
guivercThe oldest supported Lubuntu release is 22.04 LTS  (ie. 22.04, 22.10 & 23.04 currently are supported).  Your release is EOSS 00:11
guivercradiobuzz, https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/06/17/extended-security-maintenance-for-ubuntu-18-04-lts-began-on-may-31-2023/   00:12
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
bret60Hi. I have error message cros_ec_Ipcs cros_ec_Ipcs.O: ec id not detected on start up18:13
gr0khey guise. what is a good way to achieve a global dark theme on lubuntu 22.04 ? including window manager backgrounds. i see the obconf settings but i want adwaita-dark. lxappearance doesnt work, installin the .obt and using obconf doesnt work18:26
gr0k*file manager backgrounds18:26
gr0kits so easy on KDE plasma, but i kan konfirm it konstantly krashes18:27
gr0khttps://ibb.co/89qHb0m   i used this and manually set the colors18:54
gr0kso nevermind i guess18:54

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