
=== ord is now known as quem
=== joe is now known as Guest3281
joegiampaoliHi everyone. This is my first installation in UEFI mode. I am dual booting normal ubuntu with ubuntu studio, I want to reinstall ubuntu studio but it will overwrite the uefi bootloader I guess grub, I want to know how to reinstall grub from normal installation or create backup before reinstalling ubuntu studio00:35
joegiampaoliThe point is that I don't want the Ubuntu Studio grub at bootup, thanks...00:35
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
sohainewbies here02:53
elgrifoyou mean to tell me that a channel with 1108 users has no life in it?03:06
elgrifowhat do you like about ubuntu?03:06
elgrifoi like that it is user friendly03:07
toddcelgrifo:  | help!03:07
toddcthis a support channel please ask a support question also #ubuntu-offtopic03:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:09
elgrifoi thought this is where we trade ubuntu knowledge03:09
EickmeyerThen you didn't see the topic.03:09
elgrifoi really didn't my bad03:10
lubuntulubuntu install fails.  Help please03:25
elgrifowhere does it fail?03:30
elgrifoare you using a disc or USB?03:31
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kewq__I have issues getting flatpak to work through the Ubuntu Software app (though I can install flatpaks through terminal commands). Any idea how to fix below error?: https://pastebin.com/31cTe9Tb05:51
maxxtang_I've installed ubuntu server on my desktop sucessfully.06:06
maxxtang_Now I'm facing issue in connecting to wifi using terminal, does anyone have resources for it?06:07
=== tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich
ztanehow bad does this snap firefox go!?06:51
ztaneit is impossible to open new links in existing windows now06:51
ztanefor example slack snap app opens links using "builtin browser" for many functionalities. since I use firefox as my browser, I am unable to launch any of these unless I kill firefox first06:52
ztaneok, it seems I am now unable to open an application too.06:54
ztanehence I can no longer add new workspaces into slack client because firefox cannot launch slack.06:54
weedmicztane: the only issue I had with snap firefox is that it does not allow you to install security modules - which for me is very very bad b/c firefox is the only browser that allows it and we use security keys to login to to things.  but, you can always remove it and install full firefox.06:54
weedmicfyi, you can list all the snap apps with "snap list"06:55
ztanewell, 1password integration does not work either... time to go for deb :facepalm*06:55
weedmici undestand the reasoning.  if snap app just works, you can eliminate tweaking an app to work with your distro.  however, it can affect some.06:56
ztaneweedmic: it's gotten gradually worse over time. It's stopped opening links from e.g. command line "firefox http://foo" like this month or so. Always delays 30 seconds says "firefox is already open"06:56
weedmicthat sounds like you may have a cache issue - not within firefox, but your system is not clearing cache.  you can do manually and it may very well disappear.06:57
ztaneweedmic: well my saved passwords were not migrated to snap, and I needed to do that manually too, so I'd say the snap migration was absolutely nightmare to everyone *already* using ubuntu07:09
kewqis there any kind of performance settings relevant to flatpak/snaps? I recently switched from Fedora/Flatpak to Ubuntu and was surprised to see a lot of dropped frames on youtube with either flatpak/snaps unless I installed directly with apt which solved the problem. (same video/1080p)07:59
Your_Dogkewq: you need to be more detailed than that, like what browser you are using08:09
kewqI compared using the Brave Browser08:11
ograkewq, most likely there are (video decoding) libs missing in the snap you used ... or there might be a bug in the opengl interface of snapd that does not make your existing libs available to the app ... you should open a post on forum.snapcraft.io with some logs and info about your system08:22
ograthere is a fully HW accelerated build of chromium for intel systems hat you could try out to compare ... https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/chromium-hardware-accelerated-build-for-intel-based-platforms-available-for-beta-testing/3562508:24
ogra(only if you use intel graphics HW indeed)08:25
kewqI am using integrated intel graphics, yes. I will keep on using Brave without flatpak/snaps for now since that solves my problem (almost getting 0 dropped frames on Power Saver mode!), but I was just curious if there was any obvious setting that could play a role in the performance difference I observed.08:31
