=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [15:52] * SuperLag wonders how much RHEL's latest actions will drive companies toward Ubuntu. 🤔 [16:06] surely there's gotta be a better choice [20:23] I wonder why the language which is used to describe cloud-init-related stuff is so bad. [20:23] "bootcmd is very much like boothook, but possibly with more friendly." [20:25] In some random cloud-init log at some point I found "ran" instead of "run" (probably because they thought the participle cannot be identical with the infinitive) and so on. This really stands out in an ugly way. And I'm not criticizing people's language skills, just the lack of awareness (as in, check with someone who knows, etc.) [20:38] thanks effendy[m], we're doing what we can to make docs better, but there's still some low hanging fruit we haven't caught. I'll put up a PR for that bootcmd one shortly. If you have the full log for that ran/run one, I can take care of that too. For anything else you find, we always appreciate docs bugs in Github. You can use the 'Give feedback' [20:38] button on the top of our readthedocs docs. [20:40] falcojr: Thank you. It's nice to see that you're open to it. A lot of people have a different take on that and believe that it really doesn't matter as long as "people understand the message" :) [20:41] I'm no native speaker myself, but when it comes to published texts I try to be as careful as possible, check with native speakers and so on. [20:42] yes, both are important :) [20:43] But on this occasion I was able to solve an issue that I had with the ova cloudimage templates :) I wrote a bug report here https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4188 related to how cloudinit changed its behaviour around a week ago (it also starts the init-network before rebooting). It didn't do that in the May templates. [20:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 4188 in canonical/cloud-init "cloud-init changes behaviour with ubuntu cloud image ova starting from version 20230602" [Open] [20:44] and the solution was using - [cloud-init-per, once, ... ] [20:44] in order to stop ssh just once, before rebooting. [20:48] ahh good. I'm glad it worked for you [20:48] if you have any other cloud-init specific things, you can join user over in #cloud-init too [20:54] I'm not very sure how I can join this room from element :) [21:00] ah, I think it might be #cloud-init:libera.chat [21:01] indeed === hsmiths1 is now known as hsmiths