=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 [04:23] In the middle of kubuntu update and on lock screen. Blank doesn't seem to work when I googled. Anyone know what it is? [04:24] Install from DVD iso [04:24] Live session user === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:40] hey, I just installed kubuntu, and for some reason bluetooth gets automatically turned on when I boot the system. is there a way to turn that off? [07:53] go to system settings>type blue tooth>edit it at will [07:53] forcefull: ^ [07:59] weedmic: well if system settings would open :) will relog in to see if that fixes it [08:02] weedmic: thanks :) one issue down. do you have any idea about the non-centered windows? [08:03] oh I should meantion that I am on the kubuntu-ppa/backports plasma. this still happens on kubuntu 23.04 "proper" [08:12] forcefull: pls post a link to a pic of "non centered windows" - I do not know what you mean. i also have no idea what "kubuntu-ppa/backports plasma". plasma sounds like kde to me though. [08:13] weedmic: the kubuntu team pushes newer plasma releases (and backports them to older distro releases) on the launchpad.net platform [08:16] weedmic: and this is what happens when I open windows which are not maximized https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/57b13259a532 [08:16] (but system settings is configured to centered for new windows) [08:30] how is that not centered forcefull? [08:30] because they are tiled after the first one, but only ?near? the centre? [08:30] weedmic: oO the first window (lowest) is centered all the other ones are offcenter [08:30] yes [08:34] where did you find the center command - i'm not having luck b/c I have forgotten what it is in english [08:35] system settings -> window management -> advanced [08:35] but there is no command afaik [08:36] somewhere near there I remember the word "tiled", if you find it, try to unclick it and see if they stack directly on eachother (which I believe is what you want). [08:39] System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects - uncheck "present windows" [08:40] if it doesn't work - put it back [08:40] I can't even find that setting [08:41] I stopped going there when they got rid of cube :( :( [08:41] weedmic: nope, does nothing [08:41] which part is missing "desktop effect"? [08:42] o, try this - just a sec [08:42] to restart plasma - (faster than a logout login) "killall plasmashell;plasmashell > /dev/null 2>&1 &" [08:44] weedmic: you mean with the present window disabled? [08:47] u lost me [08:47] well, as I understand, I should disable the present windows setting (like you said above) and then afterwards restart plasma? [08:48] i meant that some changes to setting require you to logout and log backin for the kde to reset - or one could just do that command [08:48] ahh kk so I understood you correct [08:48] brb (damn wayland shell) [08:48] oic, by windows setting you meant desktopeffect - sorry my english for these terms is pretty limited [08:48] and is basically calling everything "a number" [08:49] I am not using wayland, [08:50] weedmic: nope :S doesn't help [08:50] "inxi -Gxx | grep compositor" compositor: kwin_x11 driver: X: loaded: modesetting unloaded: fbdev,vesa [08:50] weedmic: command inxi not found ;) [08:51] but I can definitely say I am on wayland [08:51] sorry, no other ideas. I have mine at center, and opened 5 windows and they are on top of eachother - even with that checked. [08:51] you can check with "inxi -Gxx | grep compositor" [08:51] interesting. as this also happens to me with the normal plasma version which kubuntu ships [08:52] weedmic: inxi is not installed, but grepping the plasma process, it says it's plasma [08:52] wayland not plasma [08:52] maybe it is wayland :S [08:52] but need that, as I need fractional scaling [08:52] as long as it works :) [08:53] well it doesn't :P [08:53] to me wayland is a compositor, like x or kwin [08:53] it does, just you have not found the ?minutiae" you need - it exists [08:53] yeah, I was only saying that maybe because I am on wayland, the centered thing doesn't work. [08:54] I will still look around :) [08:54] I have doubts that is possible. [08:54] me too [08:55] oh last question. can I change somewhere what happens when I lock the screen and/or close the lid? [08:55] nothing under display or power management [08:56] oh lol [08:56] I am blind [08:56] I have done mega changes under appearance, you may find the setting there (but may very well not find it). [08:56] yes, but u found it. i have my set to do nothing and have the display set to monitors 