kewqogra: I tried the chrome hwaccbranch and compared it to brave, looking at the sudo intel_gpu_top command (intel-gpu-tools). Render/3D has 10-25% usage on Brave and 40%+ on chrome/hwacc.08:44
ograkewq, yeah, thats the effect ... might be nic to let the brave guys know so they can enhance their package (iirc brave uses the blink engine too)08:53
kewqI'll use the hwacc snap when viewing videos, thanks for the help!09:00
dima_I 12 years09:16
PeGaSuShello guys! can I set a `locale` per user instead using the global settings? if so, what file should I edit/create? thanks in advance09:40
=== ord is now known as quem
=== Escimo7 is now known as Escimo
ograPeGaSuS, each user can jus select their language at first login at he GUI, no need to edit files, there is a language selector09:57
PeGaSuSdoes ubuntu behaves differently from xubuntu? because although I have the language as en_GB, currency, date, etc, are set to fr_FR.UTF-810:04
ograthere are options in the desktop settings for the standard ubuntu desktop where you can set such things10:06
ogra(under the "region and language" tab of the shipped settings app ... )10:08
PeGaSuSon Xubuntu I can't separate date messages from the way currency is displayed . regional formats apply to numbers, date and currency.. so, by Xubuntu settings I can't separate them.10:13
PeGaSuSI suppose I need to add to `~/.profile` the LC vars I want to override10:14
memoredaDoes anyone know which kernel I need to compile or ppa/deb file to get Ubuntu 21.10 (Linux kernel 5.13.0-39-generic)10:23
thricememoreda: what do you mean?10:29
ograPeGaSuS, that is indeed an option all the time ... (i dont use xcfe so i wouldnt know if there might be some additional tool you could use in the desktop)10:30
jeremy31memoreda: 21.10 is nolonger supported10:30
memoredamemoreda i am aware, but i need it to test something10:31
ogramemoreda, apart from the fact that 21.10 is EOL since quite some time, you might be able to get a hint in #ubuntu-kernel about the sourc it used to use10:31
memoredaon that specific kern ver10:31
PeGaSuSogra: yeah, I think I'll override the `LC_TIME` with en_GB.UTF-8 instead the actual fr_FR.UTF-8. thanks for the help, nonetheless :)10:37
weedmicmemoreda: i believe there is an archive directory, but don't remember where it is - search for ubuntu archive iso10:41
memoredaweedmic yeah but it needs to be that specific kernel ver10:42
memoredai found the 21.10 OS10:42
thricecan you just boot the ISO?  https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/10:43
memoredaBut i dont think it wwill be the right kernel i am after10:43
memoredano as it wont have the right kern ver i am after10:43
thricecan you explain why?  There may be a better way to do it10:43
memoredaas i am testing something so i need 5.13.0-39-generic10:44
memoredakernel ver10:44
thricewhat are you testing?  There might be a better way than compiling such an old kernel10:52
tekisuihey BhaveshSGupta11:03
Jakovhaving c++ application, can not use arrows to get previous commands with ubuntu terminal, how can fix it?11:05
weedmicmemoreda: I seem to remeber it containing all released versions11:05
Jakovapp running with ubuntu terminal*11:05
weedmicmight also look for a docker with the exact version, but... if i don't build the container, i don't use the container.11:06
tekisuisomething with binding i guess11:06
tekisuiwith ubuntu 22.04 i have the option to select a keyboard on the right/down below corner11:07
=== TonyL is now known as DarkG
Guest81Hey there!11:27
Guest81I would love someone to help me11:28
tekisuihello Guest8111:28
tekisuiwhat ubuntu version you have ?11:28
Guest81Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS11:29
tekisuioh ok seems alright11:30
weedmicGuest81: state issue11:30
Guest81I have a Laptop with Ubuntu witch is meant to be used by 4 users. One of this users is administrator. The users that don't have administrator privilegies cannot connect to a new wifi network. Ubuntu ask for an administrator password. I would like to make unnecessary to put the password for connecting to a new wifi.11:32
tekisuitry lan cable if possible11:33
Guest81This laptop doesn't have an ethernet interface11:34
Guest81that's the point11:34
tekisuihmm ok11:34
tekisuiam using thetering myself11:34
tekisuithe smartphone hooked to the pc with an usb cable11:34
tekisuifor acces to wifi you need to be the administrator i guess11:34
vagrant_3que hay por ahi11:35
Guest81Oh yeah! You're right!11:35
