[11:51] bandali, hello, do we have way to know the github commit of a revision ? [15:08] bandali, unping, I have a fix. [15:13] bandali, https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/pull/21 [15:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 21 in canonical/firefox-snap "Bug 1841255 - Add missing 'export MOZCONFIG' back" [Open] [20:45] cairo pristine-tar 8a8b8b5 Jeremy BĂ­cha cairo_1.17.8.orig.tar.xz.delta cairo_1.17.8.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for cairo_1.17.8.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3LXdA [20:45] cairo upstream/latest e662415 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 1005 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/0B7e [20:45] cairo upstream/latest e8cac30 Adrian Johnson src/win32/cairo-dwrite-font.cpp * Fix dwrite crash when printing dwrite toy font * https://deb.li/ipOV0 [20:46] cairo upstream/latest d252636 Adrian Johnson src/win32/cairo-dwrite-font.cpp * Merge branch 'fix-dwrite-crash' into 'master' * https://deb.li/jBPd [20:46] cairo upstream/latest 1585587 Adrian Johnson (5 files in 3 dirs) * dwrite: create C++ dwrite header * https://deb.li/3ZOuV [20:46] cairo upstream/latest 4614892 Adrian Johnson src/ (5 files) * s/the the/the/ * https://deb.li/BXm1 [20:46] cairo upstream/latest d71345b Uli Schlachter src/ (5 files) * Merge branch 'too-many-the' into 'master' * https://deb.li/30FQN