[00:51] hello [00:52] hi [00:53] hi [00:54] hello? === cybersoul__ is now known as cybersoul === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:48] hi [01:51] this is my first time using irc [01:51] * rbox gives a round of applause [01:52] :D [02:21] [cross-posting from #ubuntu-arm] I'm getting 404s when I run `apt update` on an arm64 system right now. http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/binary-arm64/Packages for example. Looking in http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/universe/ I don't even see `binary-arm64`. [02:23] Looks like this is the case for any non-amd64 arch? https://packages.ubuntu.com/lunar/amd64/clang/download (amd64) vs https://packages.ubuntu.com/lunar/arm64/clang/download (arm64) or https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/riscv64/synaptic/download (riscv64). [02:39] Hi, I'm seeking a good cipher for PGP encryption, with both the highest cryptographic security and cross-compatability with other PGP clients. I like the Ed25519 or Curve25519 curves, but I'm not sure which is best, and I also want to learn more about the p512 type keys. Or should I just use RSA4096? === lord_black is now known as lord_daemon [02:50] How do ed25519 compare to curve25519 for pgp? === nikhil__ is now known as nkshirsa [02:59] HolyFish1, better research Ed25519 or ECDSA [03:03] ObtuseDildo, your name is offensive, and i do not accept your p,m, please leave the network [03:03] !coc [03:03] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [03:03] omg why are plastic clones of body parts offensive [03:04] are teeth offensive [03:04] weird christian altered thinking [03:04] keep this channel family friendly, thanks. [04:44] I'm maintaining and migrating some old build systems for embedded Linux distributions, and was surprised to see that Python 2.x (a host build-dependency for eg. older buildroot systems) is now completely removed from the repositories. Is there a low-maintenance way I might be able to install it (eg. a reputable PPA that people commonly use)? [04:44] (Removed in 23.04) [04:50] pyenv might be able to install python2 [04:50] ah, that would be like renv I'm guessing? [04:50] I'm used to virtualenv, but that requires the target python interpreter to exist on the host system [04:55] !info python2.7 lunar [04:55] Package python2.7 does not exist in lunar [04:55] ouch [04:55] yup [04:59] haha I just went to add the pyenv stuff to ~/.bashrc and for some reason, my .bashrc ends with "export PATH=$PATH" [05:00] I can think of at least two reasons why that's useless [05:14] detly: I'd suggest liberal use of 2to3 in your maintenance of said scripts. [05:15] anybody here? [05:15] NickH: they have already been upgraded in future versions of the buildroot [05:15] ok [05:16] So... the work has already been done? [05:17] NickH: for the buildroot, sure. for our code that builds within it to depend on these future build systems, no. [05:22] You can easily install arbitrary versions of python with pyenv. See https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv === ord is now known as quem === ord is now known as quem [05:42] pyenv seems to working nicely, thanks rbox and NickH === ord is now known as quem [06:02] any 1 need help im on it [06:23] !ask | overclockin [06:23] overclockin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [06:23] no i am sayings if any 1 need help i am ON IT [06:24] Or parhaps in plain Enlish: I am on if anyone needs help. [06:24] apologies friend [06:24] s/Enlish/English === nkshirsa_ is now known as nkshirsa [06:25] I understood, but I guess not everyone would. [06:25] thats not how this channel works, remain patient until someone needs help [06:25] i hope someone need help soon ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜‡ [06:27] !contribute | overclockin while you wait [06:27] overclockin while you wait: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [06:27] ohhhhh thanks u!!! i am step 5 on job interview for canical so excited [07:13] ahhh goody, I need the python 2.7 development resources as well and the buildroot can't find the pyenv-managed libraries [07:14] python 2.7 discountinue 2020 [07:15] yes, this is a version of the build system from 2018 [07:17] detly: you need 2.7 because you cannot use python3? and are using a version of ubuntu that has