[17:54] fm2350: Yes, you can ask for help here. [19:23] Thanks Chris.  I'm running multipass 1.11.0+mac  and upgraded my MacOS from 13.4.0 to 13.4.1.  After the upgrade, "multipass list" says "No instances found."   I had moved where multipass stores data as per https://multipass.run/docs/configure-multipass-storage#heading--macos , but I don't know if that made a difference; [19:23] /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist is still there.  Any debugging tips?   Cheers! [19:27] fm2350: Do you see relevant Multipass files still in the new storage area? [19:35] "New" being the place that you redirected Multipass to store its files. [19:37] I see a "cache" and "data" directories [19:39] And under data, do you see multipassd/multipassd-vm-instances.json and if so, are there any instances defined in that file? [19:41] no.  under data I have [19:41] the directories "authenticated-certs certificates qemu ssh-keys" [19:42] (sorry about the formatting) [19:43] but "find . -name multipassd-vm-instances.json -print" says "./data/qemu/multipassd-vm-instances.json" [19:43] which does have my instances [19:44] Ah, right, qemu. Hmm, ok, so they are defined, but multipassd is not seeing them which tells me that the environment variable is not being set. [19:47] Ah, I think the documentation is missing something. I think it needs to be this: [19:47] `$ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist` [19:47] sudo ? [19:48] The -w will make it load automatically on boot. [19:48] Yes, sudo, sorry. [19:48] `/Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist: service already loaded [19:48] Load failed: 37: Operation already in progress` [19:49] Ah, well, I could be wrong about boot since it does have the RunAtLoad key defined. [19:49] Hrrmm, then that's not it 🙁 [19:50] Is there a way to see if multipass is picking up the environment variable?  I looked in the logs but didn't see anything. [19:53] No, not really. Let's try this and see if helps. [19:53] `$ launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist` [19:53] `$ launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist` [19:53] * No, not really. Let's try this and see if it helps. [19:53] `$ launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist` [19:53] `$ launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/setenv.MULTIPASS_STORAGE.plist` [19:55] Could also try: [19:55] `$ sudo /bin/launchctl getenv MULTIPASS_STORAGE` [19:55] to see if it's set. [19:56] unload and load didn't return errors, but multipass list still doesn't return any instances. [19:56] getenv doesn't return anything !!! [19:58] Hmm, I'm not really sure what is going on at this point. I wonder if the macOS update has affected how this works???? I'm going to have to do some research. [19:59] Yup... I wonder if 13.4.1 is doing something. [20:00] As a workaround, can I copy my "new" directory back to the default location?   What files would I need to duplicate. [20:02] The 13.4.1 security update [release notes](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT213813) doesn't list anything that would *seem* to affect this, but Apple has a way of doing more than meets the eye. [20:04] Sorry, I'm not a Mac guy at all.  Do you know if I can add logging to the plist to see if it's being picked up  (which the getenv would suggest not) ? [20:05] Not that I'm aware of. Apple really locks things down and makes it difficult to debug these types of things. [20:06] I'm running 13.4.1 on my M1 and will try to reproduce tomorrow. [20:07] Thank you very much! [20:08] You're welcome!