[00:03] oerheks yes. so how can I use it on linux [00:04] no idea, linux/zfs uses LUKS [00:05] i find nothing actually :( [00:06] oerheks when ubuntu is installed with zfs and full disk encryption, it uses luks? [00:07] indeed [00:08] Easiest would be to use a FreeBSD VM I think. [00:08] my bet is that you need to use a freebsd machine, or virtual machine, if possible === ord is now known as quem [00:31] I **EXT4** formated usb stick. But its not letting me paste the folder i copied. [00:31] Why is this happening? [00:31] With **exFAT** it works fine! But it does not copy simbolic links. [00:31] That's why i decided to format the stick to EXT4. [00:32] you need to fix the permissions [00:34] How do I get the latest kernel for my release? I'm on 22.04 and my kernel is 5.15, but from my research it sounds like I should be able toget 5.19 [00:34] I've ran apt full-upgrade [00:35] "should be"? [00:38] !hwe [00:38] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [00:38] "you need to fix the permissions" <- exactly that 🙂 [00:38] !info linux-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy [00:38] linux-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.19. Size 2 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [00:39] ravage: thanks [00:39] !hwe | scottg489 ^^: [00:39] scottg489 ^^:: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [03:58] scottg489, FYI: 6.2 is available via jammy-proposed (ie. "linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge | | jammy-proposed | amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x" which is what HWE moves to next; kernel from 23.04 will be kernel at 22.04.3 if using HWE) [05:44] Anyone running Ubuntu, could you tell me the output of this please?: [05:44] eval "$(. /etc/os-release && typeset -p ID)" && echo "'$ID'" === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [06:19] eggbean, 'ubuntu' === Bsmitz is now known as Voordeur [06:24] guiverc: thanks [06:33] Hello all, I work as a web developer in quite a small company with no sysadmin and I managed to ruin something last Friday on a test environment. I am looking for some guidance. The instance is running Ubuntu 20.04.3. I was adding some environment variables to ~/.bashrc and managed to close vim in an improper way.  I rm'd the swap file, made my [06:33] changes again and tried to source ~/.bashrc but got the error "Command 'bin' not found" went out of ssh and came back and was greeted with the same message. Aside from messing with the ~/.bashrc file i am not sure what i could have done wrong even removed the variables to bring the file to how it was before but no luck. Any advice on how to resolve [06:33] this? [06:35] Voordeur: why still 20.04? can you post your .bashrc before your change and after it? [06:35] what is the corresponding qt5 theme in Ubuntu that fits its native gtk theme? [06:39] Voordeur: never use vim (unless you know/like it). I use kate is pretty good and simple (and what I use). post whatever files you have, before, after, now, like tarzeau says, maybe we can see what happened. [06:40] post as in somewhere else and share the link. [06:41] due to lack of resources I'm afraid there has not really been an opportunity to upgrade it's also an aws ec2 which can't just be upgraded i've heard? also I am not sure if or how i can get the contents of  the file before my changes. this is the file now without the vars https://pastebin.com/yy4yptpr [06:51] nevermind, solved it. [06:51] not self-evident, though. [06:51] Voordeur: you were editing which .bashrc file? and are you using snap/core 20 [06:51] best way to do it ppw - i use kde, so didn't have a clue. [06:53] weedmic one in "/home/ubuntu/.bashrc", are there different ones? not sure what snap/core 20 is sorry [06:58] is ubuntu the username? so you edited only 1 file not the skel (system one) - the easiest fix would be, copy your damaged file to .bashrc.broken (so you still ahve it), create a new user, deleteme (so you remember to delete it later), then open a terminal and copy deleteme's .bashrc to ubuntu's .bashrc. then see if it works, which it should, copy bashrc to bashrc.fmdeleteme, then create a new bashrc.proposed, editit it by opening it side by side with broken, [06:58] and when you are ready, replace the bashrc with .proposed. [07:03] Yes, that is the username. Alright I'll give that a try, thanks [07:04] Just from an admins point of view, I still can't get all my crew to do it, but... always copy a file to .original or .todaysdate before editing. one never knows what horrible thing will happen right when you need it not to the most. [07:10] Hey guys, I'm seeking a Bitcoin VDC (virtual debit card) for online purchases. I want to pay Bitcoin, and get a debit card I can use for online purchases, any ideas? [07:21] weedmic thank you, the issue