Guest81Great idea11:35
=== vagrant_1 is now known as Michu
weedmiccan't one create a group called wifi, add users to that group, and give that group permissions 7?  Guest8111:39
weedmicI do something similar for vboxusers11:39
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tekisuihey mike11:41
weedmiccheers mate11:41
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tekisuiam making some earl grey.11:46
ppwwhy is it that ever since I enabled video acceleration in browsers, they stop playing when I switch away from them?11:49
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tekisuiis ubuntu suport for nvidia always skimmy ?12:00
tekisuiwhat is the problem between those two systems ?12:00
tekisuior is it a problem beteen the cpu and gpu ?12:01
toddctekisui: nvidia is not opensource we cannot control the drivers so somtimes great somtimes not so great12:03
tekisuiah so12:04
tekisuimerci :)12:04
Bomboanyone knows whow xdg-desktop-portal works? i could not find any example, what language do i need to use to use that? i just want a simple code to trigger portal then displayx the selected file12:07
AbreenHello there12:19
tekisuihey, most of the IT kids from america are still asleep12:19
tekisuiit´s 8 am in new york12:19
tekisuigoodmorning :)12:19
Abreenmorning! I can try at a later time if that's better12:20
tekisuithere are some people here, maybe we can help12:21
=== spyspirit1 is now known as spyspirit
Abreenit may be a kinda difficult issue, but if that's okay, I'll try to run it down quickly12:23
AbreenI recently salvaged a slightly older computer with an ubuntu installation on it. I upgraded from it to 20.04, which obviously came with a 5.4-generic kernel. I've been running said kernel for a day or two, and suddenly, starting the machine one moring, I get a kernel panic12:24
AbreenI haven't really done anything with grub, the initramfs or any modules, so it came as a surprise. however, from then on, whenever I attempt to boot any 5 kernel, it just crashes after the bootloader has done it's job12:25
Abreenthis is also true for mainline kernels I compiled myself12:25
tekisuihmm i think i would reinstall the whole system12:27
tekisuiweedmic: is more knowledge able then me..12:29
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
ograBombo, the portals are integrated with the toolkits (GTK or Qt) an will operate based on the respective file open dialogs (for GTK there is an env variable that can force the usage IIRC)12:47
ograBombo, the people more knwledgeable about that stuff likely sit in #ubuntu-desktop12:48
weedmictekisui: there is a correct way to use nvidia drivers and many ways that don't work so well.  the last several installs it has been very easy to switch over, but you need to do it correctly.    I was goign to post the instructions, but... did not find the ones I liked/followed.12:58
weedmicabreen - install from scratch - i suggest leap, but many like tumbleweed.13:00
BluesKajHi all13:00
weedmicwb kaj13:00
BluesKajhey weedmic13:01
ollelibldap2-dev doesn't exist anymore? php-fpm docker image can't find it13:05
weedmicare you looking for a docker image with "libldap2-dev" or for the actual "libldap2-dev"?  I know nothing about the docker one, but may be able to point to the archive containing the depricated libarary.13:08
olleweedmic: Hm seems to work after adding apt upgrade -yqq in the dockerfile actually :)13:09
weedmici found the ahncient archive - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/13:14
weedmicbut has nothing to do with docker13:14
weedmiccouscous yum13:14
rmattheoPRIVMSG _qw,_rp dfsdfdsf13:16
weedmictrying to install pe-bear on ubuntu - i did git clone htt...., then went to the folder, typed ./build.sh, yet it returns "line 26: cmake:  command not found"?  i was actually hoping to do ./configure make make install and then13:34
weedmiccmake is apparently an app - installing it now (unsure what was wrong with make)13:39
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xgpthey! just curious, was looking through the RHEL source debacle, and was wondering, *where* does ubuntu host it14:19
xgptit's public sources?14:19
xgptis it still launchpad based? or has it moved onto github/gitlab or some other self hosted thing? I was looking at pagure and was actually liking that it's all based on git repos! no database woes for like...issues/comments. Not sure if that scales up huge but I think I like it for a small project I'm tinkering with14:20
oerheksxgpt, https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ and more https://github.com/canonical14:30
