
=== akik is now known as LinusTorvaldsThe
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MyComputerHello: I have an nvidia card - I just did an update and the package manager installed and uninstalled various drivers 15 times in a row -  now my machine is messed up.00:21
MyComputerI just built the machine.00:22
jean-loupstry with nouveau00:22
MyComputerit wont let me00:23
jean-loups$ sudo apt install nouveau00:23
MyComputerok, ill try it00:23
MyComputerunable to locate package00:24
sarnoldMyComputer: try sudo ubuntu-drivers install00:27
toddcMyComputer: some else had the same issue ealier today 'sudo ubuntu-drivers install' seem to fix their issue00:27
jean-loupsit's specific to ubuntu ?00:28
jean-loupsun suppose, i don't know this commande00:29
sarnoldit *does* have 'ubuntu' right in the name :)00:29
jean-loupsok :-D00:29
MyComputertoddc - that fixed it -  but now it wont see other monitors00:32
MyComputerand nvidia settings doesnt know the name of monitor00:38
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MyComputerjust did a check on another machine - synaptic wants to do the same thing - but, when i check for updates in terminal - it has nothing.00:55
MyComputersomething isnt right.00:55
MyComputeris the package manager broken now ??00:56
tekisuiHave You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?00:57
MyComputerturning what off  the machine?, yes.00:57
MyComputerit still has several and various kernel images it wants to install00:58
MyComputerbut terminal has nothing00:58
MyComputerit just borked a brand new machine i just built -  so, i dont know whats up.00:59
tekisuithey say linux is a broken system00:59
toddcthe drawback of nvida proprietary device drivers we cannot control what nvida does  I assume the drivers have a issue not related to the kernal00:59
MyComputeri see01:00
MyComputerso nvidia screwed up ?01:00
tekisuinvidia is not open source i think01:00
sarnoldMyComputer: nvidia gives canonical blobs of stuff to rebuild along with the kernels01:00
MyComputerbut, what i dont get is - synaptic has those updates but terminal does not.01:00
MyComputeron both machines01:02
MyComputerone is broke now.01:02
toddcthat may be due to phazed updates https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/about-apt-upgrade-and-phased-updates01:02
MyComputerdid someone miss the boat ?01:03
MyComputerevidently -  not many have updated or this room would be full of nvidia lovers01:05
sarnoldMyComputer: nvidia and kernel updates were sent via security -- those aren't phased: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/phased-updates.html01:06
MyComputerI have been with ubuntu since 6.06 and never have had these issues.01:06
toddcpart the reason phased updates is used so IF there is a issue it can be pulled or fixed before mass rollout01:06
MyComputerarnold  i see.01:07
MyComputerso, should i wait a week to see if this is corrected before updating another machine ?01:07
MyComputercuz, i have to rebuild my brand new one.01:08
MyComputermaybe nvidias A.I. is broke.01:13
MyComputerhave a good day folks01:13
morgan-u2how can I get to the desktop without minimizing each individual window?  22.04  (easy in 20.0401:15
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alkisg1morgan-u2: ctrl+win+d03:18
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webchat49is this support channel?05:46
webchat49can i ask here any technical issue related to my pc?05:47
webchat49so what is this for?05:48
thomasb9511Support for Ubuntu related stuff05:48
webchat49my terminal not working05:49
webchat49in ubuntu system05:49
mosfetCtrl + Alt + T?05:52
mosfetAlt+F2 gnome-terminal05:52
mosfetor xterm05:53
bumblefuzzso, how do I force password authentication during ssh authentication?08:48
bumblefuzzit keeps trying to default to key based and I know that's better but I'm doing something unique where it's ok08:49
bumblefuzzI just need it to connect to a machine that doesn't have the key on it08:49
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BluesKajHi all12:20
hid3Hello. I am trying to use ununtu installer to install ubuntu server 22.04 LTS. However, I am really confused with the CLI partitioning guide. I need to create a non-LVM partition "/boot", then LVM for swap and LVM for root partition. However, if I create first local partition, then LVM option gets greyed out. If I create LVM first then creating a raw partition seems impossible. What am i doing wrong?12:21
