
lotuspsychjegood morning03:33
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=== Guest2142 is now known as EriC^^
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
MetamorphosisI find it strange that Lenovo is shipping most of its cheaper laptops in Middle East with FreeDOS as default OS. Why don't they install Linux as default? FreeDos is basically DOS.22:12
daftykinsguess which is easier to test22:13
MetamorphosisI mean, you cant really test many stuff on DOS22:13
daftykinsexactly, much lower feature set22:14
Metamorphosisdaftykins so why is FreeDos so popular with large OEMs? HP, Lenovo, Dell all use it.22:16
daftykinsmust be something license related, it's of no value to my day to day to discover why22:17
rfmMetamorphosis, I found a discussion on quora about this.  Best guess there is that if they pre-installed Linux their customers would expect them to support it; by making the customers install the OS themselves they make it clear that they've on their own...23:12
oerheks.. to update the bios.23:15

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