not been updated in 5 years? [07:18] I can provide the link to archive files, but... I'm unsure if it has the library you require - should I look for this link? [07:18] have u look at docker maybe old python not so easy to grabs https://hub.docker.com/r/advian/pyenv [07:18] weedmic: Not quite. I am using ubuntu 23.04. I am maintaining and upgrading firmware that uses a 2018 version of a build system. That's the thing that depends on Python 2.7. [07:20] ? isn't firmware installed with "fwupgmgr update" [07:21] he is firmware MANAGER [07:21] weedmic: firmware for something else entirely [07:27] found it - here you go - the archive of everything http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ [07:27] detly: ^ [07:27] docker pls [07:29] overclockin: docker is fine for CI or archiving, but I also need a development environment I can easily hack on [07:30] docker attach or docker run command [07:30] could also vm route of old os [07:30] centos really old [07:31] detly: if you are doing anti malware, I recommend remnux linux - if you are leaning toward penetration, then kali. or you can take ubuntu and add the tools you need. but you probably want to use VM like virtualbox or vmware, so you can delete things and start over as if they were real machines. [07:32] thanks for alerting of coming back war, welcome back sir [07:38] weedmic: For context, I'm maintaining firmware in a similar vein to OpenWRT or Yocto. Older versions of those distros build systems require Python 2.7. For things like CI and reproducible builds, containers and VMs with older versions of the host OS work fine. But for eg. reproducing bugs in older builds, or migrating old packages, or just general development, being able to run the build system locally on an up-to-date dev environment is [07:38] good, with the obvious exception of host packages becoming obsolete. === itu is now known as Guest8009 === Guest8009 is now known as itu [07:50] I've an issue with ubuntuzilla's firefox icon not showing properly in the gnome window switcher and running application icons in the dock. I've opened an issue at their forum, but they're not able to support. Anyone care to have a look? Or where can I ask? https://sourceforge.net/p/ubuntuzilla/discussion/723516/thread/21d86db8f7/ and https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2487636 [07:52] e-type: by default firefox is installed as a snap, but if you've previously installed it via apt, or manually, or edited the desktop file yourself, there might be a "ghost" desktop entry left in the directory "~/.local/share/applications/" (usually called something like "firefox_firefox.desktop") [07:53] if this is out of date, it can eg. point to an old location for the icon leading to this kind of problem [07:54] yes snap bad naughty [07:55] detly: I know firefox is by default installed as a snap, but I need external pkcs11 libraries which don't work in the snap or flatpack containers [07:56] I'm also aware of the desktop spec. I even tried using alacarte to create a custom application dekstop entry. Still the same behaviour. [07:56] e-type: that's fine, I'm just saying that the desktop file is the first place I'd look for that kind of issue [07:56] ah dang [07:56] I'm missing something, obviously. Described in the links above what I've checked. [07:56] it's not installed from both sources by any chance is it? [07:57] nope [08:03] e-type: what happens if you change the desktop file to "Icon=firefox-mozilla-build.png"? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:17] I noticed that Redhat recently made is more difficult for distro's derived from redhat to get the source code. Has Ubuntu got any plans in that direction, or does in encourage derived distros ? [08:18] jchittum, definiely not ... [08:18] no absolutely not canincal would never do something so silly [08:18] (i mean no plans ... and we indeed encourage derivaives) [08:20] detly: I double checked for leftovers by recursive grepping *.desktop files in /usr/share/applications and ~/.local/. Looks clean. I also tried adding .png extension and using the full path in the Icon= line in the desktop file. Logged off and on in between. No love. [08:22] e-type: that sounds cursed [08:23] e-type: as a total stab in the dark, I dimly recall from pre-2010 desktop packaging days, it was necessary