=== ord is now known as quem
thriceregarding scale, doesn't fedora use pagure?14:37
nteodosioxgpt, you need to account for the difference of hosting vcs or just the package source. Debs are still built on Launchpad and their sources are available there (e.g. Hexchat source for Focal is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hexchat/2.14.3-3ubuntu0.20.04.2). Some of them have a vcs hosted there too, but that isn't mandatory.14:37
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nteodosioFor snaps that's a whole different story though.14:38
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=== remy_ is now known as Remy
wontfix[m]What is the file size limitation on disk before a package is broken into multiple packages for all-arch packages where components only work on certain arch? Is there an official policy somewhere?15:18
oerheksbefore a package is broken into multiple packages ??15:20
oerhekswhy would that happen? can you give an example?15:21
wontfix[m]Yes. If files [1,2,3,4] only work on arch [a,b,c,d], what is the size N?15:21
wontfix[m]There are tons of examples from firmware packages to audio configuration. I'm asking if there is a policy or if it could theoretically reach gigabytes or terabytes.15:22
oerheksno, i find no examples of package into multipkle packages.15:23
oerhekshow is this related to ubuntu?15:23
wontfix[m]So all all-arch packages have always existed as all-arch and always will, irrespective of size?15:23
wontfix[m]I was just asking if there was a general policy, under, Ubuntu.15:24
ograit is a matter of the content, not the size15:25
ograif the content is actually architecture specific ... i.e. compiled for a certain arch, liked against anything arch specific, it will be "architecture:any" ... if the content is not specific to any architecture it will be arch all15:26
wontfix[m]Wonderful. Some packages have increased in size year on year by 32.4% or larger and have no been split up, despite most, if not every component, only being usable on specific arch.15:27
ogra(well, or instead of "arch:any" it might have a list of arches there)15:27
wontfix[m]So theoretically all arch > actually working on an arch.15:27
ogracan you give an example ?15:27
wontfix[m]Sure. https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/all/alsa-ucm-conf/filelist15:28
wontfix[m]there are dozens more but15:28
ograboth ar not arch specific15:28
ograand we discussed that before15:28
wontfix[m]What arch is a Nexus 7?15:28
ografor what package now ?15:28
thricelooks like just a bunch of config (text) files for the first?15:28
ograit is text files for configuration15:29
wontfix[m]right, there are tons of differing sizes. i gave two different types of examples15:29
ograno binaries inside15:29
wontfix[m]the second is firmware for the DSP IP in SoCs.15:29
ograand the latter os for a certain audio chip that might be used anywhere15:29
wontfix[m]Which grew by 32.4% from 22.04 to 23.0415:29
wontfix[m]No, it isn't. Why do you keep saying that?15:30
ograsure, but te conten is still not architecture secific15:30
thriceyou're misunderstanding what arch means, maybe?15:30
wontfix[m]NXP iMX8 isn't an audio chip15:30
ograSOF is no an NXP chip15:30
thriceit's not about size, but the package's ability to be the same whether installed on amd64, arm, etc15:30
ograand the files in there are firmeare blobs ... not bound to any debian or ubuntu architecture15:30
wontfix[m]The firmware to interface with the DSP that only exists within that context on an NXP chip which is ARM15:31
wontfix[m]Other firmware was broken out this way.15:31
ograthe chip could live in some PCI card ...15:31
ograwhich you could then plug into your powerpc board15:31
wontfix[m]The iMX8? Read the datasheet15:31
wontfix[m]They'd use an MCU line15:32
ograbut since firmaware files are a gray area it is really up to the packager to pick on best guesses for this15:32
ograanyway, this is as offtopic for this channel as it can get15:32
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-ucm-conf grew by 32.4% ?15:32
ograif you want to discuss packaging changes please go to #ubuntu-devel15:32
thriceit can become annoying to split firmware up TOO much, too15:32
wontfix[m]NO oer, the firmware15:32
tekisui_if i remove the nvidia driver will not the system go blank when i reboot ?15:34
ograit should fall back to the nouveau driver15:34
ogra(which might work well or not with your card ... )15:34
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/firmware-sof-signed 800.8 kB15:34
tekisui_ahh ok15:34
tekisui_xorg i guess15:35
