[00:54] qc4a [02:29] Hi is there a way to change the font size used in the KDE Partition Manager ?  Or is there a way generally in KDE that allows to rescale the app or the app window or the fonts it uses?  (asked in #kde without reply so far) [07:41] which one of the options is for to change the color of the icons i marked on the left pictures? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/76609999/file_67139.jpg [07:41] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/9c91effb/file_67140.jpg [08:49] Good day, everyone! How are you? [08:49] I've just taken a test for Linux distributions and it says that Kubuntu suits me best. I really like Kubuntu with it's ease of use and Windows-like interface. :) [08:49] But there is a problem which I want to ask you about - are there any Kubuntu images for the Raspberry Pi? My Raspberry Pi is the 4B model with ARM. [08:49] I would be happy if you have any suggestions! === ahmed is now known as Guest8123 [08:51] Hi there. I'm trying to download Kubuntu 23.04 both directly from the website and through the Torrent link but it's impossible. It stops after downloading around 10MB very slowly. [08:51] Is there any known problem? [08:52] Also the torrent seems capped to 51,24KiB/s [08:58] Windows-1998-guy: there should be arm images available. I haven't used on RPi, I did you on Jetson TK1 ~7 years ago and they worked quite well. However, some 6 [08:59] *x86 software is not supported. [09:01] Two that come to mind are Google chrome and Dropbox. Both may have changed over the years, not that's what I saw. I hope that helps! === rahul is now known as someonewhoisnt === someonewhoisnt is now known as rahules === rahules is now known as someonewhoisnt === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:52] I was searching for Kubuntu for ARM and I found a package file - Kubuntu Desktop - at pkgs.org. [11:52] It says that it's created by the Kubuntu developers. [11:52] And I want to ask if this package is a scam or it's really created by the Kubuntu developers. [11:52] Here's the link: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-universe-arm64/kubuntu-desktop_1.398_arm64.deb.html. [11:56] "It's always preferable, imo, to install packages from the repos or, failing that, from the software authors or a trusted PPA." hydrurga [11:57] I chose kubumtu because it was ubunt with kde - what is "kubuntu desktop"? i dnk [11:58] Kubuntu desktop = Kubuntu. [12:02] ok, i see a few items under layout and look and feel called "kubuntu.desktop"... [12:06] Hi all [12:18] wb kaj [12:19] hey weedmic [12:20] you may call me mic (ik magt je tutoyeren) [12:25] I don't speak whatever that language is in brackets [12:26] it is nederlands, means something like - we already know eachother, so familiar case is justified - but none of those words are there [12:27] we know each other? I have no clue about you :-) [12:30] we say hi every day in like 5 rooms :D [12:30] you can also do "who is" [12:31] whois just tells me your location ip, not much else [12:37] has my name - anyway if you want to stay formal, np mr Blues [12:40] this chat is a support chat for Kubuntu, ordinary offtopic chat is discouraged here like most OS support chats are..#kubuntu-offtopic is best or non support talk [12:41] wilco === paolo is now known as paoop === warmana1 is now known as warmana === warmana1 is now known as warmana === warmana1 is now known as warmana [17:10] Hello boys. I would like to install Linux driver for GT 1030, but driver writes, that the Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use byt my system. This driver is incopatible with the NVIDIA driver, and must be disabled... How to desable? [17:17] how to install vnc server [17:20] is Ubuntu Pro available for Kubuntu? there is no GUI and ubuntu-advantage-tools is not installed by default...but can be installed...I wonder if kubuntu and its kde packages are covered [17:41] So is Ubuntu LTS 5 years support and Kubuntu LTS 3 years support [17:41] ? [18:33] Yes [18:34] Flavour teams are volunteers, so cannot commit to more than 3 years === gnomesort_ is now known as gnomesort [20:01] you can probably get 5 years of support for the parts that are common in both === il_ is now known as uglyracon [22:37] hi [22:37] have question about firewall [22:37] anyone here ? [22:56] uglyracon: hi. please just ask your question, that's how you get a chance to get an answer. ;) asking to ask is polite of you, but actually uncommon on IRC, since it requires an actually unneccessary back-and-forth.