[14:41] Hi :) Looks like Ubuntu Studio might be a good choice to avoid as much hassle as possible to use a Novation Launchkey Mini mk3. (my friend went through hell to *not* manage to get working well on Windows. So I'm a little scared of what expect us on Linux) [14:41] Could there be an advantage using 23.04 vs 22.04 lts? Like if the version difference on Ardour or kernel or some other relevant software could make a difference in support. Otherwise, I guess the best bet to minimize struggle is to go for 22.04 [14:42] > Like if the version difference on Ardour or kernel or some other relevant software could make a difference in support. [14:42] Or like a whole new thing introduced in the recent ub studio versions. [14:45] try 22.04 LTS first, i had no luck with Novation launchpadX , only a wine solution [14:48] > try 22.04 LTS first [14:48] Thanks, if nothing worth going out of the LTS, let's go for that. [14:49] > i had no luck with Novation launchpadX [14:49] Hopefully a Launchkey is different enough and that will help. (or it could be enough worse XD) [14:49] > only a wine solution [14:49] What did you end up doing? [14:49] Not using it on Linux... [14:52] ouch >_< [14:54] https://www.dropbox.com/s/w6ywqjtkr73t8vg/2018music.png?dl=0 [14:54] the akai mkII is much fun [15:33] In order to use Gnome with Ubuntu Studio. Is it really cleaner to install Ubuntu and use the Ubuntu Studio installer rather than installing Ubuntu Studio and install the ubuntu-desktop package? [15:33] studio runs on KDE now, not sure that route is supported [15:37] oerheks https://ubuntustudio.org/ « Don't want KDE Plasma? Use Ubuntu Studio Installer on any other official Ubuntu flavor! » [15:38] The Ubuntu Studio Installer route is supported but I'm wondering that's really the cleanest vs Ubuntu Studio + ubuntu-desktop package [15:39] The installer has different thing depending on the major version so I'm also afraid to miss something https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/ [15:39] And not have a complete setup for the audio part. [15:42] one could setup standard ubuntu/snome, add the ubuntu studio repository .. [15:46] oerheks that's going even further out of track than Ubuntu Studio Installer [15:49] I'll keep digging on that. [15:50] Does anyone know what people on Linux usually use to play with **devices like** a Novation Launchkey Mini mk3? [15:50] So I'll try the same and we will see if that sticks. [16:01] tuxayo - ive used various midi controllers and never had an issue with a single one. maudio keyrig, trigger finger, etc., and my m-audio venom synth can act as a controller when plugged in via usb and works just fine too. [16:02] tuxayo-webchat: Going Ubuntu Studio + adding ubuntu-desktop would result in multiple desktop environments and packages with conflicting settings, so that's not recommended. That's why Ubuntu Studio Installer exists. === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [16:04] I'm reading that any midi over USB should be usable on Linux (for basic features). But I still don't find with which software are people playing ^^ [16:08] Your best bet is to try the live USB to see if that works with your hardware, and if you like the software included. [16:09] Ignore the desktop environment if you want to use something else. [16:21] Eickmeyer [16:21] > Your best bet is to try the live USB to see if that works with your hardware, and if you like the software included. [16:21] I have the live USB, but I don't know which software to run to try to play something with the midi keyboard. That's how much we know about the linux music ecosystem ^^" [16:22] «Going Ubuntu Studio + adding ubuntu-desktop would result in multiple desktop environments and packages with conflicting settings, so that's not recommended. That's why Ubuntu Studio Installer exists.» [16:22] Thanks, ok that makes sense. I'm going that way. Since the person using the PC barely wants to use Linux and like nothing else that Gnome... [16:22] tuxayo-webchat: Try #opensourcemusicians. Quite a few Ubuntu Studio users in there that might be able to get you started. [16:22] Thanks a lot :) [20:01] Hi all, anyone has experimented an issue where some audio applications like audacity can't be opened? Sytem monitor shows the process but the app doesn't open at all. I've noticed that I can open these applications with sudo but not as normal wayy, in addition, some other audio application like pure data works nicely. [20:02] by the way I'm on ubuntu studio 22.04 LTS [21:12] Crap, I have a half installed Ubuntu studio. I installed Ubuntu gnome, ran ubuntu studio installer, **but** it failed at some point because /boot was full.... [21:12] Now the ubuntu studio installer tell me that all ubuntu studio packages are installed. [21:13] tuxayo-webchat: That's beyond the scope of this channel. The /boot being full is due to too many kernels most likely. Seek help in #ubuntu. [21:13] I don't find a way to retrigger the ubuntu studio installer process [21:14] You won't. You got yourself stuck with a full /boot which halted apt. [21:15] Don't worry, I expanded /boot and was able to do apt operation afterwards. [21:15] But the ubuntu studio installer still ended up failing so likely some operation wheren't done. [21:16] re run it. [21:16] It's just an apt fontend at the end of the day. [21:17] i am sure you get some hints like ' apt install -f [21:19] "apt install -f" has nothing to complain [21:19] So apt somehow ended it transaction. [21:19] Then just re-run Ubuntu Studio Installer. It's just an apt frontend at the end of the day. [21:19] and proper updates with apt dist-upgrade & reboot might help.. but this goes beyond the normal ubuntu-studio install.. [21:19] Sorry, too slow to type. [21:20] oerheks: They're using ubuntustudio-installer to install ubuntustudio tools on ubuntu. [21:21] «Now the ubuntu studio installer tell me that all ubuntu studio packages are installed.» [21:21] But it definitely failed. unless only doing on big apt command, there might be missing work [21:21] in other words, it failed before finishing so when rerunning it and reading «all ubuntu studio packages are installed», I don't have much confidence in that. [21:22] tuxayo-webchat: All it does is install metapackages, so if it eventually finished via other means, then it worked via the other means. [21:22] tuxayo-webchat: What version of Ubuntu? [21:24] > All it does is install metapackages, so if it eventually finished via other means, then it worked via the other means. [21:24] Ok, great, hopefully :D [21:24] > What version of Ubuntu? [21:24] 22.04 [21:24] Ok. Well, then that means the metapackages and their recommends got installed. That's all it does. [21:25] I asked because I completely rewrote it for 23.04, but 22.04's version runs differently, but not much different. [21:26] > All it does is install metapackages [21:26] I guess if I find in my apt history I can remove and see if the installer and be retriggered. [21:26] > Ok. Well, then that means the metapackages and their recommends got installed. That's all it does. [21:26] ah ok [21:28] > I asked because I completely rewrote it for 23.04, but 22.04's version runs differently, but not much different. [21:28] Ok, great thanks for writting it, very useful to be able to use other interfaces :) [21:28] To be honest, I didn't write the version in 22.10 and prior, it was due for a rewrite so I did it. [21:30] I was worried that after installing the kernel packages it would run config scripts or install other packages. Which then would have been left undone. But if someone in the know tells me there is nothing else done after installing the kernel packages then nothing to worry about then :) [21:31] our midi keyboard works with yoshimi :D [21:31] I was worried that it wouldn't be able to work on Linux at all :) [21:32] Nah, the kernel just installs a kernel. 'ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings' does do some stuff, but when it finally gets configured, it should do what it's supposed to. If you're feeling ultra-paranoid, you can run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings', but nothing else you installed does any real post-install config. [21:35] I wasn't worried about the kernel, it booted after I rebooted to increase the /boot size. (which it booted even with apt no finished it transaction ?????) [21:38] So it the end, looks like the piece involved are quite robust to be able to basically not care and have the job 100% even with a full /boot ^^ [21:38] *the pieces [22:19] thanks all for the help today :)