
seb128hey, I'm only half around but will try to keep up and vote at least16:01
sil2100Sadly I'm also in a conflicting meeting, so my attention is split16:02
bdmurrayI'm in the same meeting with sil210016:06
sil2100In theory we have quorum16:07
utkarsh2102I’m also afk and out, so using phone to the best of my ability.16:08
utkarsh2102won’t be able to chair :/16:08
utkarsh2102ah, there o/16:09
utkarsh2102sil2100, bdmurray: would any of you have the capacity to chair?16:09
kanashiro[m]I am in the middle of my lunch right now16:11
sil2100Ok, so I'll start the meeting maybe, but a bit distracted16:11
sil2100#startmeeting Developer Membership Board16:12
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:12:23 UTC.  The chair is sil2100.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:12
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:12
sil2100#topic Ubuntu Contributing Developers Applications16:12
sil2100#subtopic Heather Ellsworth16:13
sil2100#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hellsworth/ContributingDeveloperApplication16:13
teward*burp* sorry i'm late16:13
sil2100Do we have Heather here?16:13
sil2100...I don't see her online16:13
sil2100Let's skip her in that case, she might need to re-appy16:14
sil2100#subtopic Nikhil Kshirsagar16:14
sil2100#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nkshirsagar/UbuntuPerPackageUploaderApplication16:14
sil2100#topic Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications16:14
sil2100(sorry for the confusion, doing 2 meetings at once is a bit confusing)16:15
sil2100#subtopic Nikhil Kshirsagar16:15
sil2100#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nkshirsagar/UbuntuPerPackageUploaderApplication16:15
sil2100Now it's better16:15
sil2100nkshirsa: o/16:15
nkshirsaHello o/16:15
sil2100So nkshirsa already introduced themselves via e-mail and I asked them some questions already, but feel free to reintroduce yourself again briefly16:16
sil2100#link https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Nikhil+Kshirsagar&sponsoree_search=name16:16
sil2100Otherwise, I guess we're open to questions16:17
nkshirsaSure. I'm Nikhil Kshirsagar, I've been with Canonical about 2 years working in the SEG team on escalated cases related to cloud and platform storage. I live in Pune, India. I've been using open source for about 10 years now, my main driver OS is Ubuntu of course, but have used red hat and centos/fedora in the past too..16:17
tewardsil2100: link to the email?  since i have 20k unread in my inbox :P16:18
nkshirsateward, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2023-June/002288.html16:19
kanashiro[m]nkshirsa: what would you do if a sosreport upload gets stuck in -proposed because of a regression?16:21
nkshirsakanashiro[m], this was what I ran into for the previous release, 4.5.3 .. we discovered a bug in the upstream package that was hit while testing in a juju environment (something that the test cases did not cover)16:22
nkshirsaBut that was a bug discovered upstream. If you mean an autopkgtest regression, I'd look at the update_excuses page for a start..16:22
nkshirsaand try to identify the cause of the problem from there. If it all looks good, I'd also consider installability issues and take a look at the update_output page to see if its blocked due to some dependency issues or conflicts16:23
kanashiro[m]yeah, I meant autopkgtest :)16:23
tewardnkshirsa: From what I can tell the vast majority of your sosreport work is in sru updates, do you have contributions to devel release or upstream sosreport?  And if not, then why not?16:24
nkshirsateward, I do have contributions to upstream sos, I redesigned the ceph plugin in upstream sos , let me dig out the link16:24
tewards/vast majority/majority if not all/16:25
kanashiro[m]There are upstream contributions in the application16:25
sil2100nkshirsa: I'll have a follow up question to your e-mail answers that you gave to my questions16:26
utkarsh2102nkshirsa: I’m confused with the version of sosreport in Ubuntu. What’s the reason? For example, Lunar has 4.5-1ubuntu0. Which looks odd. And then there’s 4.5.3ubuntu0.