hid3Anyone? Am I the only one finding ubuntu's installer super difficult?12:37
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:38
annexsevenbumblefuzz, try the AuthenticationMethods option in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config (or make a new file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/).12:44
annexsevenSee man 5 sshd_config12:45
tomreynhid3: configure things in layers: first create all the partitions on all drives you want to partition for the OS installation (keep in mind you could also do that later if it's not about the OS, such as pure data partitions). also set file systems for partitions which will not contain further layers. then do SW RAID, then crypto, then LVM, then the remaining file systems.12:48
tomreynhid3: see also https://help.ubuntu.com for the server documentation12:49
hid3to me it looks like the installer is very limited (feature-wise), at least on partitioning12:49
tomreynwhat are you missing?12:50
hid3as I said - I want to combine both, regular partition and LVM volume on one disk. It seems to be simply impossible to do that12:51
tomreynhmm, i would think this should work, but not 100% sure. you can always use debootstrap or resort to autoinstall, where you have a lot more options12:53
hid3yeah, I know, but this is the 'hard way', or expert mode12:53
hid3I somehow expected simple things would be configurable out of the box with no sweat12:53
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-server, maybe they can tell whether you use case is covered12:54
tomreynthough that can be more lively on business days.12:55
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throwthecheeseIs there any way to coax nautilus into exporting its menu and using a traditional header? I would like to take advantage of the touchscreen support it offers but it doesn't mesh well into my current desktop setup that uses global menus13:41
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tekisui[print-screen] seems to be gone ?13:57
jhutchinshid3: Linux is like Ikea.  You get all the parts, but it's up to you to put it together.14:35
tekisuiand one wrench for 2000 parts14:35
ppwwhich part allows me to extract video bioses?14:36
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meta-coderWhere are different kernel flavours like linux-gkeop, linux-gke, etc documented?14:58
jhutchinsmeta-coder: You might check with kernel.org, but that sounds like it's an independent project.  There should be information in the README files.15:20
meta-coderjhutchins: I meant something like this https://ubuntu.com/kernel/variants but this list is not complete. There are more variants like linux-intel linux-iot etc15:25
jhutchinsmeta-coder: So who's responsibility is it to discover and document all of the independent kernel projects?15:26
tekisui[print-screen] seems to be gone ?15:56
imihi, what are gnome-3-38-2004 and gnome-42-2204 snap packages good for? is my GDM shipped as a snap package? will my system run OK if I remove these?16:00
tomreynimi: i think these are gnome libraries / runtime environments for previous gnome releases, so that you can run snaps which depend on those16:15
tomreynif well done, "snap info <package>" will explain what a package is about16:16
imiwhen I remove a snap package it makes a snapshot of user settings. where are those stored at?16:38
ravageimi: /var/lib/snapd/snapshots16:45
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u8353v[m]Is EXT4 the best file system for external SSD, SD Card, and flash drive, to use exclusively with Linux systems?17:46
oerheksext4 is good enough.17:47
cbreakdepends on what you're looking for17:47
ograimi, if you do not want a snapchot taken just use --purge for the remove command ... also ... to find what used the gnome library snaps you can run "snap connections" ... and perhaps grep for gnome in the output if you have many snaps...18:05
u8353v[m]<cbreak> "depends on what you're looking..." <- compatibility and stability!18:09
u8353v[m]not cutting edge or latest and greatest..18:09
u8353v[m]just what works 🙂18:09
=== metallic is now known as patocan
ravagethat is ext418:15
tekisuiscreenshot is kaput ?18:28
tekisuiprint screen doesn´t work anymore18:28
cbreakworks for me18:28
