
ograleftyfb, just FYI /snap is only mountpoints ... there were no 19G đŸ™‚ ... the actual compressed squashfs files live in /var/lib/snapd/snaps what /snap shows is the virtual content size only00:23
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eepromis ubuntu archive dns (or general connectivity) not working for anyone else right now?02:00
eepromhmm... dns is fine, so maybe there is an outage of some kind?02:00
eeprompackages take a minute or two to fetch02:01
guiverci noticed a slow download of upgrades earlier this morning (~4 hrs ago) but it was fine a few mins later.. temporary issues can occur on occasion.02:05
guiverceeprom, I now also see questions on other support sites on slow downloads of upgrade/installs too02:10
guiverci just installed a mantic update & it wasn't its normal 'speedy' self02:10
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eepromyeah.. : / i just chose another mirror from here for the time being: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors02:12
eepromi wonder if the other mirror i chose has issues too: " libpython3.10 : Depends: libpython3.10-stdlib (= 3.10.4-3) but 3.10.6-1~22.04.2 is to be installed"02:13
eepromcould be that not all packages synced successfully recently02:13
guiverci noted this yesterday (my local time) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/2025192 which was kernel related & impacting mirrors.. maybe related (mirror sync being issue?) but sorry I don't know...02:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025192 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "broken installation while mirror syncing new kernel packages" [Undecided, Confirmed]02:17
eepromoh, i think the issue with the other server was that i forgot to add an entry for jammy-updates, so apt was refusing to downgrade packages automatically02:17
guiverc:)   as that's easy to fix02:17
eepromhaha, yeah : )02:18
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khadashow can i do autostart script06:00
khadasubuntu LTS06:01
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weedmicsoftware manager is not displaying search results - any ideas?  i thought it was because I had forgot to install biuld-essential, but I have done that now.06:44
osseI want to install Docker. There is a packager called docker but it seems to be a dummy. Perhaps I should use their apt repo. But then what is the point of this package?06:49
osseIt only contains a copyright file and a changelog which is actually a symlink to the wmdocker's changelong06:49
osseOh... the wmdocker package has nothing to do with docker :p06:50
osseand the docker package exists as a "synonym" I guess06:51
weedmicosse: install "docker" from muon (the transistional package).  it contains nothing, but allows you to run them.  then you can make or just get a docker container to see if it works.  I used to have one that played a simple game, but forgot what it was.06:52
weedmici think it was maelstrom - but, it was before covid06:53
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weedmichow do I force xapian to create a new index - i believe that is why the software manager is not working07:01
weedmicfound "sudo update-apt-xapian-index -f", says "no module named 'debian" - ?  all I want to do is istall 3 dependecies07:04
squarecircleI'm a bit lost: Why can't my VM reach the public interface/IP of its Host machine? I sure had this probem with Virtualbox and now with KVM. I knew it did not work, but I never knew why. Is it a given? Can I do something about?07:18
weedmicsquarecircle: it depends entirely on what network you choice on the host and how you setup the network inside the vm (especially if it is windows).  for example, host is bridged (or not), inside vm you need to tell it to use dhcp or give it a manual number.07:28
weedmici need to provide libc.so.6 - anyone know what package contains that?  I think it migt be "libc6-dev", but unlike opensuse, I cannot seem to see inside to see what it provides.07:30
ravagedpkg -S libc.so.607:33
weedmicwill try - i think it might be in glibc-doc and or libc6-pic07:33
weedmicyes, it lists -ty ra07:34
squarecircleweedmic: its an internal network, natted via HOST, static IPs07:34
weedmicwhat is the host running vmware or virtualbox - and did you pick "bridged" or "NAT"?07:34
squarecircleweedmic: qemu/kvm, NAT07:36
weedmicand your goal is 1) just to get the vm to have internet, 2)to setup a nat network that can reach the internet?07:38
