[00:06] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snap/+bug/2025401 [00:06] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025401 in snap (Ubuntu) "/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup" [Undecided, New] [00:07] ive seen that bug reported before [00:08] imi: can you throw some journalctl output up there? [00:09] sarnold: I can, suggest me a command please [00:09] https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/not-a-snap-cgroup-error/30776 [00:09] imi: journalctl -e > /tmp/journal -- then read through the file and make sure you're fine with what's in it before uploading [00:11] heh :( no real advice there :( [00:26] ok I need to go sleeping [00:26] thanks for the support [00:26] I hope it gets resolved soon [00:27] hello [00:28] bye [00:28] https://github.com/Heitai-C11/Minix-C11_2.0/wiki <-- it's possible to adapt a minix kernel 2.0 on 3-Clauses BSD licence on ubuntu with GPL-3 ? [00:29] peraps with an xeon processor or an arm64 like beagle board [00:32] any else i try ubuntu one and the script is blocked https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs/usg/cis/compliance [00:32] lv2 [00:38] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wYkKPSRCKm/ [00:41] heitai: CIS compliance stuff is niche; you might need to use the commercial support offerings to get help with it. I doubt you'll find many folks here who have experience with it. [00:43] ok where i could i ask ? [00:46] heitai: I think the 'support portal' button on https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard === lubuntu is now known as testman === testman is now known as testman32 [00:53] thank sarnold [00:53] good luck heitai :) [00:53] :-D [00:55] sarnold, who check the kernel issu ? ubuntu one on free community ? [00:56] heitai: heh, the minix kernel is something you'll have to organize yourself ;) I doubt anybody else has tried that before === v_ is now known as kr0n05 === heitai is now known as jean-loups [01:27] witch best smartphone for Ubuntu Touch ? [01:27] I thought ubuntu touch died before it was even born? [01:30] well I'll be it looks they didn't discontinue dev on it [01:31] why ? [01:32] i will try to debug, beta-tester [01:34] i try to bone to eat [01:34] i try to find a bone to eat [01:34] for do a portfolio [01:38] hello [01:47] jean-loups: Touch moved from canonical to community and is still being worked on https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ look at devices some work better than others depending on what features you want [01:51] https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/suzu [01:51] thank [01:54] it's the right phone ? --> https://www.sfr.fr/sony-xperia10iv-noir-128go [01:56] You are viewing data for an obsolete Ubuntu Touch release that is kept for historical reasons [01:57] !touch [01:57] Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [02:04] ok thank ubottu [02:04] https://github.com/jean-loups/Minix-C11_2.0/blob/main/LICENSE <-- it´s rigth ? [02:04] no problem with low [02:04] ?? [02:05] low? no.. law? probably not. [02:07] yes sorry [02:07] i have the right to change an 3-Clause to GPL-3 ? [02:10] i think not, but check this with the legal guys [02:13] Les paquets suivants ont été conservés : [02:13] libmm-glib0 modemmanager ubuntu-drivers-common [02:13] 0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 3 non mis à jour. [02:13] oerheks, ?? [02:13] need recode the most of the kernel [02:15] !phasedupdates | jean-loups [02:15] jean-loups: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info. [02:15] jean-loups: maybe share a !paste of what apt shows you, so the volunteers can help you better [02:16] ok [02:16] https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man8/mkfs.minix.8.html [02:17] oops [02:18] no problem oerheks [02:18] i supose use zfs [02:19] i have a lot of flyer in my home [02:19] fuck [02:19] thunder [02:19] Keep it family friendly please. [02:20] sorry [02:20] my english is poor [02:21] we also have a french ubuntu channel jean-loups [02:21] !fr [02:21] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci. [02:21] flyer flyer kill when thunder [02:21] ubottu, no i work my english as the same [02:22] and in france all people sleeping [02:22] Also stay on-topic, please. [02:24] where we name Ubuntu with Minix kernel ? [02:25] Doesn't