wontfix[m]on disk15:35
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/lunar/firmware-sof-signed 635.8 kB15:35
ograplease stop .. please go to #ubuntu-devel to discuss packaging15:35
oerheksit got not larger at all..15:35
=== TonyL is now known as DarkG
noobie519Hi all I screwed up and my /dev/sda1 is at 100% and I can't write a single file - not even enough to complete the extend partition command!  because it needs to make some temporary files!15:39
noobie519What can I delete temporarily to clean out some kind of space ?  I have literally no additional files downloaded - somehow the installation is so bloated its consuming 12gb of space - my entire original VM15:40
ograsudo apt clean15:40
ograstart with that to clean old packages lying on your disk15:40
noobie519Did it - only cleared 1% and then that was taken up by having to install cloud-guest-utils for the growpart command15:40
noobie519All I'm trying to do is run growpart /dev/sda 115:40
noobie519But it says insufficient space to create it's tmp files15:41
noobie519is there some kind of huge app that comes with Ubuntu desktop I can temporarily uninstall?  A graphic editor or something bloated maybe ?15:41
tekisui_cleaning cache from webbrowser ?15:42
thricedo you have libreoffice or something?15:42
ograsudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* (this holds all package caches for apt, so make damn sure to run "sudo apt update" after you are dont to regenerate them)15:42
ograand yeah, browser caches ... trach folders etc15:42
oerheks12 gb vm is a bit small, i would start all over15:42
thricedpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n15:43
tekisui_try lubuntu it maybe smaller15:43
ograthrice, i'd not randmly delete packages by size 🙂 hat might end up in a disaster 🙂15:43
ogra(depending on how well versed you are to get yourself out of that)15:44
thricewell, I'd hope you filter the list and carefully choose, but sure :>15:44
ograthere is usually enough data you can delete first before moving to that15:44
ograbut yeah, it is a last resort15:44
noobie519Hyper-V created it at 12gb for some reason!  I didn't realize the 2gb ubuntu image turned into 12gb afterwards, and then I have no problem expanding the partition in Hyper-V but now I need Ubuntu to extend it15:44
noobie519I thought maybe like is GIMP on here or something I can uninstall15:44
tekisui_a tor browser is about 650 mb15:45
tekisui_maybe there are smaller browsers to find15:45
ograa tor browsers cahce might be in the 100s of GB though 🙂15:45
noobie519It's a brand new install15:45
noobie519There is no Tor browser, and no cache to clear15:45
tekisui_in theory you can run an os on an usb stick15:46
ograyu dont need growpart btw ... it just acts as frontend to other tools15:46
ogra(parted i think ... )15:46
ograyou should be able to do all the steps manually ...15:46
oerheksi have no clue about hyper-v issues15:47
ograi.e. use sfdisk, prated or some such to resize the partition ... then resize2fs to resize the filesystem on it15:47
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noobie519unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device16:00
noobie519I can't even apt remove an app because it needs to write to remove16:00
noobie519what in sweet holy hell16:00
noobie519linux LOL..  what on earth16:00
ioriadpkg -P does not need to write iirc16:01
ogranoobie519, use my command from above to wipe the apt lists ...16:04
ograthat should free up a few 100MB16:04
tekisui_seems xorg can hold larger resolution now16:04
tekisui_perhaps i can fix tearfree16:04
ogra(you wont be able to install anyting until you re-run apt update)16:04
mbeierldid we go through just some of the basics like output of 'df -h /' and using du to find what directories are likely culprits for cleanup?16:08
ogranope ...16:09
tekisui_i guess you could delete all the ¨office stuff¨16:10
tekisui_ubuntu cloud is no more i think16:11
tekisui_they have systems now you can run from a cloud16:11
mbeierlnoobie519, let's check what the disk usage actually is.  Can you provide the output of `df -h /`?16:12
noobie519I'll try that line above now, sure16:14
noobie519sorry I am a novice user16:14
mbeierlit should show how much space is used on the filesystem mounted as '/'16:15
noobie519that's all it shows, one entry16:16
noobie519the machine is totally at a standstill i can't really launch anything not even a web browser16:16
noobie519it somehow filled itself up every last little bit to the point i can't even apt remove a package16:17