squarecircleweedmic: no, my goal is to let the VM reach the HOST on its public interface07:39
weedmicravage: i did "dpkg -S libc.so.6" - i then did "sudo apt install /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 - returns unsupported file ... given on commandline - what did I do wrong07:41
ravagethe package is libc607:42
weedmicpls devine term "public interface" squarecircle - if you just want internet, swithc host to bridged and set vm to dhcp ip4.  if you really want to setup a NAT network, it isn't that complicated, but, that really isn't ubuntu related, but you are basically setting up a network and then attaching things (like vms) to it.  most people do not realy want that.07:43
weedmicbut I did not know the term, so pls define it.07:43
weedmicravage: nvm - i read the manual -S means already installed - so there is something wrong with the script for pe-bear as  itisn't finding it, and yet it is ther07:49
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weedmicwhe I try to start ./PE-bear (a pe editor), it reports that 3 files cannot be found yet are required.  for example libc.so.6, libQt5Core.so.5, and libstdc++.so.6 - all are installed on the system.  Do I need to add these locations to my path (which seems odd to me), create a symbolic link (in which case how do I find out where pe-bear wants them to be)? - something else?08:02
weedmicmight be nvm - checking someting else08:04
weedmicin kde, when one clicks on the ?launcher? icon, it shows files sorted in categories.  how can I do that in ubuntu:GNOME?08:51
weedmiccurently it lists all apps in alphabetical order - very phone like08:51
lotuspsychjeweedmic: classicmenu indicator can do categories on gnome08:53
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weedmiclotuspsychje: how do I turn that on?09:15
weedmicor switch to it09:15
weedmictheonly options I see are "all" or "frequent"09:15
lotuspsychjeweedmic: install the package, logout and back in09:17
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator09:17
ubottuclassicmenu-indicator (0.11-0ubuntu1, lunar): indicator showing the main menu from GNOME Classic. In component universe, is optional. Built by classicmenu-indicator. Size 43 kB / 351 kB09:17
weedmicoic, it replaces what I have now - interesting.09:20
weedmicty - will discuss with others who use the machine09:21
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squarecircleweedmic: I can't use bridged as I have more VMS than IPs10:34
squarecircleweedmic: Public IP / Public Interface is the IP/Interface, thats accessible to the Outside.10:35
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memoredamnl_cb_run: Argument list too long11:03
memoreda[-] msgget: No space left on device11:03
weedmictoo fast that - I was going to say if the vm has a fixed ip, then you need to take it into consideration, but the english is to fancy, but I think that is what you said/menat.11:07
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throwthecheeseI'm looking for a touch-friendly file manager13:45
throwthecheeseNautilus is out of the question due to its lack of a proper menubar and unremovable headerbar13:46
BluesKajHi all13:46
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ocx32hi all, i am trying to figure a way to take a webcam snapshot when a user tries to login to my pc and gets an authentication error, any idea how to do that?14:50
striveThat seems like a tedious task.14:54
striveocx32: https://askubuntu.com/questions/253189/can-i-make-the-webcam-take-a-picture-when-an-incorrect-password-is-entered14:54
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jhutchinsWe who know nothing about areospace will now explain why you're not seeing anything for the next 30 minutes.15:15
leftyfbjhutchins: wrong channel?15:16
jhutchins!info ffmpeg15:20
ubottuffmpeg (7:5.1.2-3ubuntu1, lunar): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Built by ffmpeg. Size 1,754 kB / 2,358 kB15:20
BliepoHello everybody. I have my /boot parition (root is on a ZFS array) on a NVME SSD that is on the point of failing. To make matters more complicated, I only have one NVME slot. Can I use grub-mkrescue to somehow boot from a USB drive. And when that has worked, how do I create a new /boot parition?15:32
BliepoOr alternatively, if there is some way of cloning the current boot parition to another system (I have a system with a spare NVME slot), that´s also fine with me.15:34