jhutchinstekisui: So that's what you were on about.  I thought someone stole a piece of your keyboard.18:32
tekisuii tried restting the key bindings but nope18:32
jhutchinstekisui: Do you have a screenshot tool in you application menu?18:33
jhutchinstekisui: Does it work?  (By the way, IRC does not charge by the word.)18:33
tekisuiyes flameshot works18:34
jhutchinstekisui: You tried setting the ps key to launch flameshot?18:34
tekisuips ?18:34
tekisuiprintscreen would work normally18:35
jhutchinsPrint Screen18:35
tekisuiahh so18:35
jhutchinsI don't seem to have that enabled.18:36
jhutchinstekisui: I would check that the command launches from the launcher when you type it in, then paste that as a shortcut.  I don't know if gnome will allow that key as a shortcut.18:37
tekisuiah it worked a day ago18:37
jhutchinsWhat changed?18:38
tekisuimaybe i done an update18:38
jhutchinstekisui: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Screenshot18:40
jhutchinstekisui: Let me know if it helps.18:41
jhutchinstekisui: Otherwise you may be stuck until next week when people get back from their holiday.18:41
tekisuinext week i might take a holliday to spain18:42
cbreaktried to reboot? :/18:42
u8353v[m]<ravage> "that is ext4" <- perfect 😉18:45
vershanrunning ubuntu 22.04. my system used to take 20 sec to boot now for the last week I have to wait between 4 to 5 minutes before I get to the login screen18:45
oerheksjournalctl -b # would show your boottimes18:48
ravagevershan: sudo systemd-analyze blame | nc termbin.com 999918:49
ravagepaste the URL that outputs. it shows the times your services need to start uo18:50
vershan@ravage, one moment getting this now18:50
vershan@ravage, https://pastebin.com/zXmZHi1K18:52
ravagethat all looks great18:52
ravageyou try press "ESC" while the ubuntu logo is showing18:53
ravagemaybe it helps you to see whats going on. or what exactly is visisble on the screen while you are waiting?18:53
vershan@ravage, thank  you ill reboot and hit the esc to see whats halting the system18:54
vershanthank you kindly :)18:54
jhutchinsI've actually been able to get a linux boot process to pause with the "Pause" key.  It was SysV but it's worth a try.18:57
jhutchins(Of course, the whole point of systemd is that it's non-linear.)18:58
ppwooh non-linear18:58
vershan@ravage, a start stop has started for a disk and it gives the UUID. Any reason why this will happen on every reboot. It halts the system by 3 to 4 minutes18:58
jhutchinsVercas: Can you un-mount the disk before shutdown?19:09
jhutchinsVercas: Bah, sorry.  Impatient children.19:09
jhutchinsUsually the device is un-reachable and the system can't get a clean shutdown reply.19:10
jhutchinsOften happens with net shares when networking goes down before they're unmounted.19:10
x7upLimecan snap whatsapp post notifications to the system notification list?19:18
jhutchinsx7upLime: Does it?19:20
x7upLimejhutchins That's what I was hoping19:20
oerhekscheck settings <>  notifications??19:20
jhutchinsx7upLime: Try it, report back, and we'll all know.19:21
jhutchinsx7upLime: https://www.livemint.com/technology/tech-news/how-to-enable-whatsapp-notifications-on-your-laptop-11663157696131.html19:22
x7upLimeI have all options crossed for notifications inside the app19:22
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jhutchinsx7upLime: Containers are meant to prevent applications from accessing the system.  Yours appears to have succeeded.19:22
oerheksor settings <> applications <> permissions ans access19:23
x7upLimeSo far I have only notifications sound19:23
x7upLimeI'd like whatsapp to post notifications also19:23
oerhekswhere applications is whatsapp desktop, i guess19:23
x7upLimejhutchins are you saying it is not possible ?19:23
x7upLimeoerheks yes19:24
jhutchinsx7upLime: Unless you can figure out otherwise.  It's possible that it just doesn't have access.19:24
oerheksso, 2 places to check19:24
jhutchinsx7upLime: You could try a normal non-snap install and see how that works, see if the knowledge transfers to the snap.19:24
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cbreakyeah, snap is a pain :(19:40
cbreakit's sad that the devs didn't think of making it properly configurable19:40
oerheksor the whatsapp prop software developer and packager..19:41
cbreakin my case, I'm annoyed with the firefox snap19:41
=== ord is now known as quem