mbeierlok, that confirms that there is only 1 partition, and that it is indeed filled.  Now the next command is going to narrow down the directories / areas that we need to focus on16:17
leftyfbnoobie519: shut down the VM, resize the VM (12GB is not enough space), boot the VM with an Ubuntu live iso and use the tools suggested above to resize the partition and filesystem16:17
mbeierlpastebin the output of "du --max-depth=1 -h /"16:17
ograleftyfb, ++16:18
noobie519the VM has been resized to 32gb in Hyper-V control panel with no issues but now I need to issue the command to extend it to use the free space16:19
ograalso .. given you already spent more han 30min on this ... hy not wipe the VM and start with a fres one ... you said it is a brandnew install ... re-installing surely takes less than the 30min you already spent16:19
noobie519I was just trying to learn rather than quit, that's all16:19
ograah, kay16:19
noobie519But I can and likely will16:19
ograwell, keep tinkering, it is surely a good exercise (for all of us 🙂 )16:19
noobie519mbeierl, https://pastebin.com/ZFigExdF16:20
ograi thought you ad some work to do ... then i'D simply re-install ... for academic purposes keeping going is surely fine 🙂16:20
noobie519It's way easier for me to do that for sure, I haven't done a whole lot on the installation other than log in to my VPN accounts and stuff like that , just annoying to have to re-do it and i find it delightfully hilarious that you can't delete packages without writing extra space first, i find it so strange this is a feature of linux16:21
leftyfbnoobie519: sudo growpart /dev/sda 1 && sudo resize2fs /dev/sda116:21
noobie519leftyfb, it won't run - not enough space16:22
noobie519I tried growpart already, it needs space to write tmp files16:22
leftyfbnoobie519: did you delete the apt lists like ogra suggested?16:22
noobie519I think I only cleared the apt cache, I will try that apt list now thank you16:22
leftyfbnoobie519: you REALLY should be doing all this booted to a usb/iso. Your active OS is constantly writing files16:23
noobie519OK that gave me 3% space, it now says 97%16:23
noobie519lets see16:23
noobie519Thanks friends, it worked16:24
noobie519it is complete :sweat_smile:16:25
leftyfbnoobie519: if this is a desktop environment, I don't even think 32 is going to be enough16:25
noobie519really appreciate your help16:25
noobie519What do you suggest?  I have more space16:25
=== thegodsq- is now known as thegodsquirrel
theoremis looks like gdm crashed, and 'login' - the process is hung somehow.  I can type thigns on screen, but 'login' is holding onto my terminal and not allowing me to switch to another terminal ( ctrl+ F# )17:00
theoremit also does not appear to be listening to STDIN17:00
theoremhow can I get a bug-report of this , and where do I send it ?  I can probably force a core dump on the process.17:01
theoremalternately -- is there a way to force 'login' to give me back the terminal ?  I am connected to the machine of over SSH and things seem fine otherwise.17:01
theoremCtrl+D and Ctrl+C are not doing anything.17:02
oerheksmaybe force the machine into reboot over ssh?17:07
theoremyes, that's the easy way out17:07
theoremI shouldn;t have to rebootthough, I should be able to get 'login' to get back to work.17:08
theoremthat is .. unless something else has control over my terminal at the moment17:09
theoremI believe I am in a tty17:09
theoremgiving up -- lost the ssh terminal now ...17:10
oerheksmybe updates pending..17:10
FKAShinobiIs the network stack of 22.04 the same as Debian 12?17:19
ravagethe network stack is part of the kernel17:20
frenchboy[m]FKAShinobi: yes17:28
tekisuihey moffa17:57
cornfeedhobois there a handy command, other than do-release-upgrade, that will change repos to a specific release?17:59
oerhekscornfeedhobo,  no18:00
ravagesed :D18:01
oerheksall you need is do-release-upgrade to go from lts to lts, or to next version.18:01
oerheksravage, yeah but why?18:01
ravagebut thats really not the way to do it at all18:01
ravagedont know18:01
oerheksnext ~18:02
cornfeedhobolol. "next". are you a 16 year old highschool girl? this is the kind of professionalism I expect from an ubuntu member. solid.18:07
cornfeedhobothanks for nothing, as usual18:08
oerhekstekisui, please no youtube urls, thanks18:13
spmkdeAnyone around here familiar with mod_jk?18:33
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bmHow to check the true current DNS resolver on a modern Ubuntu system?19:20
