[04:11] Thank you for the invite. I had installed 23.04, and just now have used the ubuntu studio installer. I think all went well. Now what to do? I have a u-phoria audio interface ( it worked well in windows, so I know the device is good), and now wish to use it for ubuntu studio. Is there a type of pathway ( like a step by step process) to install or make active my components. I wish to achieve an amplifier modeller (like a synth) so [04:11] I do not have to physical pedals. Like, which packages do I enable first, then the next package after that. It can be a bit confusing if I just jump in, and do not have that good experience. So, I am asking for some help to achieve my outcome, many thanks in advance, David [04:13] Out of scope for this channel. Explore and don't be afraid to experiment. #opensourcemusicians:libera.chat is a good resource. [04:48] Thank you for the information. Could you explain the purpose of this chat room, as in what scope of ubuntu studio does does it cover, regards, David [04:49] Merely troubleshooting and general help, but no hand-holding or walkthroughs. [04:50] We just lack the manpower and resources. [04:58] Thanks, again. I have tried the opensourcemusicians, but lack the knowledge to understand how to be invited. Can you help with this? regards, David [04:59] you can also try the linuxmusicians forum https://linuxmusicians.com/ [05:03] Thank you. Just what I needed, I will give it a go. As you are 'merely' in this room for troubleshooting, what type troubleshooting are you engaged, is it technical as in the computer or is it the software? sorry, just curious, and it not just 'merely', you guys give up some time to help others, commendable, regards, David [05:04] software mainly I'm trying to setup a working configuration with Ubuntu Studio, formerly I worked a bit differnetly [05:05] Ok, I will stay a member of this room, and have a peek at times, regards, David [05:16] Type /join #opensourcemusicians:libera.chat [05:18] We also have Ubuntu Studio Offtopic for general discussion outside of the scope of this channel. (Clicking on that should take you there) [07:05] Hi. Is someone working on ardour 7.5 port for Lobster? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [09:02] So... back to my issue, I did a fresh install with Mate 22.04 ... still lowlatency--> no external display, normal--> everything ok [09:10] After doing some research... not an Ubuntu Studio issue, it comes from something wrong with the Nvidia drivers, known issue with the lowlatency drivers [14:48] "Hi. Is someone working on ardour..." <- Ardour is syncd from Debian. Need 7.5 in Mantic before it can be backported to Lunar's ardour backports PPA. [15:08] "So... back to my issue, I did..." <- Have you tried the flatpak version? U [15:08] Its updated to the latest version [15:09] CristianDelgado[: > <@cristian_delgado:matrix.org> Have you tried the flatpak version? U [15:09] > Its updated to the latest version [15:09] We can't support the flatpak version here if it's used, nor do the Ardour developers support it. [21:16] hi #ubuntustudio. my neofetch just shows ubuntu. is there some trick to getting neofetch to reccognise/display ubuntu studio (in name and ascii logo)? [22:55] Digit: Ubuntu Studio is NOT a separate distribution! [22:55] !flavor [22:55] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [23:28] yeah, neofetch does support showing the different logos for the different flavours. ^i mis-spoke, it (in my 2022 lts) misidentifies as kubuntu. can use --ascii_distro and specify Ubuntu-Studio, though, should detect. i've made an issue report on neofetch's git. not really an ubuntu studio problem, just thought i'd ask incase there was some comon known insight, and there's no neofetch chan on libera afaict. thanks. :)