cbreak1password extension still can't communicate with the outside 1password application, and it's been over a year19:42
cbreakthe sad thing is that all of this worked fine, until snap broke it19:42
oerhekssame for the Belgium electronic ID19:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1741074 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] chrome-gnome-shell extension fails to detect native host connector" [High, In Progress] [duplicate: 1971594]19:43
cbreakit's not even been assigned to anyone... guess they don't care19:47
jhutchinsThe whole point of systems like snap is that they DON'T touch anything on the main system.19:49
jhutchinsIt's like docker, they built the system to be impenetrable on a networked system, and the first thing everybody asked for was access to and from the network.19:50
cbreakit's as if it was a dumb idea :)19:51
jhutchinsThe most secure system is powered off, disconnected, and unassembled.  All storage should be wiped.19:51
=== ord is now known as quem
UdderlyEvelynheya.. i have a ubuntu install and i didn't realize it was sharing EFI partition with an old copy of another linux (on a different drive from the actual copy of ubuntu) which i blew away yesterday. how can i create a new EFI partition/grub/etc. for that copy of ubuntu on the disk that it's actually installed on? easy enough to shrink the ubuntu21:19
UdderlyEvelynpartition and make a new partition fot the EFI, and i know how to do grub stuff, but i've never actually set up the EFI partition or done the grub from scratch before. assistance?21:19
toddcUdderlyEvelyn: you can manually set it or boot repair usually worls well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:22
cbreakhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1281256/help-avoiding-ubuntu-installer-bug-where-grub-installs-to-wrong-disk strikes again?21:27
UdderlyEvelynit was a triple boot situation with an existing linux21:27
UdderlyEvelynand it hijacked the other linux's existing EFI and stuck its stuff in there21:27
UdderlyEvelynit was a few years ago, idr how/why it did that or if it was my own fault21:28
oerheksit takes the EFI partition of the disk it boots from, logical21:28
UdderlyEvelynwas trying to set it up on its own disk, each OS has its own physical disk21:28
UdderlyEvelynanyway im a bit nervous to use a tool that purports to sort something out automatically when the situation is a bit more complex21:29
UdderlyEvelyn..and i wouldn't learn if it did21:29
oerheksevery disk its own EFI partition... then you need to change manually every boot21:30
toddcnormally i use one efi boot partition for all mutiboot so no need to set the boot path each time    last linux install will usually take control of all other bootable os's21:32
cbreakI think it's a well known bug in the installer21:32
cbreakdespite it offering selection of the efi to target, it completely seems to ignore the user choice and pick a random other efi partition, sometimes21:33
UdderlyEvelynthe copy of ubuntu is unlikely to stick around forever, and the other linux is QubesOS which doesn't easily play ball with other OSes and needs custom grub entries written by hand21:34
UdderlyEvelynbut i need it bootable for now until i have everything set up21:34
cbreakyou can have multiple copies of grub in the same EFI21:34
cbreak(in different subdirectories)21:34
cbreakif you want21:34
oerheksgood luck with bootrepair21:34
UdderlyEvelyncbreak: i guess that's what it had set up before, it was like /boot/efi/EFI/qubes and /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu21:35
EriC^^UdderlyEvelyn: i can walk you through it if you want21:36
UdderlyEvelynok so i have the EFI partition created per those instructions, how do i perform an install of grub/etc. to this partition for the copy of ubuntu in question from elsewhere21:36
EriC^^(manually setting up a separate efi partition)21:37
UdderlyEvelynyeah would appreciate21:37
UdderlyEvelyni have a 200MB fat32 esp boot partition made21:37
UdderlyEvelynjust need to populate it now, am booted into qubes atm.21:37
EriC^^you're creating it for ubuntu or qubes?21:38
UdderlyEvelynfor a copy of ubunu on another disk21:39
UdderlyEvelynseparate EFI, separate everything21:39
UdderlyEvelyni can mount the disk in a debian or fedora VM to work with, or if need be i could set up a ubuntu VM but that'd take a little longer21:39
EriC^^i'm just confused, why dont you boot into ubuntu to set it up?21:40