nkshirsathe majority of the work is SRU updates, that is correct, that's because I am resposible for building/testing the packages each time there's a new upstream release ..16:26
nkshirsasil2100, ack16:27
utkarsh2102nkshirsa: there’s no upstream downstream version separation. That’s weird. Why so?16:27
sil2100nkshirsa: so I have a follow up question to question 2), so the question about MRE. Your response was good, but I want some additional clarification: in limitations you mentioned that 'or any drastic changes' are not allowed - what would you consider a drastic change?16:28
nkshirsautkarsh2102, yeah that was because earlier sos used to be only major release, so 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 etc. for 4.5 they shifted to monthly cadence, and that time we had discussed having just one ubuntu release for the 4.5 series .. so I called it 4.5, and yes the -1 was a mistake .. for the 4.5.3 release we had decided to release more than just 1 major release of 4.5, so that changed the numbering to including the .3 .. it was messy, I plan to take16:28
nkshirsacare of this carefully going forward..16:28
utkarsh2102But there’s no separation of the downstream version from the upstream version.16:29
nkshirsasil2100, new features, or some new build dependency. Generally MRE's could be considered for bugfix releases upstream16:29
nkshirsautkarsh2102, so, 4.5.3 only went into devel. we did not release it for stable since we discoverd the bug during testing proposed.16:30
utkarsh2102nkshirsa: but do you understand the problem with the version string you’ve chosen?16:30
sil2100nkshirsa: ok, that's fair, since the important thing is to not change existing behavior of users, which your answer basically incorporates16:33
nkshirsayes, there are issues .. firstly, I need the -0 at the end of the upstream release to indicate there's no debian revision. It's optional but only if the package is built for debian purely. If there's no debian package (like for sos), then I need it to be -0. That's one. Secondly I realize that I need ubuntu1 instead of ubuntu0 , but thats something I chose based on what ceph does.. the 23.04.1 implies its the first update ..16:33
nkshirsa^^ utkarsh2102 to answer your question in as much detail as I can :-)16:33
sil2100nkshirsa: it's indeed interesting that sosreport is a native package now starting with lunar?16:34
tewardnkshirsa: As slashd mentioned in your endorsements, you don't seem to have much devel release work on the radar with regards to sosreport - from the sponsorship miner, its primarily SRUs and backports of the versions via SRU.  Is there a primary reason for this?  Its generally unusual to see no devel work16:34
utkarsh2102nkshirsa: fair, and thanks. Please try to fix the version in the next upload.16:34
tewardalso apologies for slow msgs on my end, here via phone today16:35
nkshirsautkarsh2102, yes this has been discussed in detail and will be taken care of going forward16:35
sil2100Ah, it's not a native package, just the versioning indeed needs fixing16:35
utkarsh2102sil2100: hehe, yeah. I got super confused, too16:35
nkshirsayes sil2100 , I need to fix the versioning. I need to have -0 for "no debian package of this version" and also ubuntu1 for "first revision". I chose ubuntu0 based on the way ceph does it.. but its clearer to do it with ubuntu1.. as I mentioned, I will fix the versioning properly for the next release16:36
sil2100nkshirsa: thanks ;)16:36
sil2100All good if that's on your radar!16:36
nkshirsateward, whatever work I've done upstream in sos, it's been architecture/redesign16:36
nkshirsasil2100, yes it is :-)16:36
nkshirsateward, also the odd review, bugfixes, and constant discussions with the upstream sos team about stuff that breaks ubuntu specific things..16:37
tewardnkshirsa: i didnt ask about upstream.  i asked about the ubuntu devel release.16:37
tewardnot upstream sosreport16:37
sil2100teward: I do seem new devel release uploads of sosreport there though?16:39
nkshirsateward, I make the devel release too, but eric (slashd) pushes it to the upload queue16:39
tewardsil2100: i see three out of a handful of sponsored items16:40
tewardand only one not tied to sru related16:40
tewardhence my question about why theres not as much devel work.  but whatever.16:41
sil2100teward: well, to be fair, nkshirsa's upload history has selected devel uploads + SRU uploads. It seems sosreport follows a work-process of submitting the new version to all series at once, devel+stable. Only the first SRUs don't have the devel version prepared by nkshirsa16:42
utkarsh2102fwiw, I’m ready to vote :)16:42
nkshirsayes, that is correct.. the first SRU i remember 4.3 , slashd did the devel himself because I was new to the process then16:42
kanashiro[m]Ready to vote too16:42
sil2100Any other questions?16:43
tewardsil2100: makes me wonder if this needs a mre then just thinking out loud :P16:43