tekisui_you can use [startup disk creator] to make an usb with ubuntu system15:34
BliepoAnd then chroot into the existing system?15:36
tekisui_it may start up ubuntu that way from the usb15:39
tekisui_you should be able to acces the current system that way15:40
BliepoYeah, that should work15:40
BliepoStill need to come up with some way of recreating the /boot parition from there though15:40
tekisui_this might help: https://superuser.com/questions/614257/how-do-i-recreate-a-wiped-boot-filesystem-in-ubuntu15:42
tekisui_ah this is ten years old, i dunno15:43
BliepoWell, the basic concept should still apply. Just not sure about the EFI parition.15:43
BliepoAlright, I think I got it15:49
BliepoMake a bootable USB. Then combine instructions from https://superuser.com/questions/614257/how-do-i-recreate-a-wiped-boot-filesystem-in-ubuntu and https://fekir.info/post/restore-efi-partition-with-grub/15:49
toddc  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair15:51
oerheksbut if you started wrong without an EFI partition, i would start fresh15:53
oerheksalso you get GPT15:53
tryauuumwhat's the best network (PXE or something else) provisioning tool? I plan only to install ubuntu, and want the tool to be able to provision md raid sometimes.16:05
tekisui_something like this tryauuum: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-netbox-network-documentation-and-management-tool-on-ubuntu-22-04/16:13
tryauuumtekisui_: netbox is a cool thing and we already use it, but it's only for documentation, it's like a single source of truth about your servers' physical location16:15
tryauuumI'm searching something like maas or FAI, but I don't know what is better16:16
ogratryauuum, well, given that maas is developed by ubuntu devs he choice should be clear đŸ˜‰16:37
tekisui_am living close to the maas16:41
tryauuumtkisui_: what?..16:52
tekisui_it´s a river16:52
tekisui_why is /usr/local/etc/17:03
tekisui_completely empt ??17:03
leftyfbtekisui_: why would you expect anything to be in there?17:03
tekisui_ah am used to being much directories there17:04
tekisui_i need to sex xorg17:04
tekisui_so it´s normal it´s completely empty ?17:04
tekisui_ahhh verry strange17:04
oerheks  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/17:05
tekisui_ah yes that´s it, merci17:05
oerheksthse are examples17:06
tekisui_and now reboot ?17:08
tekisui_damn seems to work :DD17:08
tekisui_this took me 6 months or so..17:09
torialityhey I'm new to linux and its been a while im configuring i3wm, everything working fine except for some programs that displays very tiny fonts17:31
torialityany idea what could it be?17:31
nvmdno idea.. scaling?17:35
tekisui_settings ->configure/fonts17:40
tekisui_LXQt - appearance in ubuntu (fonts)17:41
tekisui_toriality: LXQt - appearance in ubuntu (fonts)17:44
tekisui_else settings of the program ->configure/fonts17:44
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oerheks some programs17:45
oerhekshave their own theming/fonts?17:45
torialityI dont think I have LXQt, what I tried is to set Xft.dpi on .Xresources, it worked for programs like GIMP and HexChat but other programs like Firefox had gigantic fonts17:49
tekisui_firefox you can set fonts or try CTRL  +/ -17:49
torialitythe top/address font17:50
ioriatoriality, i don't use i3, but might be a snap issue; you can try with the .deb pkg, but just a speculation17:57
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BeladonaHow to change xorg log file path? currenty is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:27
leftyfbBeladona: what's wrong with that location?18:27
Beladonawell want to make it /dev/null18:27
Beladonauntil I fix the error. its toooooo much logs18:28
Beladonaeating the disk18:28
Beladonaleftyfb ?18:28
leftyfbyou could maybe try deleting the file and creating it as a symlink to /dev/null18:31
Beladonaleftyfb ok..18:32
Beladonaleftyfb no other way?18:32
Beladonaleftyfb ln -s  /dev/null /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:35
Beladonawarning: An error occurred while redirecting file '/dev/null'18:35
Beladonaopen: Operation not supported18:35
leftyfbdo it as root18:37
Beladonaalready root18:38
Beladonaright but not happining here18:38
leftyfbwith full paths18:39
leftyfbrun it like I'm doing it. Xorg is probably writing to the log between you deleting it and trying to link it18:39