UdderlyEvelynu mean a live or smth? don't have one made21:40
UdderlyEvelynthought i could do it from the other linux21:40
EriC^^didnt you install ubuntu and turned out it used a shared efi and want it to have its own?21:40
EriC^^you could i mean, you could chroot into the ubuntu install from qubes if you want21:41
UdderlyEvelyni installed windows, then qubes, bricked qubes, put ubuntu where windows was, reinstalled qubes on a third disk, then wiped the old qubes partition to put windows on again not realizing the EFI for ubuntu was there21:42
UdderlyEvelynover a 2 year period :p21:42
EriC^^oh ok21:42
EriC^^ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"21:43
EriC^^(so we're making a separate efi partition for ubuntu on its disk, booted from qubes right now)21:44
cbreakwonder what's on your current efi partitions. You deleted their contents too?21:44
UdderlyEvelynhuh never seen that, a term-based pastebin eh?21:45
UdderlyEvelyncbreak: well i deleted the one21:45
oerhekscbreak, from the 2nd disk, reading from the beginning21:45
UdderlyEvelynthe way qubes works i cant actually do that from the host linux, i can do it in a VM with the disk in question attached, however.21:46
EriC^^i see, that works21:46
UdderlyEvelynlol netcat not installed, rofl..21:46
UdderlyEvelynmakes sense for a sec-oriented distro *installs*21:46
UdderlyEvelynxvdi is the disk in question21:47
EriC^^aha, type "sudo mount /dev/xvdip1 /mnt"21:48
EriC^^er, it might be /dev/xvdi121:49
UdderlyEvelynmk mounted21:50
UdderlyEvelynim not a total noob ya know, just havent ever installed an efi partition by hand or messed with grub w/o the automated tools xD21:50
UdderlyEvelynwell aware how to mount partitions x321:50
UdderlyEvelynok so we're gonna chroot into it? been a minute since i used chroot.21:51
EriC^^type "for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -R $i /mnt$i; done"21:51
UdderlyEvelynran that.. looks odd.21:52
UdderlyEvelynno output21:52
EriC^^type "sudo chroot /mnt"21:53
EriC^^all good?21:54
EriC^^ok, type "blkid /dev/xvdi2"21:56
EriC^^then "nano /etc/fstab"21:56
EriC^^add the following line21:57
EriC^^UUID=5EA9-7663  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       121:57
EriC^^replace the UUID=numbers with the numbers you got from blkid's output21:57
EriC^^probably you already have a line there for the efi, so just replace the uuid in that line21:58
UdderlyEvelynuuid or partuuid?21:58
EriC^^after saving the file, try "mount /boot/efi"21:59
UdderlyEvelyn"/boot/efi was left on /dev/sdc1 during installation" yeah..22:01
EriC^^ok, type "grub-install"22:01
UdderlyEvelyninstall device isn't specified22:02
UdderlyEvelyngrub-install /dev/xvdi?22:02
EriC^^usually the efi grub doesnt take an argument22:02
UdderlyEvelyndunno what to tell ya on that22:02
UdderlyEvelynit said "installing for i386-pc platform" which sounds very 32-bit of it too22:03
EriC^^i wonder something, just quickly try "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999"22:03
UdderlyEvelynpossible there's two copies of gru?22:03
UdderlyEvelynthat took a sc22:04
UdderlyEvelyndef two copies from the looks of it22:04
UdderlyEvelynnot sure why, probably some reason in the deep past22:04
EriC^^these days ubuntu seems to install both *shrug*22:04
EriC^^anyways, type "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi"22:05
UdderlyEvelynerror, cannot find EFI directory22:06
UdderlyEvelynguessin i need to mount the new EFI post-fstab manually?22:06
UdderlyEvelynsince it didn't "boo"22:06
EriC^^no, running "mount /boot/efi" should have mounted it22:07
UdderlyEvelynwas just scrolling up, yeah, mb i forgot o22:07
EriC^^no worries22:07
UdderlyEvelynsorry i was cooking dinner at the same time until just the last min22:07
UdderlyEvelynefi variables cannot be set on this system22:07
UdderlyEvelynyou will have to complete the grub setup manually22:07
UdderlyEvelynno error reported22:08
EriC^^i think it's not booted in uefi mode22:08
UdderlyEvelyni mean it's a VM22:08
EriC^^try "ls /sys/firmware/efi"22:08
UdderlyEvelynso that'd.. make sense22:08
EriC^^i honestly dont know what qubes is22:09
UdderlyEvelynit routes everything through vms for isolation and maximal security22:09
UdderlyEvelynshud take a peek it's neat22:09
EriC^^we could copy the efi file to the default paths, if you select the hdd in the bios it should look there and boot it, then you could run grub-install again when it's booted in uefi mode22:09