has been resolved :) I'll also keep the copying advice in mind. [07:24] I ran both files through a diff checker and this line had crawled into it apparently [07:24] "??? from here until ???END lines may have been inserted/deleted" [07:27] Has RSA-4096 bit PGP keys been totally replaced by p256, curve 25519, etc? Im using a new PGP tool and it doesnt have any RSA-2048 option at all, but the linux 'gpa' app does only have RSA, up to 3072. What PGP-cipher should I use to both be maximally secure, and compatable with all other PGP clients (so people can import and encrypt to me, decrypt [07:27] messages I send to them etc) [07:34] hey, I just installed kubuntu, and for some reason bluetooth gets automatically turned on when I boot the system. is there a way to turn that off? [07:35] yeah that happens to mee to [07:36] I think I right-clicked the icon and selected disable bluetooth or something [07:36] that doesn't work for me (i am on 23.04 [07:37] the other issue I have is that I have the default that windows are getting centered. but when you open multiple windows, they all get shifted to the bottom right a bit :S [07:40] ahh I will join #kubuntu, is probably better for finding fixes for those stuff [07:51] forcefull: I am in both rooms. the only real difference is that most the users here are not using kde - the ubuntu heart remains the same. [07:59] weedmic: that's why I went to #kubuntu :) === Guest75 is now known as Jymmmmm === blaklistd2 is now known as blaklistd [08:24] Ok, this.is.cool....  Called VENTOY   It allows you to take a usb stick, drop ISO's on it, and then gives you a menu which iso to boot from... no more imaging ISO's  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QU1EjQ48H0 [08:27] yeah it works great [08:27] U can just get a big boi USB, then load it up with ISOs, drivers, etc [08:27] I had an ventoy usb with Windows 11.iso, Ubuntu22.04.iso, etc [08:27] and a Wifi driver for windows [08:28] ventoy is great u just have to disable secure boot when u run a usb with it [08:32] I hate secure boot, TPM, etc, but good to know =) [08:34] Senpai69 I have a device that looks like a 2.5" HDD enclosure, that emulates a BR drive and you do the same thing. Has a tiny screen and control to select which ISO to boot from. [08:35] i don't seem to remember what secure boot is, so I may have already disabled it. [08:36] weedmic mobo locked OS essentially [08:36] is it eefi? [08:37] ...cryptgraphically that is [08:39] System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects - uncheck "present windows" [08:39] wc [08:40] https://www.minitool.com/lib/secure-boot.html [08:40] I always do legacy - works the way I want [08:42] I understand [08:43] does any os is it do any (so confused by that) - linux have eefi? [08:49] I'm not sure what EEFI is [08:49] Did you mean EFI? [08:52] my bad, UEFI (probably U for universal, I was thinking alltijd) [09:07] ah ok [09:07] Yeah, just abbreviated to EFI cause I'm lazy =) [09:08] I was thinking english for altijd might be everytime - universal seems odd for me. [09:29] I am using the Ubuntu22.04 cloud image to run a custom initramfs script. I see that the script (pre-mount) is called only when I turn on "debug" in the kernel command line.  I found that 20.04 or later, Ubuntu merged changes from grub2 that allows a initrd less boot for faster boot times on cloud images (Ref: [09:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1901553) Is there more official documentation around this? I am trying to get my script to run on reboot.  Turning on debug seems to be a crude way, I am trying to find the right way to do this [09:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1901553 in grub2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Improve documentation around initrdless boot" [Undecided, In Progress] [09:56] I want to thank the person who encouraged me to install ubuntu on a usb [10:16] cannot use arrows to call previous functions in terminal ubuntu! can some one tell how to fix it? [10:16] https://forum.qt.io/topic/145969/latest-qt-ubuntu-c-based-app-could-not-using-arrows-and-scroll/5?