
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
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kara_Hello everyone! I have been told to try #ubuntu-server instead of ubuntu here. I am trying to the the ubuntu multi-node deployment of microstack using sunbeam and cannot get past the part where it is adding microceph into the micok8s cluster.12:17
kara_I am doing the multi-node deployment, but when I run the sunbeam cluster bootstrap --role control --role compute --role storage command it will get to the point of adding microceph and then timeout, if I run the command again I get to choose the disk I want to use, but I get an error. If I reboot and try to run the command again, I generally get a "could not list disks" or a permissions issue.12:17
pydevhello, is there a way to set multiple user:group permissions in vsftpd ?14:35
pydevi am creating virtual users and i would like to assign permissions to each virtual user14:36
JanCI think it maps all virtual users to the same real user14:53
|N3on21|Hello - How do I make sure that all the permissions are inherit from the parent folder and "down" on a smba folder ? 14:54
esvyou can setup a default acl on the folder using setfacl command 15:32
esvI usually set them for the group and use the setgid bit to ensure the group name is preserved, for example, if the folder name is /sambadir, I would use:15:38
esvchgrp samba /sambadir ; chmod g+s /sambadir; setfacl -d g:samba:rwx /sambadir; setfacl g:samba:rwx /sambadir ; chmod g+rwx /sambadir15:40
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
|N3on21|okay thanks - is it normalt that I have to run the chmod command for everytime i create a dir ? 19:10
|N3on21|just to make sure that permissions er set to the new dir19:11
rfm|N3on21|, the permissions for new directories, like regular files, are controlled by the umask (which is 0022 on ubuntu if you haven't changed it.)  that clears the group and other write bits, so the perms are rwxr-xr-x.19:19
rfm|N3on21|, if you want some other default you can set umask in a startup script like .profile...19:22
|N3on21|ohhh I did not know. can you explain more :) 19:23
rfm|N3on21|, here's an article on umask I found: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html19:25
|N3on21|perfect ! thanks a million :) 19:25
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