UdderlyEvelynsounds good22:09
UdderlyEvelynit looks like it has the files in the right spots tbh22:10
EriC^^type "mkdir -p /boot/efi/efi/boot /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot"22:10
UdderlyEvelynmicrosoft? wat22:10
EriC^^i'm secretly converting you to the light22:11
UdderlyEvelynin a linux help channel22:11
UdderlyEvelynblasphemous behavior22:11
UdderlyEvelynit has /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu with what appear at a glance to be the correct files22:11
UdderlyEvelyngrub.cfg and a few .efi files22:11
UdderlyEvelynmight already be done and was lying?22:12
* cbreak uses refind to select which bootloader to boot from, less trouble than manipulating efi directly22:12
EriC^^nah, the last step is to add those files to the uefi list in the mobo, but it couldnt, so mobo has no idea where they are to boot them22:12
UdderlyEvelynalright, ran the mystery mkdir command22:13
cbreakyou could do the last step manually with efibootmgr, but that also requires access to efi, so probably won't work in vm22:13
EriC^^yeah cbreak22:13
UdderlyEvelynlemme see if the base system has that tool accessible, maybe could do it in that then22:13
EriC^^actually does qubes have access to the uefi list?22:13
UdderlyEvelynit oes22:13
UdderlyEvelynefibootmgr is accessible from dom022:13
UdderlyEvelynso i can detach it from the VM and finish it there22:13
UdderlyEvelynif i dont have to be chrooted22:13
UdderlyEvelyntho maybe i can do that there anyway22:14
UdderlyEvelynno internet in dom022:14
EriC^^we need qubes to see the efi partition though22:14
UdderlyEvelynyeah that's not a problem22:14
EriC^^ok cool22:14
UdderlyEvelynsame process but diff device address, ill be a sec, will let u know when im chrooted in and ready22:14
UdderlyEvelyncan't find the UUID on the disk.. im guessing cuz it was virtualized before22:16
UdderlyEvelynso ill go redo that22:16
cbreakUdderlyEvelyn: you don't really need to know it22:17
cbreak(but blkid or lsblk with some parameters should show it)22:17
EriC^^yeah we just need to pass it the /dev/blabla of the partition22:18
UdderlyEvelynisnt showing sdb2 because it was made in the DM22:18
UdderlyEvelynhow can i uh.. refresh that22:18
cbreakI think it can even work with the mountpoint, not sure22:18
UdderlyEvelyni guess i can reboot if need be, but then ill have to rejoin this webchat heh22:18
EriC^^as you wish UdderlyEvelyn22:21
EriC^^copying and renaming efi file to those dirs we created should also get it booted, if that's easier at this point22:22
UdderlyEvelynthat sounds easier than rebooting and setting the environment up again yeah22:23
UdderlyEvelyntho i did take down the instructions for future reference either way just now22:23
EriC^^ok, copy /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi to /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi and /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi22:24
UdderlyEvelyntarget is busy when trying to unmount gah.22:26
UdderlyEvelynreboot it is22:26
UdderlyEvelynguess it was already fine, noticed ubuntu was in the list, half-expected it to fail to boot, but it works now anyway22:29
UdderlyEvelynit has come back from the dead22:30
UdderlyEvelynmuch thanks, and learned stuff which will make me less needy in future EFI situations.22:30
EriC^^you're welcome, could you type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999" just to confirm it's using the new one?22:31
MrMobiuswhere does ubuntu desktop mount additional hard drives? I can open them in the GUI but /mnt is empty22:31
UdderlyEvelyni was looking at the EFI entries earlier in some windows tools and noticed that *somewhere* a bunch of old entries exist22:32
cbreakMrMobius: try running `findmnt` on the command line, it'll show all mountpoints22:32
UdderlyEvelynfor operating systems that haven't been installed on here for ages22:32
EriC^^ok, type "sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 9999"22:32
UdderlyEvelynguessing the uuid was in fact genuine22:33
MrMobiuscbreak: thanks. they are in /media22:33
EriC^^this was the UUID="BCFD-7D4F" you used before in fstab right UdderlyEvelyn ?22:33
UdderlyEvelynand it lines up with /dev/sdb222:34
UdderlyEvelynwith the partuuid22:34
UdderlyEvelynso looks good22:34
EriC^^all good22:34