to run "sudo gtk-update-icon-cache" to solve certain icon caching issues (including missing/blank icons). have you tried that? [08:27] detly: nope. I even rebooted now ;-) [08:27] e-type: yeah that was an extremely superstitious suggestion [08:30] e-type, what is the problem? I have seen out of memory causing icon problems in the past. [08:32] jcdutton: I described the issue here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2487636 ; it's a machine with 16 GB of RAM and the icon is always missing from the window switcher, even with 1,5GB RAM used. What should I see in the logs? I see no OOM stuff at first sight. [08:50] looks like some missing icon/bad path, default replacement icon. [08:54] ID-10-T: I agree. Don't know where to look to fix that though. Even a personal desktop entry made using alacarte gets the fallback icon. [08:56] yes i agree too [08:56] actually, maybe it's blocked for security purposes [09:04] ID-10-T: I see an apparmor message for /usr/bin/firefox [09:04] "Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox" [09:05] that's my only other thought, it's trying to load something from an path it's not allowed to use [09:06] how about /usr/bin/firefox being a link to /opt/firefox/firefox and the desktop entry containing just Exec=firefox %u [09:06] e-type, does the desktop file have a proper StartupWMClass entry (tis is responsible of grouping the icons for running apps into the panel/launcher) [09:07] ogra: StartupWMClass=Firefox [09:07] s/of/for/ [09:08] s/it/thing [09:08] ogra: ? I don't see the match? :-) [09:09] cannot think of anything else other than an improperly sized/made icon. [09:09] e-type, which match ? [09:10] ogra: for you s/or/for ; don't see which "of" you're replacing :-) [09:10] actually that's a thought - back up the old icon, move a known-to-be-working icon (or symlink) into the same path, try again [09:10] and the also point the icon path in the desktop file to a different one [09:10] e-type, i was correcting my typo ... "is responsible of grouping the icons " [09:29] ID-10-T: if I get the apparmor message I posted at 11:04, what profile would be applied, and wouldn't there be an apparmor error denying access to the icon? [09:30] the apparmor profile will not affect the icons ... only the browser binary at runtime [09:30] (and what it can access) === weedmic_ is now known as weedmic [09:42] ogra: right, it's not the firefox executable showing the icons. [09:48] e-type, I think you get the icon you are seeing when it does not know which icon to choose. [10:29] hello everybody, i need to create an FTP server to handle remove connections. I also need virtual users i do not need system users...is there a 100% running solution tutorial to look at? i tried 1000000 guids about vsftpd but get inconsistent results [10:29] vsftpd or other server, no problem about that [10:29] i just need a running guide for 22.04 [10:30] 22.04 is pretty new, maybe there is a guide for 18.04 ? [10:32] lol? [10:32] i need a running solution...it is very hard to run vsftpd... i followed many guides [10:32] but nothing.... [10:33] this for example: [10:33] https://askubuntu.com/questions/575523/how-to-setup-virtual-users-for-vsftpd-with-access-to-a-specific-sub-directory [10:33] no works! [10:33] itยดs 6:33 in new york, most american IT kids are still asleep [10:33] i get login incorrect all the times [10:33] ok.. [10:34] tekisui, ok i hope someone will reply [10:34] :), else you might try the ubuntu forum [10:34] sleepwalkers too [10:34] umm [10:34] :D [10:35] i looked at askubuntu.com [10:35] look at the link above [10:35] maybe there is another "official" guide [10:40] pydev, have yu seen https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ftp-server/11319 ? === Disconsented is now known as DisconSented [10:54] ogra, let me se [10:54] I was going to tell you what ftp server I was using, but then realised it was on a opensuse, so nvm [10:56] ogra, how can i add new users? [10:56] one per line i see in chroo_list [10:56] i try to follo wthat guide [10:58] pydev: does not one create a group called ftp and then assign membership via chgrp? === Thargoid is now known as stw [10:58] i mean addgroup [10:59] I remember now "usermod -a -G ftp usera" [11:01] vsftpd create an ftp user maybe [11:01] howeve ri will follow that guide [11:01] and see