2 & 3 (at work), at home no comptuers close [08:57] weedmic: thank you for the help :). need to go offline. [08:57] enjoy rl [08:57] weedmic: my problem is when my screen turns off, my laptop crashes [08:57] hellp dell :( [08:57] they just released a firware update for that, installed it 2 days ago. [08:57] (they even sold the laptop with ubuntu) [08:58] weedmic: doubt that, as my laptop is 5-6 years old. and even on windows the laptop crashes when it goes to sleep [08:58] although it didn't affect me personally. "Latitude_5430_1.13.1.exe" [08:59] check for updates, if there are any firmware ones, it will tell you. then read fwupdmgr to find out how to install it. [08:59] damn I have a latitude 5490 [08:59] man:fwupdmgr [08:59] weedmic: fwupdmgr tells me no update. so maybe it will still get released [08:59] best of luck - they are playing lunch time over th espeakers [09:00] let's hope. the crazy part to me is that only with kernel 6.0-6.2 got the laptop usable on linux :( [09:00] so now heading off :) hf :D === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [09:22] Hello. Kubuntu stacks on login screen when password is expiried. [09:22] it's just doesn't show new password fields after password enter [09:22] I know how to change it another way, but I need it work in gui [09:22] The same problem in 22 and 20 kubuntu, but still can't find any answer in internet [09:24] user|59: do you know the credentials of any "sudo group" member? [10:16] user|59: I know, But I wana make it work via GUI [10:16] I want change expired password via GUI [10:37] user|59: if you have the credentials to any sudo user, you can drop to init3. reset the password for the user who cannot get in, and return to init 5 (or 7 where the gui login is) and type in the new password you just assigned. [10:37] if you don't know any valid credentials, it only gets more difficult. [11:09] Ok I have sudo user credentials. But how make work this GUI options, so will appear fields for new password? [11:13] user|59: if you have the credentials to any sudo user, you can drop to init3. reset the password for the user who cannot get in, and return to init 5 (or 7 where the gui login is) and type in the new password you just assigned. [11:19] I seem to have an issue with one of my laptops running 22.04 recently. It boots up & I can log into Plasma. I am even able to type the pass for NetworkManager. But after that, nothing happens anymore. [11:21] In Personal Folderr, only the Pictures subfolder has it's icon. Rest of them is just standard blue. Also noticed that the volume control is crossed out. [11:22] weedmic : So, after it, next time when password expired, will expired password chaninging fine, and will GUI show me fields for new password? [11:23] What could be the reason for this issue? ...btw. SSH into the console works perfectly fine. I could do updates from there, starting a VirtualBox from console also works & I could connect to that VM via both, SSH and RDP [11:24] my english is not powerful enough to get your meaning user|59. What do you think is the difference between the "user password" and this "gui password"? how can they not be the same? is the gui perhaps the password on some external device - like a cloud server or something? [11:25] do you speak russian? [11:26] my english not so good too. [11:26] To change password is not a problem. [11:26] po moemy, lucho zdesx razgovorovatx po-angliski [11:26] I wana fix this GUI bug [11:26] I wana see this fileds for new password [11:27] perhaps, once you can login, you can make those changes. [11:44] If I understood him in private chat correctly, the real issue for user|59 is that things are working, but... what he wants is when a user's password is to expire or has expired, he should be prompted at login to set a new password. I think it is KDE sddm, but I cannot tell. He has two pics he can post. [11:44] user|59: i zabyl sprasit, izvenit moe ploxoj russkij yazyk. === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 [13:10] Hi all === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 [18:51] Hello what are the system requirements for this os [20:10] It might be a bit lighter than Ubuntu, but keep in mind that these are the MINIMUM requirements. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements First thing I would do is get an SSD, second would be to double the RAM from 4 to 8 GB. === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 [21:04] Anyone know how to fix the default playback volume always being set to 100%? [21:08] Never mind === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away