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nicecoffeeHello, I have 50 gigs on my root drive, which ought to be plenty, only it is not. I just ran out of space. I suspect it is the CUDA drivers that ate all the space. I tried to remove/purge CUDA drivers, but there is no space. Is there any way I can free up space. I tried to remove a few programs, but there is no space to even do that.20:12
tekisuitry cleaning the cache of the web-browser ?20:13
nicecoffeeNot enough20:13
tekisuiyou can save a few files to the cloud/usb you can miss20:14
tekisuidropbox has a solid cloud system20:14
nicecoffeeI don't use dropbox20:14
nicecoffeeSo a reinstall, I guess20:15
tekisuiumm mostly does the trick20:15
nicecoffeeI thought there was a way to remove stuff20:15
nicecoffeethis sucks20:15
leftyfbnicecoffee: step #1 find out what's using the most space20:15
nicecoffeeleftyfb I think I mentioned why20:15
leftyfbCUDA is not using 50GB20:15
leftyfbnor 10GB20:16
leftyfbnicecoffee: sudo du -sh $HOME20:16
leftyfbstart with that20:16
leftyfbthat'll tell you how big your home directory is which is more than likely using the most space20:16
leftyfbor not20:16
leftyfbsudo du -sh /*20:17
leftyfbsudo du -sh /* 2>/dev/null20:17
leftyfbif you want it sorted;  sudo du -sh /* 2>/dev/null|sort -hr20:18
nicecoffeeleftyfb It's responding kinda slow20:19
leftyfbyep, it will20:19
bmnicecoffee: install QDirStat. You'll thank me later.20:20
leftyfbnicecoffee: ok, looks like you have a separate partition for /home?20:20
nicecoffeebm cannot install anything at the moment, now I need to  P U R G E20:21
nicecoffeeleftyfb eyeah....20:21
bmswapoff -a, remove swapfile, then install qdirstat20:21
nicecoffeebm how do I purge CUDA or OAD and get some freakin' space back...?20:22
leftyfbyou have 19G of snaps, 10G in /opt and your /usr and /var also seem a bit big20:22
bmUnless you're also running on like 512 MB RAM, then LOL20:22
leftyfbnicecoffee: step #2 clean up enough space so you can actually remove things20:22
nicecoffeeleftyfb Yeah, SNAP sucks, I wanna remove all of it20:22
leftyfbnicecoffee: it doesn't such, something isn't right or you have way too many things instaled20:22
nicecoffeeGolly, that's why I got here in the first place, to ask how the duck to remove things...20:23
leftyfbI have 32 snaps installed and only taking up 22G but I have a 2TB drive20:23
leftyfbnicecoffee: what about /opt, what do you have in there?20:23
ComnenusI have a repo that apt is saying is not signed, but I did import the key.  I repeated the steps on a second machine and it works as expected.  Where should I start looking for what is messing this up?20:24
leftyfbComnenus: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-22-04-gpg-error-the-following-signatures-couldnt-be-verified20:25
nicecoffeeI got a few things in opt...20:25
nicecoffeePurge it?20:25
bmdoomp eet20:26
nicecoffeeAll good citizens must purge...20:26
leftyfbnicecoffee: ( sudo du -sh /opt/* ; echo "---" ; sudo du -sh /var/* ; echo "---" ; sudo du -sh /usr/* ) | nc termbin.com 999920:27
leftyfb"resolve" is taking up 6GB, /var/cache/* can be wiped, that's taking 4GB. And you didn't do /usr20:29
Comnenusleftyfb: I see the key in apt-key list but apt is still saying the public key is not available and the repo is not signed.  These same instructions worked on a fresh VM, I'm not sure why.20:30
leftyfbthere's also /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-12-1-local taking up 3GB which I'm pretty sure is not it's working directory but I don't know for sure20:30
nicecoffeeremove everything in /var/cache ?20:33
leftyfbnicecoffee: you could just start with /var/cache/apt20:36
ID-10-Tonly 50GB, lesson learned?20:37
nicecoffeeanything else I can purge?20:38
ID-10-Twhatever you think will be worst case sceanario, multiple it by ten ;020:38
nicecoffeeID-10-T What is this, Windows?20:38
leftyfbID-10-T: please stop20:38
leftyfbnicecoffee: how much space do you have left? df -h /20:38
ID-10-Tsure, as soon as you start being realistic.20:39
leftyfbID-10-T: can we help you with something?20:40
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leftyfbthat's plenty to do some proper cleanup20:42
leftyfbnicecoffee: what else did you split off into separate partitions?20:43
leftyfbthere's really very little need to do that these days20:43
nicecoffeeAfter this operation, 2,100 MB of additional disk space will be used.20:43
nicecoffeeI need more space20:43
leftyfbnicecoffee: what did you try to run exactly?20:43
nicecoffeeapt --fix-broken install20:44
leftyfbplease pastebin the output20:44
