntu earlier maybe was wrong :(08:07
guivercmany end-use cases will really benefit from a SNAP based desktop system (ie. Ubuntu Core flavor desktop)  but that's an extra product being my point08:08
foxfpis the snap server proprietary? i heard it was proprietary when i last talked about it08:09
guivercfoxfp, there are somewhat regular flavor sync meetings, where Canonical devs update flavors; the meeting minutes can be read on discourse which give a pretty clear indication (a source often used by bloggers.. those in meeting may hear a few extra things, but most go in minutes)08:10
guiverchttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-flavor-sync-meeting-notes-may-8-2023/35642 is an example of what I was referring to08:10
=== JanC is now known as Guest8044
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer

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