
=== esv_ is now known as esv
meenaaciba[m]: updated the bug https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4193#issuecomment-162014393412:19
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4193 in canonical/cloud-init "FreeBSD: get_tmp_exec_path() still fails" [Open]12:19
meenalet's see if i can get this fixed12:20
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4222 in canonical/cloud-init "mount parse: Fix matching non-existent directories" [Open]12:53
OutOfServicehi people14:38
meenaOutOfService: hi15:01
OutOfServicemeena, do you know the differences between cloud-init and ubuntu autoinstall? I think I'm quite lost. The use the same user-data file, right?15:02
meenacloud-init invokes autoinstall, from what i gather15:03
OutOfServiceit's more than what I do hehehe15:03
meenawhile i am a cloud-init developer, I'm developing for FreeBSD… and while I am writing this message from an Ubuntu based laptop, i haven't used Ubuntu as server in… uh, a long time15:04
meenaalso, i think, it's July 4th, and everyone who's US based and could answer any questions is probably having BBQ15:05
OutOfServiceI do not use ubuntu as well, but I'm trying to configure an ipxe server in order to autoinstall some test machines, and I don't want to spend time configuring their install options. That's why I'm messing up with ubuntu at this moment. 15:05
OutOfServicethanks for your help, anyway15:05
meenaOutOfService: i recommend asking in #ubuntu-server15:05
OutOfServiceit's an option, yes15:06
OutOfServiceI'll give it a try15:06
minimalOutOfService: ubuntu autoinstall is a SUPERSET of cloud-init config15:06
OutOfServicei don't know what superset means. I'm sorry for my poor english. I'm spanish15:07
OutOfServicedo you mean that cloud-init calls autoinstall?15:07
minimalno, the ubuntu server stuff makes use of cloud-init15:07
OutOfServiceI can promisse that I read most of the cloud-init documentation, but for me, its being hard to understand, and to differentiate cloud-init from ubuntu autoistall.... I don't wan to be bad, but I think that documentation could try to be a little more speccific, maybe.. or written for not so clever people :)15:09
minimalOutOfService: you were also pointed to several Ubuntu docs about this several days ago15:09
OutOfServiceyes, i did15:09
OutOfServiceI think I'm getting old15:10
minimalso that should have provided everything you need to know15:10
OutOfServiceanyway... ay this moment I'm so confused that I don't have any specific question to make....15:10
OutOfServicebut i like being here in order to try to learn from other people and questions15:10
meenaaciba[m]: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4222 is ready to review!16:41
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4222 in canonical/cloud-init "mount parse: Fix matching non-existent directories" [Open]16:41

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