leftyfbyou might need to stop xorg first18:39
Beladonastopping xor gmeans stopping all apps18:41
Beladonaleftyfb can you paste here.18:45
Beladonasome issues going with browser18:46
leftyfbrm /var/log/Xorg.0.log && ln -s /dev/null /var/log/Xorg.0.log && ls -l /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:46
rfmI don't think this symlink is going to help, since the next time xorg starts it will move Xorg.0.log to Xorg.0.log.old and create a new one18:46
rfmputting "-logfile /dev/null" on the Xorg start line would probably work but that would require digging through the display manager config to find where to do it18:49
Beladonarfm ok wher is the start line?18:49
rfmBeladona, I don't know, never used xdm.  What ubuntu flavor uses xdm?18:50
Beladonabut not sure18:51
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ninunincan someone help me how to install wicd-gtk from usb, i have deleted network-manager...20:06
leftyfbninunin: wicd-gtk is no longer available/supported in any supported releases of ubuntu20:08
ninuninleftyfb, i have ubuntu-studio 14.0420:08
leftyfbninunin: that is verymuch not supported here20:09
leftyfbninunin: you are 4 years behind since it went EOL20:09
oerheksgood luck with that vulnerable honeypot .. it should not connect to the internet20:09
leftyfbnot sure I'd go that far20:09
leftyfbbut yeah, time to upgrade20:10
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syphyrWhen I initially start firefox (from snap), I get the following apparmor denial, but only on the first start: apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="/snap/core/15419/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" pid=3057 comm="snap-confine" capability=4  capname="fsetid"22:12
syphyrI added "capability fsetid," to /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-confine.core.15419 and the issue went away22:13
syphyris this a bug in snap's core?22:13
oerheksthat happens when you start firefox from terminal?22:14
sarnoldsyphyr: it's probably worth asking in #snappy , yeah22:14
syphyrit happens when i start firefox from desktop22:14
ravagedoes that message actually prevent firefox from starting?22:15
syphyrno firefox works with the denial22:15
ravagethen dont worry about it too much22:15
syphyrill mention it in #snappy though22:18
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syphyrthere also seems to be a bug in firefox's snap package that causes this denial on initial startup: apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap-update-ns.firefox" name="/var/lib/" pid=3080 comm="5" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=022:30
syphyri added "/var/lib/ r," and "/var/lib/snapd/ r," to /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap-update-ns.firefox tp fix it22:31
syphyralthough still a benign denial22:31
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ograsyphyr, note that this will be reverted on next snap update, the profiles are auto-generated at insall and upgrade23:05
syphyrwas just a test23:06
imifirefox doesn't work on my ubuntu. I tried snap remove && install23:42
imiff still doesn't work23:42
imi /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup23:42
imigiven the fact that ff doesn't work I can't even run ubuntu-bug I guess23:43
sarnoldouch :(23:44
sarnoldubuntu-bug can give you an url to load via another method; you could use chromium-browser for that, if you can get into launchpad with it23:44
sarnoldmy *guess* is that there's probably orphaned firefox processes or something, and sufficient application of kill -9 ... can make it better; try ps auxw | grep -i fire   and see if you can spot anything that looks like firefox?23:45
imisarnold: I didn't get an url. the only output ubuntu-bug generated into my terminal window is: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup23:47
sarnoldimi: ewwwwwwwwwww23:47
sarnoldogra: ^^ any chance you're still around? any chance you've got any idea what the heck this means? :)23:47
imitry ps auxw|grep -v grep | grep -i fire gives 0 lines23:48
imiI mean23:48
imips auxw|grep -v grep | grep -i fire gives 0 lines23:48
sarnolddang :(23:48
imiwell, all my snap packages do the same23:50
imiwell, all my snap *desktop* packages do the same to be precise23:50
imijoplin works, joplin-desktop says /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup23:51

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