nkshirsa4.4 onwards I've done the devel too.. so basically last 3 releases.. we release a new sosreport typically every 3 months now.. which is why I'm trying to ease taking up b/w from sponsors and work on the uploads myself to speed up things16:43
tewardi am ready to vote16:43
sil2100teward: it has one! ;)16:43
sil2100Ok, let's vote then!16:44
tewardblah this is what happens when my inbox is flooddd xD16:44
nkshirsayes it does its not for MRE but for stable release exception.. :-)16:44
sil2100#vote Grant PPU to nkshirsa for sosreport16:44
meetingologyPlease vote on: Grant PPU to nkshirsa for sosreport16:44
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')16:44
utkarsh2102+1; I feel Nikhil is ready for the upload rights. They demonstrate the experience needed and I’m sure they’ll be an asset to Ubuntu. Keep up the good work but please keep asking questions when in doubt. Ping me or any core-dev for reviews, et al. Best of luck!16:45
meetingology+1; I feel Nikhil is ready for the upload rights. They demonstrate the experience needed and I’m sure they’ll be an asset to Ubuntu. Keep up the good work but please keep asking questions when in doubt. Ping me or any core-dev for reviews, et al. Best of luck! received from utkarsh210216:45
sil2100+1 - I see a bit of a learning curve with nkshirsa's uploads, but I think the applicant is ready enough to be able to own the work themselves. Please be sure to put emphasis on versioning, proper changelog formatting and not to miss any d/control dependencies!16:46
meetingology+1 - I see a bit of a learning curve with nkshirsa's uploads, but I think the applicant is ready enough to be able to own the work themselves. Please be sure to put emphasis on versioning, proper changelog formatting and not to miss any d/control dependencies! received from sil210016:46
meetingology+1 received from bdmurray16:47
seb128+1 I think the work on the package is solid and I trust nkshirsa to improve the few things discussed today16:47
meetingology+1 I think the work on the package is solid and I trust nkshirsa to improve the few things discussed today received from seb12816:47
kanashiro[m]+1 I have seen some of nkshirsa's work while triaging bugs, and I think his work on sosreport is great.16:47
meetingology+1 I have seen some of nkshirsa's work while triaging bugs, and I think his work on sosreport is great. received from kanashiro[m]16:47
meetingology+1 received from teward16:48
meetingologyVoting ended on: Grant PPU to nkshirsa for sosreport16:48
meetingologyVotes for: 6, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 016:48
meetingologyMotion carried16:48
teward(send coffee please)16:48
sil2100nkshirsa: congrats! o/16:48
utkarsh2102Woot! Congratulations!16:48
utkarsh2102sil2100: I’ll take care of the announcement, et al16:48
seb128congrats nkshirsa!16:48
sil2100Who wants to take the action item of adding nkshirsa PPU?16:48
nkshirsaThank you! :-)16:48
sil2100#action utkarsh2102 to handle announcement and PPU adjustments for nkshirsa16:49
meetingologyACTION: utkarsh2102 to handle announcement and PPU adjustments for nkshirsa16:49
nkshirsathank you also for the feedback and suggestions :-)16:49
utkarsh2102I ought to run unless there’s anything else that’s pressing?16:49
sil2100Okay, let's move on. I think there's nothing else to address16:49
sil2100#topic AOB16:49
sil2100I guess no AOB?16:50
utkarsh2102Sweet! I’ll ask Heather to reschedule16:50
sil2100ah, there's one from bdmurray16:50
sil2100[bdmurray] Why is mythbuntu-dev still a delegated team when it isn't a flavor?16:50
sil2100bdmurray: do you want to take this one?16:50
utkarsh2102Also, I’m working on the documentation. I’ll need sometime for it. Will share when I have an update.16:50
sil2100I will have to AFK in a moment as well16:51
tewardonly an fyi from me for AOB: i will be absent the next two DMB meetings - prior FT job mandatory things conflicting with DMB meetings.16:51
sil2100teward: ACK o/16:51
sil2100bdmurray: let's maybe postpone your AOB to next meeting if you don't mind16:52
sil2100I'll close off the meeting now16:52
utkarsh2102teward: ack, take care, and try not to put things on fire :)16:52
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:52:20 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-06-26-16.12.moin.txt16:52
utkarsh2102Yep, thanks for running this.16:52
sil2100Thank you everyone!16:52
utkarsh2102Have a good one, everyone o/16:52
kanashiro[m]Thanks sil210016:52
teward*deploys himself to the abyssal realm known as Windows Server Farms*16:53
hellsworthHi everyone. I'm terribly sorry for missing the DMB meeting this morning. I mistakenly did not have it in my calendar. Please, if you let me try again I promise to absolutely be on time. Again, I'm really sorry for completely forgetting.19:44
kanashiro[m]hellsworth: you need to find a new slot in the agenda again and add your name, also a good idea to reply to your email saying the new date19:47
hellsworthGreat idea. Thank you.19:47

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