exist. [02:25] i will code [02:26] It will be unsupported here, so have fun. [02:26] if i find an assembler dev for this part [02:26] !ot | jean-loups [02:26] jean-loups: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:26] for create an channel [02:28] ok i join [02:28] but need name this Ubuntu [02:28] no bug, with LTS... best as Debian [02:29] but no LTE-4G pci-e card work [02:29] need use my iPhone in wifi [02:29] It wouldn't be allowed as an official flavor because, as far as I know, Ubuntu flavors *must* use the Linux kernel, but the official process of becoming a flavor is outlined here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedFlavors [02:30] However, you need to stop with offtopic monologuing and ask only actual support questions in here. [02:57] hello [03:11] Hi, need help enabling guest account [03:11] cat /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf [03:11] [Seat:*] [03:11] user-session=ubuntu [03:11] allow-guest=true [03:11] but cannot see the guest Login anywhere [03:11] neither on the Login screen [03:11] or the top-right menu [03:12] Ubuntu 20.04 [03:13] Can you run `lightdm --show-config` real quick? [03:14] command not found [03:14] Command 'lightdm' not found, but can be installed with: [03:15] Ah, you're using GDM then? [03:15] yes GDM [03:15] So, /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf doesn't apply at all, since lightdm isn't GDM. [03:16] yes.. 100%  you are correct [03:17] I haven't used GDM in 5-10 years, can't really help you there. :) [03:18] thanks for pointing that out [03:18] but googling enable guest showed me those results on askubuntu and unbuntuforums [03:19] sry askubuntu only [03:20] Haha! I looked it up real quick, one post for how to enable the guest login started out with "Install lightdm" :D [03:23] Unit193: It suggests to install Lightdm -> enable Guest -> then switch back to GDM [03:25] Not this one. [03:25] ripa: I happend upon https://www.makeuseof.com/enable-restricted-guest-session-ubuntu/ and https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/07/create-guest-account-ubuntu-20-04/ both. [03:25] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1321782/lubuntu-20-04-and-tmporary-user-like-guest [03:27] By the title, Lubuntu would be LXDE. [03:28] Unit193: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 [03:28] this looks scary [03:28] i guess I shud back the current settings GDM.. googling that now [03:29] Unit193: btw.. any speciffic reason u r  using LightDM? [03:29] I use Xfce, not GNOME. [03:30] dont know about Xfce either :( [04:05] Unit193: whoa  talk about User-friendly X-P [04:09] ripa: Pardon? [04:09] will wrestle with Enabling Guest Sessions later.. [04:09] 1. there is a package to  enable guest sessions in Gnome [04:09] 2. LightDM way -> install Lightdm then switch back to GDM [04:09] sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 [04:09] systemctl stop lightdm [04:09] systemctl start gdm3 [04:11] Unit193: Thanks [04:11] Sorry I couldn't help, I just don't know GNOME/GDM at all. [04:11] np.. but Thanks :) [04:12] have to run now [04:12] bye [04:12] Well, you're welcome. Toodles. [05:17] Hello everyone. [05:18] hi TheMasterS [05:18] how are you ? [05:19] I'm fine. === pikapika is now known as militantorc [07:01] hi [07:01] anyone there [07:01] ? [07:01] what is hex chat though [07:02] too slowly [07:10] hi me from school computer [07:10] hi [07:10] hi [07:24] Is there any problem with using both apt and snap versions of an application? Do they get different names on install, or how are they distinguished? [07:26] sounds like a good way to break something [07:28] or at minimum waste storage space and possibly ram [07:47] Hi, this morning I got surprised by Ubuntu booting into a tty instead of a desktop environment [07:47] What is the best way to debug this? [07:47] display-manager.service doesn't log anything other than "starting" and "started" gdm3 [07:47] Interestingly, it seems to have exited: Process: 1813 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/gdm3 start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) [07:48] Turning on debugging in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf doesn't seem to give me any extra output [07:48] Any pointers'd be greatly appreciated [07:49] check free space: run as user:    df -h / /home [07:49] Avail: 334G [07:49] that should be enough for the moment [07:51] sudo dmesg | less [07:52] hi webchat95 ; hi circle [07:53] webchat95, try with startx [07:53] more info in /var/log/Xorg0.log [07:54] startx does start a graphical session, but with an error: "Oh no! Something has gone wrong" "A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again" [07:55]  /var/log/X* does not seem to exist [07:57] try $ sudo service gdm3 start [07:57] and pastbin [07:58] https://paste.ubuntu.com/ [08:00] try ctrl+alt F2 [08:02] Restarting gdm3: https://pastebin.com/raw/7BafK012 [08:03] Switching to tty2 just gives me another tty unfortunately [08:04] try $ gdm3 on $ sudo gdm3 en paste [08:04] or* [08:09] and* sorry i pass a white night [08:09] Ha! gdm3 command not found [08:09] installing ubuntu-desktop-minimal solved the issue [08:10] I have no idea how that managed to get uninstalled [08:11] great ! [08:12] now install it and reboot [08:13] and $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and select 6x14 or else for tty [08:13] Say on Ubuntu 2204 on dell laptop Ctrl-Alt-Fn  does not bring up the virtual consoles. How do I access them? [08:15] after F3 [08:15] Am I reading this right in the apt logs? Did apt remove ubuntu-desktop on its own during a dist-upgrade? https://pastebin.com/raw/R4HpTd0L [08:17] it sure removed it, but was it suppsoed to install a newer version? [08:17] webchat95, please report the bug on bugtracker [08:18] just a dev mistak [08:19] just? [08:22] it's just an oversight of the package maintainer [08:23] the package ubuntu-desktop ? [08:24] were paste the bugtracker [08:24] webchat95, please paste the link of the bugtracker [08:25] need reboot, hexchat is too mutch slowly [08:25] Re Dell keyboard, it seems the left Alt must be used, the right alt can only be used afterwards to switch between virtual consoles. [08:26] Is that adjustable somewhere? [08:27] odd because other laptops do not have this restriction, and there's no indication on the keyboard that L-Alt is different from R-Alt. [08:28] sounds like some key-mapping for whateevr the setup is [08:34] where to find these key mappings? [08:34] maybe 'xmodmap -pke' [08:42] jean-loups https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2025462 [08:42] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025462 in Ubuntu "Apt deletes ubuntu-desktop during dist-upgrade" [Undecided, New] [08:42] Appreciate the help [08:42] Thanks [08:46] rather major oversight, removing multiple packages and dependencies s upgrading >_< [08:49] is it possible to enable LUKS encryption on the boot volume using a key in TPM? [08:52] I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome. ssh doesn't ask me for my passphrase when logging into a remote system. If I create a new user locally and give it the same identity files, it asks for the passphrase. Anyone know why? [08:56] is your user account set up for public key authentication? [08:58] clarkk: something to do with the ssh-agent, it's probably unlocking it when you login in the first account [08:58] EriC^^, that sounds like it. How do I manage the keys stored in the agent? [08:59] clarkk: never tried that before, but try "password and keys" from the applications/search [09:04] EriC^^, thanks for your help. Yes, that's it. ssh-add -l lists the stored identities [09:05] ? [09:08] clarkk: i see, no problem [09:12] anyone know the answer to my LUKS problem? The idea is to avoid the password entry on the server when rebooting remotely, but the encryption key needs to be stored securely, i.e. not on another partition. How do we remove that password entry requirement. Not sure how up-to-date the online material is - one referred to Ubuntu 12.xx! [09:15] we are using server 22.04... [09:16] perhaps I should start with the question: is LUKS still the Linux counterpart to Bitlocker? [09:17] are you expecting some already solution or asking for ideas [09:19] I guess I am asking for ideas. There is stuff online, but not sure how accurate or up-to-date it is so I want to first establish the correct way to do this in 2023 [09:19] can you share the stuff online you found? [09:20] this looks up-to-date: https://www.cyberciti.biz/security/howto-linux-hard-disk-encryption-with-luks-cryptsetup-command/ [09:20] have no idea whether cryptsetup is the correct