what happen [11:07] ogra, still there? [11:08] i see the defalt folder is /srv/ftp [11:08] but...if i create a user [11:08] should i set its home INSIDE /srv/ftp ? [11:14] 530 Login authentication failed [11:14] :-((((( === docmax is now known as Guest4720 === docmax_ is now known as docmax [11:18] pydev: https://linuxconfig.org/setup-ftp-server-on-linux [11:19] lotuspsychje, thank you....try again [11:19] OH MY GODS IT WORKS [11:19] nice. [11:20] I can build 2019 firmware with a 2018 build system that depends on a language EOLed in 2020 and removed from the repositories in 2023 [11:20] it's like retrocomputing but without fun [11:21] the defualt folder should be low on the tree not in /srv/ftp - imho. pydev [11:22] weedmic, what do you mean with folder? user home ? [11:22] now i am following the doc lotuspsychje gave me [11:23] pydev, yes, i am ... (unlike what tekisui spreads here all the time there arent actually many ubuntu devs in NY ... i guess there are even way more pople using (and helping with) ubuntu utside the US ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) [11:23] I do not know your structure, but for me I have .../ACTIVE/SHARE/ftp (v .../ACTIVE/USER/weedmic. then I assign grp ownership to ftpusers with 7 [11:24] pydev, you will need properly set up users on the server, their homedirs will be shared via ftp with that guide ... in general though ftp is considered highly insecure, so make sure to have your server properly secured .... [11:25] +1 [11:25] I generally thing that anything that can be compromised eventually will and try to build things to take that into consideration. A low hanging fruit, won't matter much if I delete a user's directory - v a programme directory affectivne eveyrone. [11:25] pydev, and since the guide was written by the Ubuntu Server team you might be able to get help with it in #ubuntu-server [11:25] om - i never share :D [11:26] ooooook [11:26] wait [11:26] following lotuspsychje the login works (locally) [11:26] if i do the same with an ftp client using remote address [11:26] it does not work [11:27] wonder way.....i have 20,21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere [11:27] *why [11:28] you would figure there alot of IT kids in california, my idea of new york is that most americans are still in a daze :) [11:29] well then some it kids like to burn the midnight oil [11:29] tekisui: plz no offtopic in the support channel [11:29] ok.. [11:30] lotuspsychje, you were to rude ahahahahah [11:30] tekisui left :) [11:31] pydev: i said please : ) [11:32] :D [11:39] pydev: maybe i did not understand. having an sftp server is for letting someone connect to your server to get files, maybe even put. but... to connect to someone else's sftp server, you merely need a properly setup filezilla. [11:40] please.....please..... please....could anyone slap me in the face? pleeeeeeeese.... i was using a wrong remove ip address!!!! [11:40] i did not understand anything in those tekisui lines :( === mirespace_ is now known as mirespace [12:11] hey i moved the port to 8921 [12:12] i have 8921/tcp ALLOW Anywhere [12:12] and [12:12] 8921/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6) [12:12] when i do ftp -P 8921 [12:12] i cant connect [12:13] why? [12:13] if i run netstat i see: tcp 0 0* LISTEN [12:13] so the daemon is listening [12:13] use a pastebin for multiple lines please pydev [12:13] ok [12:14] however i just tried to change the port from 21 to 8921 [12:14] added listen_port=8921 [12:15] hmm implcit_ssl is the problem i think [12:17] pydev: for "us" to even guess at such a thing, we'd need to see the entire iptable, the ip address of the local machine, etc. obviously change the real ip to something. What iv there is a lower line saying deny. [12:17] implicit_ssl was the problem [12:17] i commented it on conf [12:17] and now i can use my cert [12:18] and connecto to a different port [12:18] hwat is a passive mode in ftp? === Acou_Bass is now known as Piece_Maker [12:39] Hi all [13:28] is there a log of the most recent apt updates/upgrades somewhere? [13:29] yates_work: /var/log/apt/* and /var/log/dpkg.log [14:18] hello [14:18] as i said before i am configuring vsftpd [14:19] is there a way to set a different user:group permission for each virtual user' [14:19] ? [14:19] now, when i save a file i see vsftp:nogroup [14:19] acn i change that no.group to something else? [14:19] the problem is that in the server there are different users that have that group.. i need that to allow writing file inside that folder [14:21] i ended up using this tutorial....https://askubuntu.com/questions/575523/how-to-setup-virtual-users-for-vsftpd-with-access-to-a-specific-sub-directory [14:21] it works but as i said i would like to set speicfic group per user [16:04] QQ: my ubuntu server 22.04.2 install from usb doesn't start, screen just stops here. What's wrong? https://i.stack.imgur.com/NIXof.jpg Tyvm [16:31] So I ran updates and bluetooth died, it refuses to connect and it scans forever (ubuntu 22.04, 5.15.0-76-generic) - lsusb still finds Bus 001 Device 002: ID 6655:8771 Realtek Bluetooth Radio, and Blueman just crashes when I try to scan that way [16:32] sudo dmesg | grep -i 'blue' [16:32] gives a bunch of stuff that's broadly normal and then the last line: [16:32] [ 85.034768] Bluetooth: hci0: Ignoring error of Inquiry Cancel command [16:42] any ideas? the one thread I could find is just a bug report from three years ago that claims to be fixed, and the system is sort of unusable without the bluetooth keyboard/mouse === dob1_ is now known as dob12 === dob12 is now known as dob1 [17:05] Paululubu: Have you checked the CRC of the image you downloaded? What did you use to write to the USB? [17:54] Does Ubuntu have a dedicated security team? [17:54] What do they actually do? [17:55] yes we have, what they do is .. security? [17:55] SpaceBerry22: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam [17:55] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security === GreenRio- is now known as GreenRiot [18:09] does anyone here have experience usinbg Rustdesk in Ubuntu ? [18:11] it is not in our repos, rust desk remote desktop server [18:12] they give support on discord https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/install/ [18:26] fwiw, discord sucks [18:54] SpaceBerry22, they hold the locks ! [18:57] but not the door === alkisg1 is now known as alkisg === ord is now known as quem [19:23] just upgraded from 22.04 to 22.10 and now trying Software Updater to upgrade to 23.04 does not work [19:23] when I click on "Upgrade" the app closes and nothing happens: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#2-launch-the-software-updater [19:26] do-release-upgrade wants me to install all available updates for my system [19:26] but apt upgrade only shows one libc++1 package that has been held back [19:28] does this mean that phased updates block distro upgrades? [19:31] skipped the delay by upgrading the package with aptitude and now the distro upgrade is running [19:32] Hey could someone pastebin me there os-release file? my supplier modified mine even tho the distro is really ubuntu and now a program is complaining about compatibility [19:32] (20.04) [19:41] /etc/os-release and /usr/lib/os-release should be the same [19:42] no, /etc/os-release is a link to /usr/lib/os-release [19:43] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1280557/how-to-revert-damage-done-by-editing-etc-os-release [19:43] here is a copy of 20.04.1 ... [19:43] now at .6? [19:44] thanks! it worked === Poster` is now known as Poster [20:04] <_jak> hey y'all, quick question about grub cli syntax. If I want to test loading a kernel module early with options can I just use teh grub insmod command? Is there any significant difference between that and using insmod in a user session? [20:05] grub has nothing to do with kernel modules [20:05] grub insmod ? [20:08] do update-grub [20:10] theres the grub custom 40 file too [20:12] <_jak> wait, can't you use grub to change kernel command line parameters and such? am I wrong about that? [20:12] <_jak> let me explain what I'm trying to do [20:13] theres an idea... [20:13] one can edit the grubline from grub menu; [20:13] !grub [20:13] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [20:14] <_jak> I'm trying to see if letting nvidia-drm.modeset to 1 will fix this flickering problem I've noticed after updating my driver [20:14] well well [20:14] logging in as root [20:14] _jak: okay, so set that [20:30] i was just looking at this https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Kernel_module _jak [20:31] idk i never did it before but maybe