leftyfbnicecoffee: sudo apt remove --purge cuda-12-1 cuda-cccl-12-1 cuda-command-line-tools-12-1 cuda-compiler-12-1 cuda-cudart-12-1 cuda-cudart-dev-12-1 cuda-cuobjdump-12-1 cuda-cupti-12-1 cuda-cupti-dev-12-1 cuda-cuxxfilt-12-1 cuda-demo-suite-12-1 cuda-documentation-12-1 cuda-driver-dev-12-1 cuda-gdb-12-1 cuda-libraries-12-1  cuda-libraries-dev-12-1 cuda-nsight-12-1 cuda-nsight-compute-12-1 cuda-nsight-systems-12-1 cuda-nvcc-12-1  cuda-nvdisasm-12-120:47
leftyfbcuda-nvml-dev-12-1 cuda-nvprof-12-1 cuda-nvprune-12-1 cuda-nvrtc-12-1 cuda-nvrtc-dev-12-1  cuda-nvtx-12-1 cuda-nvvp-12-1 cuda-opencl-12-1 cuda-opencl-dev-12-1 cuda-profiler-api-12-1 cuda-runtime-12-1  cuda-sanitizer-12-1 cuda-toolkit-12-1 cuda-toolkit-12-1-config-common cuda-tools-12-1 cuda-visual-tools-12-1  gds-tools-12-1 libcublas-12-1 libcublas-dev-12-1 libcufft-12-1 libcufft-dev-12-1 libcufile-12-1  libcufile-dev-12-1 libcurand-12-120:47
leftyfblibcurand-dev-12-1 libcusolver-12-1 libcusolver-dev-12-1 libcusparse-12-1  libcusparse-dev-12-1 libnpp-12-1 libnpp-dev-12-1 libnvjitlink-12-1 libnvjitlink-dev-12-1 libnvjpeg-12-1  libnvjpeg-dev-12-1 libnvvm-samples-12-1 linux-headers-5.19.0-43-generic linux-hwe-5.19-headers-5.19.0-43 linux-image-5.19.0-43-generic linux-modules-5.19.0-43-generic linux-modules-extra-5.19.0-43-generic  nsight-compute-2023.1.1 nsight-systems-2023.1.220:47
leftyfbnicecoffee: sudo apt remove --purge cudo-*20:50
leftyfbnicecoffee: sudo apt remove --purge cuda-*20:50
nicecoffeeBeen there, tried that, same response20:50
nicecoffeeIt wants to fix itself before it purges anything20:50
leftyfbor go through every cuda package mentioned in your last pastebin and add it to the list of packages to be removed20:50
nicecoffeeIt wants to fix itself before it purges anything20:50
sarnoldkeep adding packages to that purge list20:51
nicecoffeeSo it needs space to fix itself first20:51
leftyfbit won't if you tell it to purge all the packages and dependencies it is trying to fix20:51
nicecoffeeWell, it won't let me purge20:53
leftyfbnicecoffee: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Pw7s5nSq6C/20:54
sarnoldnicecoffee: the general process with these problems is to run the apt purge command, see what pacakges whine, add those packages to the command line, see what packages whine, add those packages to the command line, see what packages whine, etc, and repeat this process until you cut out the rot.20:56
leftyfbnicecoffee: please continue on as sarnold suggested20:58
nicecoffeeCan I not just kill off, say Resolve and then have the space I need?20:58
leftyfbadd those packages to the list to be purged all at once20:58
leftyfbnicecoffee: if you can get it removed, sure20:58
leftyfbremoved properly20:59
nicecoffeewell, I was thinking improperly...20:59
nicecoffeeCutting off a toenail to save the toe20:59
leftyfbonly if you want to make things worse20:59
sarnoldnicecoffee: double-check how you ran that command. leftyfb's command includes cuda-nsight-compute-12-2 as a package to purge but your output seems to suggest that you missed that package20:59
leftyfbnicecoffee: snap list20:59
leftyfbnicecoffee: you coulf also go through and properly remove some snap packages21:00
leftyfbI'm gonna guess android studio is pretty bug21:01
leftyfbnicecoffee: sudo du -hcs /var/lib/snapd/snaps/*|sort -hr21:03
nicecoffeeokay, removing snap stuff was a good call. Now I have about 20G free21:08
leftyfbI'm concerned about how much "snap stuff" you removed and how you removed it21:08
nicecoffeeI just got rid of VLC and Android Studio and then I got rid of all things CUDA and then 0ad21:09
leftyfbnicecoffee: how exactly did you "Get rid of"?21:09
nicecoffeeuhh, sudo snap remove...21:09
leftyfbok, good, just checking21:09
nicecoffeethen purge cuda 0ad et al21:10
nicecoffeethen apt-get autoremove21:10
nicecoffeeWhen I reboot, my screens will look like Windows 9821:10
nicecoffeeI use CUDA for DaVinci Resolve21:11
nicecoffeeand Blender et al21:11
nicecoffeeLots of multimedia stuff21:11
nicecoffeeThanks for your help folks21:14
jfcaronUbuntu package "openshot-qt" has a python uncaught exception upon launch.  Repo version is 2.5.1 (from Linux Mint 21 based on Ubuntu).  Traceback when launching from terminal is https://paste.debian.net/1284402/ Apport claims it's not an "official linux package".21:20
ravage!mint | jfcaron21:21
ubottujfcaron: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/21:21
jfcaronlol yeah but it's in the ubuntu repos21:21
jfcaronoh well, I tried.21:21
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GreenCoffeeBean1How do I disable destop switching/multiple desktops, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS23:08
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