way forward though [09:21] this is another: https://glentomkowiak.medium.com/luks-with-tpm-in-ubuntu-df867cad9a1 [09:21] but it says it can't be done on boot voumes... [09:22] webchat18: if i understood correctly you want to not have to enter the passphrase when you reboot remotely, but you still want it to have to enter a passphrase if it's started from a poweroff? [09:24] EriC^^ no, just the first one. Not enter a passphrase when booting remotely. If that means getting rid of a passphrase altogether, then all the better. I have been informed that it should use the TPM [09:25] ...but it must obviously work on a bootable volume... [09:25] the only ubuntu that supports unttended LUKS booting with key in TPM (and *only* if secure boot is also properly set up and enabled) is UbuntuCore currently ... [09:26] there is an attempt to allow this on classic server insalls too but that might still take a while [09:26] ah, that's the IoT version? [09:26] right [09:27] ogra Ok, thanks. [09:28] https://ubuntu.com/core/features/secure-boot [09:28] for more details ... [09:28] webchat18: maybe this helps? https://run.tournament.org.il/ubuntu-20-04-and-tpm2-encrypted-system-disk/ [09:29] it is tpm2 though [09:29] that at least shows it is possible. Thanks for the links. Will read up. TPM2 is preferred. [09:29] yeah, tpm2 is a hard req. even on UbuntuCore and will surely also be a req when classic server supports it later === alias is now known as alias1 [12:41] Hi all [12:42] hello === sammy12 is now known as frillyturtle [13:45] I am trying to install podman on Ubuntu 20..04 [13:45] Tried apt-get and it failed [13:45] Tried with aptitude https://bpa.st/KQCNQ [13:46] do not use aptitude [13:47] well apt-get isn't helping [13:47] have you tried synaptic package manager ? [13:47] snap? [13:47] it comes with ubuntu [13:47] at [preferences] [13:47] CoolerX: podman is not a package in the ubuntu repositories [13:48] that includes snap [13:49] CoolerX: why not just use lxd? [13:52] idk what lxd is [13:53] "podman is not a package in the ubuntu repositories" what? [13:53] https://podman.io/docs/installation#ubuntu [13:53] "The podman package is available in the official repositories for Ubuntu 20.10 and newer. [13:53] " [13:53] hmmmmmmmmm [13:54] sorry, not in 20.04 [13:54] VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)" [13:54] the first case of podman being in ubuntu is 22.04 [13:54] sorry. 22.10 [13:54] 20.10 [13:54] CoolerX: either way, https://ubuntu.com/lxd [13:55] they give instructions to use kubic repo [13:55] don't [13:55] LXD is a very easy way to spin up and use containers [13:56] leftyfb: that makes no sense to me, podman and docker aren't exactly difficult to use [13:56] docker run --rm -p 8080:80 nginx [13:56] also I need podman because certain bash scripts use it [13:56] 14 not upgraded, fix those first? [13:57] to build a project [13:57] well I gtg, oerheks I don't want to do too much since it's a shared server [14:09] isn't the HWE kernel from 23.04 for 22.04 a bit late? [14:12] https://packages.ubuntu.com/lunar-updates/linux-generic-hwe-22.04 [14:13] currently , but https://www.mail-archive.com/kernel-packages@lists.launchpad.net/msg507144.html [14:13] they mention July 23 here: https://canonical.com/blog/canonical-livepatch-gets-even-better-now-supporting-hardware-enablement-kernels [14:14] hi [14:15] is anyone alive? [14:16] hello [14:16] how life [14:16] pretty good [14:16] managed to fix xorg :) [14:16] oh nice [14:16] hsiktas[m], try asking on #ubuntu-kernel if you need more details ... [14:16] what happened with xorg [14:16] ah long story.. [14:16] i got nvida video card, ubuntu doesn´t like it verry much [14:16] nvidia* [14:17] oh damn, which nvidia card? [14:17] gt 530 [14:18] thats an old card. um Noveau not working [14:18] yes half now :) [14:18] videos run well but can´t start any games [14:18] perhaps a sign i should quit gaming [14:19] what games do you play? [14:20] on a side note im showing my friend how irc works and hes impressed [14:21] :) [14:21] it´s a solid system since 1985 [14:21] perhaps a sign you should get a more modern graphics card 🙂 [14:21] gt530 is pretty legacy ... === ord is now known as quem [14:22] (and it isnt really ubuntus fault that nvidia tends to drop support for old cards from their recent drivers) [14:22] umm i