thats how in there [20:31] dont blame me if you mess it up [20:40] it says the modules are loaded by systemd [20:41] and then theres ways to set parameters to paramname=option [20:41] im learning :D [20:47] <_jak> what I'd normally do to test that is just `modprobe -r nvidia && modprobe nvidia modeset=1` but I can't do that for the nvidia one so I went to set it in grub, and noticed theres an insmod command, so my brain just pattern matched, despite knowing that it made no sense [20:47] <_jak> thanks for the sanity check all [20:48] ooo theres a command modinfo [20:48] it shows parameters but you need to know name of module [20:51] I think you were mixing up grub modules and linux kernel modules earlier _jak; grub's insmod command loads a grub module, i.e., nothing to do with kernel. [20:52] then theres lsmod [20:52] <_jak> yeah that's exactly what it was topcat001 [20:52] <_jak> I somehow deleted the sentence "I figured out how I confused myself" from that last message [20:53] are you sure with nvidia modeset=1 ?? not the drm line nvidia-drm modeset=1 [20:53] :) I always confuse myself till my blood caffeine levels rise to normal in the morning [20:57] this is cool i never knew this :D i dont want to blow my computer up though [20:58] <_jak> oerheks: did I not type nvidia-drm? because that's what I need to change, the direct rendering manager [20:58] <_jak> ah I see yeah didn't mean to leave that out up there [20:59] enabled modesetting via /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf [22:38] hi, i found a missing dependency for either glmark2 or glmark2-wayland (environment: wsl 2/ubuntu 22.04) the missing dependency is libegl1. where should i report this at? [22:40] i see libwayland-egl1 as dependencie https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/glmark2-wayland [22:40] glmark2 doesn't load libEGL.so [22:41] it's just the glmark2-wayland program [22:42] glmark2 load libGL.so [22:43] libGL.so.1 comes from libgl1 [22:44] oerheks: if you see the package contents of libwayland-egl1, it doesn't contain libEGL.so [22:45] okem, not sure what package to file a bugreport against [22:46] it looks like it would be glmark2-wayland [22:46] missing libegl1 dependency [22:47] although; glmark2 didn't work either after install [22:47] akik@DESKTOP-6E4476J:~$ glmark2 [22:47] Error: Failed to load libGL [22:47] then i installed libgl1 and it started working [22:47] so it could be both of them [22:49] oerheks: is it launchpad i should do it at? [22:49] sure [22:49] !bug [22:49] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command ยซ ubuntu-bug ยป - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [22:50] ok thanks [22:50] oh ok that's convenient [22:50] via terminal [22:57] oerheks: that was _really_ easy [22:59] is there a way to get Ubuntu to not keep installing all the squiggle fonts? [23:00] squiggle fonts? [23:00] I will never ever need to write anything in any dialect of Bengali, and it annoys me that I have to scroll throw line after line after line of non-Latin languages [23:00] or, if they have to be installed, maybe make them not show up in every font picker [23:00] what happens when you remove them [23:01] nothing, but any attempt to install anything even vaguely desktop-related pulls them all back in again [23:02] maybe you can make a fontconfig rule to ignore them [23:03] hm, that might work === travisghansen7 is now known as travisghansen === coolness is now known as c0olness [23:45] im trying to make a bootable windows usb in ubuntu. ive searched the web for a method. many advanced solutions come up. how do i do it ? [23:47] mantise: ventoy? [23:47] woeusb, ventoy tricky ways [23:48] I don't think woeusb is supported anymore [23:48] vm [23:48] virtualbox [23:49] mantise: will you be using it in uefi mode? [23:51] guess uefi, yes. so i should use GPT [23:51] ill try ventoy from this guide https://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/ [23:51] one time i just made ntfs format and copied the iso contents and it worked [23:52] or was it fat32 [23:53] c0olness: guess thats a chance to take :D [23:53] mantise: if you can't use ventoy, i have a document on how to do it in linux [23:53] for shure wont hurt to try [23:54] akik: i try this guide now, downloaded the tar.gz, running the Ventoyweb.sh [23:57] trying something. brb