
RoughDraughtProbably posting some newbie BS is very much the wrong place... but I didn't know where else to ask.13:24
RoughDraughtI'm looking to install lubuntu 23.04 on my Raspberry Pi and I don't see any pre-packaged images. Is there someone to get those I am unable to find?13:24
kc2bezRoughDraught: there are no Raspberry pi images. You would have to use the server install and then install Lubuntu desktop on top of it.14:03
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> @RoughDraught: please report back when you try, I'm curious to see Lubuntu on a Raspberry15:24
MetamorphosisWhatsup folks. I wonder if Lubuntu is suitable for this laptop: Lenovo G5070 20351, Intel Core i5-4210U (170 GHz 1600MHz, 3MB), 4 GB DDR3L RAM, GPU: AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB, 500 GB 5400rpm hard disk, 15.6" HD (1366 x 768) display21:56
Roberalz[m]Metamorphosis: yes, no problem 22:31
radiobuzzhi all! looking for some help: I'm running lubuntu 18.04, the touchpad acts weird, it separates the space between a 'left' and a 'right' side, where right side is for scrolling. I would like to disable it completely, how could I do it? 23:12
radiobuzzI've installed lxqt-config-input but it doesn't have a touchpad section per se, only one for mouse and keyboard23:13

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