know.. [14:25] ikr, irc is awesome === Forza_ is now known as Forza === jean-loups_ is now known as jean-loups [15:18] hi people [15:20] I'm looking for god documentation in order to netbooting ubuntu desktop (or server) 22.04. What I need is to use it with (i)pxe and http. All the docs I can see on the internet are for old versions, but nothing related to current version. I also saw some docs regarding iscsi, and maybe nfs, but what I really need is booting the installation using just (i)pxe and http. Please, any help over [15:20] here? [15:22] OutOfService: maybe here; https://discourse.ubuntu.com/ [15:22] I was able to boot ubuntu installation, but at some point, it ask me to provide some "init=" options in order to mount the root, but I don't know where to fins there init options. Any clue? [15:23] I'll have a look. thanks. Anyway, this channel is also for technical help, isn't it? [15:24] yes it is OutOfService you can ask ubuntu related issues here aswell indeed [15:24] ok. anyway I'm already having a look to the site you said. I didn't know it [15:32] wtf is that? [15:32] oops, sorry [15:33] Is edubuntu still around? The Debian education project had a really solid netboot system, but I think the project died out. [15:33] edubuntu is in revival, ask Eickmeyer [15:34] https://www.phoronix.com/news/Edubuntu-2023 [15:34] 23.04 is available. [15:34] netboot happens with the live server nowadays? https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html [15:35] Completely revived now. [15:35] :-) [15:37] oerheks: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/edubuntu-23-04-released/35281 [15:38] oerheks: And also pay more attention to Ubuntu Weekly News. [15:38] (don't rely on 3rd party sources so much) [15:39] jhutchins: https://www.edubuntu.org/ === spyspirit9 is now known as spyspirit [16:14] how to fix if you just got gnome 44 (ubuntu 23 upgrade), but file save dialog and nautlius in general is very very slow / unresponsive. If i search for files when entering filenames, it even mixes up the keypresses unless i type real slow [16:37] Hi all [16:39] hello [16:39] How are you doing? Just checking out the ubuntu channel [16:39] :) [16:39] It's my first time using IRC [16:39] welcome [16:40] Thank you [16:40] This is a can of worms I'm exploring that began at Matrix Messenger, lol [16:41] Some interesting name I see in the nick list [16:41] Some interesting names I see in the nick list [16:41] Oh. I thought that would correct what I wrote. Looks like it has repeated my last message. [16:42] Can or do we discuss general topics here? [16:42] try ##chat [16:42] or ##sleep [16:42] and there is #philosophy [16:43] Such as carbon fiber hulls, refuge ships, Putin etc? [16:43] ##politics perhaps ? [16:43] #ot | creactive [16:43] Cool [16:43] !ot | creactive [16:43] creactive: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:43] I'll have a look now! [17:01] joo: What else is going on? What does "top" show is loading the system? What filesystem did you choose? Is it encrypted? === martylake_ is now known as martylake === filo is now known as Filohuhum === ord is now known as quem [19:16] Hey there, the recent NVIDIA update (today) made it so I can't boot. I use Kubuntu, so I posted a message in the Kubuntu channel, but nobody's replying. Can I possibly get help in here instead? [19:18] yeah [19:19] Okay, thanks. Here goes: I did an NVIDIA driver update after being prompted for it in Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and now I can't boot unless I boot into the old kernel. Details are here and I'd love any advice any of you have: https://bpa.st/ISWRC [19:21] I totally forgot to mention in the information in that link that when I installed Kubuntu, I opted to allow Kubuntu to manage my video drivers for me, so everything is however Kubuntu wants it to be. [19:23] *wow* that's pink :) [19:24] Heh, it's #FF00FF... better known as plain old magenta, but I love the idea of Foofing my computer. [19:24] lol [19:26] Elliria: does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers install' do anything useful? [19:27] Can I do it while I'm here talking to you? What will it do? [19:28] yeah, you can; my hope is that it'll spot a missing package or something and offer to install it [19:29] Okay, I'll try it. By the way, I just clicked on the update