UdderlyEvelynany idea how i can clear out all the random junk in my EFI list?22:34
UdderlyEvelynkali and debian and such22:34
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -B -b <number>22:34
UdderlyEvelynwhat are VenHw entries?22:35
UdderlyEvelynvendor.. hardware..?22:35
UdderlyEvelyn*pokes at the efi specification*22:36
UdderlyEvelynhardware device path22:36
UdderlyEvelynwhy do i have three of these with the same uuid and different OS names22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0000* Windows Boot ManagerHD(1,GPT,570f307e-6f38-49a4-9785-b619833bae54,0x800,0x12c000)/File(\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI)WINDOWS.........x...B.C.D.O.B.J.E.C.T.=.{.9.d.e.a.8.6.2.c.-.5.c.d.d.-.4.e.7.0.-.a.c.c.1.-.f.3.2.b.3.4.4.d.}...a................22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0001* kaliVenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0002* debianVenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0003* QubesVenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0004* ubuntuVenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)22:37
UdderlyEvelynBoot0005* Qubes OSHD(1,GPT,570f307e-6f38-49a4-9785-b619833bae54,0x800,0x12c000)/File(\EFI\QUBES\GRUBX64.EFI)22:37
EriC^^hmm, no idea22:37
cbreakUdderlyEvelyn: try efibootmgr -v22:37
UdderlyEvelynyeah that's what im talking about, https://termbin.com/ijek22:38
EriC^^maybe it's the partuuid of the hdd?22:39
EriC^^sudo blkid /dev/sd{a,b,c}22:40
UdderlyEvelyni did blkid | grep <that uuid> and nothin22:40
EriC^^try with "blkid /dev/sdX"22:41
UdderlyEvelyndoin that yields nothing on any hdd22:41
UdderlyEvelyneven w/o the grep22:41
EriC^^use sudo22:41
UdderlyEvelynit is not any of those22:42
tomreynnote the identical uuid22:44
UdderlyEvelynso i can yeet any entries, right, cuz they're just old junk?22:45
UdderlyEvelynanything with that id22:45
UdderlyEvelyngood thought googling that specific id, assumed it was unique to me22:45
EriC^^i'm guessing yeah, cause it's using this boot successfully22:45
UdderlyEvelynnice and clean now22:47
EriC^^i wonder if it's a refind thing, did you have it installed?22:47
=== clemens3 is now known as ElvisPresley
UdderlyEvelynive never heard of refind22:47
EriC^^ah nevermind22:47
=== ElvisPresley is now known as clemens3
UdderlyEvelynthank u btw tomreyn :)22:48
cbreakrefind is great :)22:48
cbreakit's an efi boot chooser22:48
UdderlyEvelyneverything happy and clean here - except windows, it's broken because it's windows so that's normal22:48
UdderlyEvelynyeah i looked it up after that exchange22:49
UdderlyEvelynlooks interesting22:49
UdderlyEvelyntime for a break after that, then ill go fix windows too (well, as much as one can fix it.. heheh)22:50
JaffoGood evening. Cn someone tell me if i change my hostname on my ubuntu 22.04 linode instance do i need to do something to make SSH work again. I can no longer connect23:01
EriC^^how are you connecting Jaffo ? did you change anything else?23:03
JaffoI am trying to connect via putty. I was connected via putty and changed hostname via hostnamectl and rebooted. now i cant get in from putty. I can connect using the LISH console23:05
Jaffolinodes own terminal web app23:05
cbreakcan you ping it? do you know its ip address? (if you can connect via that other way, 'ip a' will show it)23:06
Jaffodisregard. i'm in need of coffee23:07
JaffoI forgot to 'enable' port 22 on the firewall after adding it to the instance23:08
JaffoI'm back in business.23:08
N3X15Any guides on how to make blacklisting kernel modules stick?  I made /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-audio.conf with a list of blacklist directives (blacklist something\nblacklist something_else) and it doesn't seem to be taking effect, even after sudo update-initramfs -u. I can see the added entries in modprobe -c23:08
jeremy31Do the modules load at boot?23:09
jeremy31What modules23:10
N3X15snd, snd_compress, etc23:11
jeremy31Check modinfo modulename and see if they are built-in the kernel23:12
N3X15Will do, thanks.23:12
jeremy31Post URL from terminal for> cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-audio.conf|nc termbin.com 999923:15
takatzuhola algun latino en la sala23:34
tomreyn!es | takatzu23:35
ubottutakatzu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:35
takatzuhelp in repository23:36

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