_=1687756371722 [10:35] Jakov: try ctrl+c to breakout of whatever you are in - or open a new terminal [10:44] How to troubleshoot gnoe frezes on ubuntu 22.04? [10:53] i dunno, let me look [10:53] have you tried searching on duckduckgo ? [10:54] gnome freezes ? [10:54] https://askubuntu.com/questions/455301/how-can-i-restart-gnome-shell-after-it-freezes-or-becomes-unresponsive [10:57] tekisui, the main issues is that I cannt switch to another vt [10:57] I unbound gnomes print screen so now I can use sysrq+ r but that is super agressive and kills everytihng [10:58] I cannot find a way to get into a shell with sysrq to say kill just gnome [10:58] ah, am just a rookie [10:58] maybe they know it on an ubuntu forum [10:59] firefox has a way to use print screen somehow [10:59] well ubuntu disables sysrq by default so adding sysrq was a bit of a blessing but its too agressive [10:59] ctrl+alt+f3 doesn't bring you to a terminal running at init level 3? aiena [10:59] linux is a broken system :) [10:59] gnome disable sysrq shortcuts because it has a cursed alt+printscreen shortcut haha [11:00] so I changed that to ctr+d to override the default [11:00] sorry, lost me at cursed - i'll take it no, it is disabled in gnome. [11:00] weedmic, when gnome freezes the mouse doesnt move only sysrq seems to work blindly [11:00] plox jus yank power cord... [11:00] weedmic, i mean the alt+ print screen shortcut prevents the alt+sysRq from working so i rebound tthat [11:18] Door een bug in systemd werken bindfs mounts in fstab niet. Ook een sytemd-service aanmaken werkt niet. Bindfs wordt niet uitgevoerd of heeft geen root rechten. Welke andere manieren, behalve dan via een systemd-service, zijn er om een start tijdens of na startup te draaien met root rechten? [11:18] start moet zijn script [11:19] ok [11:19] pjotter1, dorry dont know dutch [11:19] he got a bug [11:19] even apeldooren bellen [11:19] Ah, I'm sorry. I should have taken my question to the dutch ubuntu board! [11:33] hey yoshi [11:39] mag ik tutoyeren pjotter1 [11:39] left i c :O [11:53] hans_: and gretel [11:54] lel [11:55] tekisui: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1428538/ [11:56] :) [11:56] you can find many movies on putlocker [12:05] Please note that this is a global Ubuntu support channel. :) [12:58] yooo [13:10] Hi all [13:38] hi === lubuntu is now known as RQQQ [13:38] yo [13:40] is anyone here? [13:40] anyone listening/? [13:40] just ask your question [13:44] here it's me first time using linux, quassel, irc's etc and it's my first ever channel. pardon my intrusion. I don't have any question just messing around. [13:45] wait, my nickname just changed from rqqq to lubuntu. :)) === lubuntu is now known as RQQQ [14:00] hey dvx [14:01] ja sicher [14:01] aber est is toll [14:51] hello [14:53] apt update is giving me this error "E: Conflicting values set for option Signed-By regarding source https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/ jammy: /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg != [14:53] E: The list of sources could not be read. [14:54] " [14:55] firmware-sof-signed is all arch. Why? [14:55] wontfix[m], it is an arch machine? [14:55] i meant an arm machine [14:56] Same on both. [14:57] sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list - that did the trick [15:03] wontfix[m], because it is firmware (i.e. arch independent binar yblobs that get flashed/uploaded on the fly into hardware) === hackinghorn_ is now known as hackinghorn === blaklistd9 is now known as blaklistd [15:11] :) [15:12] The NXP i.MX8* series firmware is arch independent? That chip isn't some MCU/DSP used in external soundcards. That NXP series isn't even usable in QEMU last I checked. [15:13] oh [15:18] am use to 16 big soundcard [15:18] no worries there [15:18] 16 bit [15:18] :) [15:22] wontfix[m], why wuld NXP use SOF firmware ? SOF is an intel audio chip [15:22] (used in some laptops) [15:31] Yes. ARM SoC's are indeed used in some ARM laptops. For the purpose of being an ARM laptop. [15:32] The DSP core is integrated into the SoC itself. [15:41] wontfix[m], i'm stilly trying to make the connection to your question about firmware-sof-signed ... [15:42] *still [15:52] Why is the package for all arch instead of split up by arch or by usable arch where applicable. === BedMan_ is now known as BedMan === Atque_ is now known as Atque === Atque is now known as info === info is now known as Atque [16:24] wontfix[m], because the files are binary asembly, not arc sepcific at all only specific to the chip they get flashed/run on, like all firmware files (unless you refer to the abuse of the word firmware for actual distro images on some arm boards (i.e. the Pi foundation calls their distro images "firmware" while it is actually an OS)) [16:24] *not arch specific [16:48] Exactly. These are strictly SoC in nature, basically their own platforms. [16:57] is it possible to disable building i386 on launchpad? [16:57] so uh, I don't know what part of ubuntu did this (wayland maybe?) but the multi-touch support in ubuntu is fantastic and I love it. [16:57] I have a build failure since some build dependencies are missing === jje1 is now known as jje [16:57] so thanks whoever implemented that [16:57] but x86_64 builds fine [16:58] Go to "change details" under the ppa [16:59] wontfix[m]: thanks; I didn't notice that since I was logged out... [16:59] I have no idea why i386 is a default still in 2023. [17:00] do I need to resubmit, or can I just rety the build? [17:01] Not sure if