notifier in my tray and it checked and says I'm up-to-date, but here goes your command... [19:29] It's doing a whole lot too fast for me to catch it and read it. [19:30] I see lots of "Setting up" and "Processing triggers" messages. [19:32] Here's what it did: https://bpa.st/ZQHAM [19:34] Now, when I look in Muon, there are WAY more NVIDIA packages installed. More than one screenful if I were to take screenshots. Would you like the screenshots? [19:36] Hello everyone. I am hoping someone has some experience with Ubuntu's Microstack deployment using sunbeam here. [19:37] There are 22 NVIDIA packages installed now. [19:39] Elliria: oh that looks VERY promising :D [19:40] Heh. I hope so. Does it mean I had an incomplete installation and everything should be good now? [19:41] Elliria: hopefully [19:42] I am doing the multi-node deployment, but when I run the sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage command it will get to the point of adding microceph and then timeout, if I run the command again I get to choose the disk I want to use, but I get an error. If I reboot and try to run the command again, I generally get a "could not list disks" error and when I try to dive into the logs for microceph it s [19:42] eems I am experiencing some kind of permissions issue. [19:45] kara_: your issue is very k8's specific and not really an ubuntu support question. You should try asking in #kubernetes or #ubuntu-server [19:45] Ok. thank you. [19:45] Okay. I'll try it in a minute. Someone is also responding in the Kubuntu channel now with different advice and I'll clear up which of their advice I should do or wait to do until after rebooting to see if this fixed it. Either way, I'll come back into here and let you know how it goes. Thank you SO much for helping me! [19:48] That person is saying that it's likely the initrd just didn't get updated for the latest kernel and that that can happen when the kernel and the drivers get updated together. Did your command fix that? [19:49] Elliria: yup, check out lines 392 and onward in your paste https://bpa.st/ZQHAM [19:50] Oh, awesome. Does it doing that mean that that's probably what was wrong or would it do it no matter what? === ord is now known as quem [19:53] Elliria: I suspect half the 64 new packages had something to do with it, too [19:55] Heh. That's probably true. Would one expect to need/get so many new packages with a driver update? [19:56] By the way, I ran the "sudo apt install --fix-broken" command that the other person in the Kubuntu channel recommended with this output: https://bpa.st/JGV7I [19:59] I haven't heard back from the person in the Kubuntu channel, so I guess I'll try rebooting to see if it's fixed. If it is, you'll see me back in here shortly. If it's not and I can no longer get into the old kernel, it will be a while, because I'll have to fetch my laptop and get it set up first. [20:00] Elliria: I bet their --fix-broken would have done very similar, if not identical, operation [20:01] They recommended this first before that, but not until after I'd already run your command, so I'm not sure if I should run this or wait to see if yours did the job: sudo apt full-upgrade && update-initramfs -u -k all [20:01] mixing support from 2 channels.. [20:02] Yeah, I didn't intend to do that, but nobody replied there, so I came here. My apologies. [20:03] the only way to find out if it is working again, is reboot. good luck! [20:03] Allrighty then. Hopefully, I'll be back in a bit. === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [20:05] Weehaw! Fixed! Oh, thank you SO very much, sarnold, for everything! You're my hero! [20:05] !cookie | sarnold [20:05] sarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [20:06] Heh. [20:07] I will try to pay this forward. I genuinely appreciate your patience and your time and I'm so very glad you were here. [20:08] have fun! [20:08] Thanks! You, too! [20:14] Elliria: woot! :D [20:14] I know, right? And I'm THRILLED with the update now that it's working. They finally fixed my desktop animations, which is amazing. Nothing on earth compares with Kubuntu's Magic Lamp and Fall Apart and I've missed them for many months. It's truly a pleasure to have them back again. [20:16] haha :D nice [21:03] hey dj [21:03] have you tried mixxx [21:04] does anyone know if newer versions