saving just removes or doesn't continue on next rebuild. [17:07] if a build is "pending publication" does that mean I need to resolve the failed build, or do I just need to wait? [17:11] ...I just needed to wait [17:11] I would force a rebuild tbh but that's just me. [17:11] Without i386 [17:26] hey remy [17:53] Anyone around here familiar with tomcat10 and access debugging? The #tomcat channel seems seriously understaffed [17:56] oh [17:56] maybe they have a forum [17:58] tekisui, Thanks, they have a couple of mailing list. One has to sign-up for them though. [18:12] how do I fix following errors ? [18:12] https://pastebin.com/E9Zwjzwg [18:13] try #python ? [18:13] https://github.com/kiecodes/generate-music [18:14] https://pastebin.com/s1aMgehS [18:14] I'm getting following errors when trying to run mgen.py === msyke1 is now known as msyke [18:54] sudo snap connect darktable:removable-media [19:00] helloe [19:00] @echo off === msyke1 is now known as msyke [19:06] hey veegee [19:06] yo [19:07] yo yo === msyke1 is now known as msyke [19:43] I made some log which is extremely large, how can I locate biggest file ? [19:47] Jakov: what do you mean, do you have multiple files? [19:48] I dont know place where huge lof file dumped [19:48] trying sudo find / -size +1000M -ls, but its slow [19:48] ^ failed [19:49] Jakov: sudo apt install ncdu && sudo ncdu / [19:49] omg  You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/ [19:50] Jakov: gdu is really fast [19:50] no faster than du [19:51] something strange just happened, I just delete two MP4 files over 1GB and stil can not dl 48kb app [19:51] Need to get 42,8 kB of archives [19:51] E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/. [19:55] Jakov: Whats the result of: ls /boot/vmlin* | wc -l [19:56] 4 [19:57] Hm, so not a bunch of old kernels in there which need removing [19:57] Jakov: what's the output of this: df -h | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:58] https://termbin.com/sbsb [19:59] leftyfb: it's a lot faster than du [20:00] there's a trick to make /boot usage go down drastically: https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/debian-system-initramfs [20:00] @Jakov:libera.chat: sudo du -sh /var/log/* ~/.[!.]* [20:01] Check if you see anything big in there; if not, you'll need to check the whole disk (or at least the whole /home) [20:03] https://pastebin.pl/view/ac7c127c [20:03] it must be core dumps / *apport [20:03] Core dumps are in /var/crash [20:05] core dumps from gdb [20:05] there are none [20:06] tarzeau: ah, I see it's du rewritten in go, not just a GUI for du. That makes sense [20:06] -rw-r----- 1 supernova whoopsie  17M Jun 26 22:41 _usr_bin_gdb.1000.crash [20:06] -rw-r----- 1 supernova whoopsie  19M Jun 22 00:52 _usr_bin_gnome-control-center.1000.crash [20:06] -rw-r----- 1 supernova whoopsie  47M Jun 25 14:40 _usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash [20:06] -rw-r----- 1 supernova whoopsie 188M Jun 23 14:01 _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash [20:06] -rw-r----- 1 supernova whoopsie   1M Jun 27 03:41 _usr_bin_sleep.1000.crash [20:06] !paste | Jakov [20:06] Jakov: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:07] sorry, always do next time [20:08] Jakov: since you can't install any programs, you can continue with `du -sh /home/*` and similar commands, to recurse and find what it is [20:08] *with sudo [20:09] it takes long to get output? [20:09] 94G    /home/supernova [20:10] 256G Total [20:10] wait, rest for windows, so its all into dump files [20:11] first thing i turn off. automatic bug reporting and crash dumps [20:13] well, this led to this incident [20:13] https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~learn/debugging/modules/gdb_coredumps/ [20:13] $ ulimit -c unlimited [20:13] and then https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Core-File-Generation.html -> generate core file [20:16] i just remove whoopsie [20:16] none of that is recommended nor necessary [20:16] if you have /var/crash filling up, you've got bigger problems [20:17] yes, layer 8, users [20:17] so the only best recommended thing is to get rid of whoopsie [20:17] because. well i can't get rid of the users. [20:17] any advices for me? [20:18] a lot of hard installs made before, I can not stand reinstalling Ubuntu omg [20:19] Jakov: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; ls -l boot/vm* ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ; df -h ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:19] cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; ls -l boot/vm* ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ; df -h ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:20] Jakov: type that all into your terminal along with the parens [20:20] https://termbin.com/k92s [20:21] Jakov: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; ls -l boot/vm* ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ; df -h ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:21] Jakov: copy and paste all of that into a terminal, please include the parentheses [20:23] hello, does someone know why the qwertz keyboard layout is wrong and / or how to fix this_ [20:24] https://termbin.com/k92s [20:24] quark__: Wrong locale? [20:25] Jakov: you pasted the same URL twice [20:25] Jakov: you're doing something wrong, it should look more like this: https://termbin.com/lpb9 [20:25] quark__: Has it been like that all the time or has the layout changed recently? [20:26] its all the time [20:26] and the right layout is selected [20:26] but the keybinds are wrong [20:27] quark__: Ok. Odd. Have to think a little... [20:28] tarzeau, https://pastebin.pl/view/f429af5b [20:29] sorry its 5:30 AM, exhausted a little [20:30] quark__: Which key bindings are incorrect and how? [20:31] that would be a bit comlicated to tell can i send a screenshot somehow? === ord is now known as quem [20:32] quark__: Upload the screenshot to some service and paste the link here? [20:33] elias_a: nevermind so the qwertz layout is selected but the actuall layout is qwerty [20:34] quark__: What does command locale tell you? [20:35] elias_: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 [20:35] LANGUAGE= [20:35] LC_CTYPE="de_DE.UTF-8" [20:35] LC_NUMERIC="de_DE.UTF-8" [20:35] LC_TIME="de_DE.UTF-8" [20:35] LC_COLLATE="de_DE.UTF-8" [20:39] quark__: Is the layout messed up in both X and in command prompt? [20:39] elias_a: yes [20:40] quark__: I have no direct answer but this contains useful information: https://askubuntu.com/questions/209597/how-do-i-change-keyboards-from-the-command-line [20:41] lefttyfb, tarzeau are you with me, masters? [20:41] leftyfb, any chance it can be done with small blood? [20:41] quark__: 22.04 related infomation close to the bottom of the page. [20:43] quark__: Plus there is one odd detail in your locale output. You don't seem to have anything defined in LANUAGE. I for example have LANGUAGE=fi:en [20:45] quark__: If you have a new installation, check your language settings and install stuff needed for German language as well even if you would use some other language usually. AFAIK that should help. [20:51] how to locate ulimit files? [20:52] elias_a: Thank you for your help i did find the issue [20:53] quark__: You're welcome. Was war es? === kentucky4442 is now known as kentucky444 [20:56] elias_a:i clean installed linux today in the installation i selected the german qwertz but after the installation it was changed idk why. Ich habe ehute linux neu installiert und bei dier installation habe ich das deutsche qwertz layout ausgewält aber nach der installation hat es sich geändert , ich weis nicht genau wieso [20:58] quark__: Alles klar! [20:59] quark__: Good you got it solved. :) [20:59] The keyboard problems are familiar to all of us who use several keyboard layouts. ;-) [21:00] elias_a: ah okay haha .but anyways thank you for your help === __________ is now known as _________ [21:11] hey Minvera === ord is now known as quem [21:53] Alguém do Brasil? [21:53] hola [21:53] hola [21:53] buevenido [21:53] gracias [21:53] !br | startbit0 [21:53] startbit0: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [21:53] cual finalidad de este chat? [21:54] !support | startbit0 [21:54] startbit0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:54] ajuda-me ubuntu (linux) === blaklistd1 is now known as blaklistd [22:08] hey, anyone knows bluetooth problems in ubuntu? === halvors1 is now known as halvors [22:09] you can an almost unlimited amount of people with bluetooth problems on google [22:11] nice [22:11] so , where are you from guys? [22:11] i bought a bluetooth fm transmitter [22:11] west germany [22:13] hi. how do i install hp drivers(hplip) for ubuntu? [22:14] ahh i been there [22:14] https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/ [22:14] think it´s this [22:15] tekisui: ill check. maybe there was an apt install or something [22:15] then open ctrl-T [22:15] sh hlip-version run [22:16] easiest way, is to use the file manager and from there open the terminal [22:16] then you got the directory the file is in. [22:17] Well, you should definitely try installing from the official repos first though. [22:18] tekisui: yes i see. on that now [22:18] !info hplip-gui [22:18] hplip-gui (3.22.10+dfsg0-1, lunar): HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities (Qt-based). In component universe, is optional. Built by hplip. Size 19 kB / 68 kB [22:18] goodnight [22:18] may the sudo be with you [22:18] krytarik: that is from the software center ? [22:18] Yep. [22:19] krytarik: https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/install/install/index on this [22:21] note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press to accept the default. [22:21] error: ubuntu-23.04 version is not supported, so all dependencies may not be installed. However trying to install using ubuntu-22.10 version packages. [22:21] I mean I recently had to resort to installing from the website too, but if the packages provided via the Ubuntu repos work then that'd be better. [22:25] ye, im getting a lot of errors during the web install. [22:25] warning: This installer cannot install 'python3-pyqt4' for your distro/OS and/or version. [22:25] error: Installation cannot continue without this dependency. Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer. [22:26] krytarik: installed the snap hplip-printer-app now tho [22:27] Yeah, that sounds good too. [22:28] and i see the printer in my printer settings.. that should be enough ? the printer is on the wifi [22:32] oh. sudo apt-get -y install hplip-gui worked aswell [22:33] Maybe you should go with one or the other though, not both at once.. >_< [22:33] krytarik: hplip-printer-app is just the driver tho ? no gui app [22:36] Yeah, I was just about to refer to that.. according to it doesn't provide a GUI like the other does, but this may suffice for you.. otherwise all the drivers and additional packages are installed twice and possibly running alongside. [22:36] yes, moved the hplip-gui again, as it bugged [22:37] id need some scanning software tho [22:40] i dont know if its necessary, but as i bought the printer, it says i needed to install HP SMART and register ect, to get the printer working. so i installed that on my wifes laptop, to get the printer on the wifi. guess that wasnt even possible on ubuntu then [22:45] Well, I certainly didn't need to register with HP to get the printer working over wireless. And wrt a scanning app, I'm not sure what worked better last, but things like simple-scan and gscan2pdf come to my mind. [22:48] krytarik: well i had to do something to add the wifi network on the printer, i could do that from HP SMART. dont think that was possible from hplip snap [22:48] or the printer settings in ubuntu [22:49] i have a standard app called Document Scanner tho, that reconize the printer, so maybe thats works too [22:49] In my case it worked by simply pressing the according buttons on the printer and the wireless router. [22:50] Yeah, I think that's simple-scan. [22:50] WPS? [22:50] Yup! [22:51] Once you get an HP connected to the wifi router, the rest is usually painless [22:51] i like hp printers [22:51] i get the toner printers cause it can accept non hp ones [22:52] jeremy31: also updating firmware ? === BelCalm6 is now known as BelCalm [22:53] mantise: firmware for a HP printer? [22:53] jeremy31: well, i updated it from my wifes laptop from hp smart.. lol [22:54] it told me there was a firmware update === abcX is now known as Guest5267 [22:55] mantise: Ubuntu isn't needed for that, it probably downloads updates while online [22:56] jeremy31: i see. well the hplip from https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/ didnt work for 23.04. [22:57] but the snap hplip-printer-app driver package from the software center is [22:58] mantise: I don't think I ever used the snap [22:58] hplip-gui didnt work aswell. not developed for 23.04 yet i guess ? [22:59] thats the only way i could get it working on 23.04. but maybe thats why you should always use the LTS.. [23:02] warning: This installer cannot install 'python3-pyqt4' for your distro/OS and/or version. [23:05] jeremy31: thats when i try to install the web version. how to you install it ? [23:06] mantise: I haven't installed anything in Ubuntu for a HP printer to work [23:07] jeremy31: nothing ? just find it thru the printer settings ? the hplip driver from the website, also says its only support for Ubuntu 22.10. [23:09] I am using 22.04, once the printer is connected to my network, I can easily add it using the add printer, network printer in printer settings [23:10] jeremy31: i see. i didnt even try to add the printer, before i installed the hplip snap driver package. i should have done that. [23:10] hey, do you know if 4KTUBE Pro App in Ubuntu is legall to use? [23:12] ? [23:12] legal is subjective [23:12] depends on what state you are in [23:13] germany , it shoudl be for downloading videos freom youtube , tiktok etc [23:14] ach so [23:14] should be alright [23:14] Ich weiß nicht ob es torrent nutz oder nicht [23:14] germanie [23:15] glauben sie nicht alles was sie denken [23:15] wie weißt man dass ein herunterlade programm legal oder nicht ist? [23:15] hmm [23:16] well you could ask the internal ministry [23:16] if you want to know for sure [23:17] Nice , i didnt think about that [23:18] axel_: https://www.piratenpartei.de/ [23:21] Danke