of ubuntu(after 20) are supposed to support the lenovo ideapad touch pad? I've seen a bunch of fixes online, but none of them work for me [21:06] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1229957/ubuntu-20-04-touchscreen-on-lenovo-yoga [21:07] maybe this helps.. [21:08] Thanks for the link, but the touchscreen works fine. The touch pad (which doesn't use wacom drivers) is my issue [21:08] ok [21:10] to be more specific my touch pad doesn't do anything and when I use xinput or lshw, no touch pad appears at all even though it works on windows [21:14] Is this of any use? https://askubuntu.com/questions/159397/how-to-enable-touchpad [21:15] Make sure that the Touchpad is enabled. On an MSI laptop to Enable or disable the touchpad: FN+F3. [21:15] that looks promising [21:15] maybe you've got a little picture of a touchpad on the keyboard? === Deena is now known as Raven [21:21] the issue is that the touch pad isn't shown in xinput so I can't enable it using xinput [21:21] none of my function keys seem to do anything [21:22] :( [21:23] Have you tried pressing the FN key with a function key? Some computers require that. [21:24] https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht075464-how-to-enable-and-disable-the-touchpad-windows-ideapad [21:24] I have to do that with my laptop. [21:25] How nice of Lenovo to put pictures on the keys. [21:27] i dont seem to have any function keys that enable or disable the touchpad [21:28] i booted to windows and it said the mouse is on "I2C HID Device" [21:29] could it be something you can turn on into the bios ? [21:29] just be carefull [21:31] Possibly dumb question, but...I can move a LUKS encrypted drive to another machine and access it as long as I have the passphrase, right? [21:32] I have secure boot off because I heard it can affect drivers, but other than that, none of my other bios settings relate to the touch pad [21:33] ok.. [21:34] hi [21:34] I asked Google how to enable function keys in Ubuntu on Lenovo Ideapad and this was one of the suggestions: Press Fn + Esc to enable Fn Lock and disable the hotkey functionality. After enabling or disabling Hotkey Mode, use the hotkey as follows: Enabled: Use the hotkey function by pressing a single Fx key. Use a legacy Fx function by pressing Fn + Fx key. [21:35] You don't have an FN or Fn key somewhere on that keyboard? [21:36] Possibly down by the Ctrl key. [21:37] I tried the all of the function keys both legacy and normal, but they didn't affect the touchpad [21:37] If you can find that Fn key, you can press it and hold it while pressing any function key to get legacy function-key behavior. [21:39] i should also mention that external wireless mouses work fine and show up in xinput and lshw [21:40] honestly i might just give up and buy my own external mouse [21:40] does anyone think upgrading to the newest version of ubuntu will help (it uses a newer kernel i think) [21:41] i read something a new kernel might help with lenovo [21:42] It might. You could put it onto a USB stick and boot with it to see how it behaves before committing to it. === ord is now known as quem [22:05] The touch pad doesn't work on 23.04 with kernal 6.2 [22:06] hmm [22:06] is that it then? ubuntu just straight up doesnt support my touch pad [22:06] maybe lenovo can provide an answer [22:11] guess ill contact support [22:16] Guest82: post URL from terminal for > sudo dmesg | grep -i i2c| nc termbin.com 9999 [22:23] jeremy31: I get an error [22:23] nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Temporary failure in name resolution [22:26] Guest82: no internet on it? [22:28] oh it disconected me from wifi for some reason, let me try again [22:28] termbin.com/nucn [22:41] what the visioconference software proposal in pub at the install of ubuntu ? [22:46] jean-loups: are you talking about the open source vs proprietary drivers? [22:54] jean-loups: I think the slideshow images are on https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/tree/ [22:58] no the software for visio [22:58] i don´t remeber [22:58] remember [22:59] inkscape? [23:00] not for vector draw, for vidéo conferencing [23:05] need go sleeping earlier [23:05] 1 am in france [23:05] bonne nuit [23:05] Guest82: file a bug report [23:05] reve a lit [23:06] au revoir [23:06] non mais je veux mon logiciel de visioconférence