
lissyxfirefox snap build is broken for me on stable/esr :( https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blame/fc985d4c5aa3d7f552dd1837a947f29e133f0eb0/snapcraft/parts/yaml_utils.py#L93-L9406:44
lissyxok the error I am seeing might rather be related to apt06:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1841580 in Firefox Build System "Firefox Snap ESR and stable build broken due to arm64 focal packages repository missing" [--, New]07:08
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:45
nteodosioGood morning, seb128!07:58
seb128nteodosio, hey, how are you doing today?08:08
nteodosioVery good, thanks, also the wheather is perfect today. And you, seb128?08:10
seb128I'm alright thanks! It's too windy here but at least it's not overheating :)08:10
WimpyMorning desktopers o/08:51
seb128Wimpy, hey, how are you doing?08:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lissyxseb128, hello11:10
lissyxseb128, is the behavior leading to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1841580 a bug i should file against snapcraft?11:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1841580 in Firefox Build System "Firefox Snap ESR and stable build broken due to arm64 focal packages repository missing" [--, New]11:11
seb128lissyx, I don't understand the rational fo the change, better to ask to bandali 12:00
seb128seems like the clang part requires a newer libstdc++ than what is available in the focal serie?12:01
lissyxI'm not questionning this part12:01
lissyxrather than adding arm64 specific repo for this ends up in adding all arm64 focal repos and some are broken12:01
seb128well I'm sort of questioning the change, why is the arm64 build having newer libstdc++ requirements than amd64?12:02
seb128but that put aside the focal sources are expected on a core20 build so it seems rather a connectivity or server issue if it failed to fetch the indexes?12:04
lissyxseb128, clearly not a connection issue, I repro'd over time from different sources, it's pure 40412:29
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seb128lissyx, I don't know, it's a bit confusing to me with the little context I have, maybe similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/2009278 ?12:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 2009278 in Snapcraft "Can't mix ports.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com (building multi-arch snaps)" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:37
seb128but seems worth reporting on the snapcraft forum if you think it's a snapcraft issue12:38
lissyxseb128, as of right now, build is broken for me12:39
seb128lissyx, I don't have arm64 hardware to test on but bandali does so let's wait for him13:00
seb128lissyx, the build log/error is from trying to build on arm64 or on amd64?13:09
lissyxseb128, amd6413:09
seb128that was never mentioned in the description, I was assuming you were trying to build on arm6413:09
seb128ok, that starts making more sense13:09
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bandaligood morning14:01
bandaliseb128, the reason for that change is that we use clang/llvm from upstream-provided binaries, which i'm guessing are built by different volunteers from one arch/artifact to the next14:02
bandaliso it seems that the volunteer who did built the arm64 artifact used newer gcc than the others (amd64 and armhf)14:03
bandalianyway, as we can see, using libstdc++6 from gcc-11 fixes native builds: https://launchpad.net/~mozilla-snaps/firefox/+snap/firefox-snap-esr14:04
bandalibut it didn't occur to me to check cross builds since i don't normally build that way. now to find a fix...14:04
seb128bandali, well, I don't think the problem is trying to cross build, but that building on amd64 now tries to enable an arm64 ppa source14:11
seb128bandali, the architecture tag tells it what architecture to target, not to enable the source only on that architecture14:12
seb128bandali, the clang provided upstream requires newer libstdc++ might be a bug to report upstream14:12
seb128or a comment to add to the bug lissyx reported14:13
bandalilissyx, can you please try deleting the "architectures: [arm64]" line from snapcraft.yaml and see if it helps?14:18
lissyxbandali, I already did and that's how I know this is the problem14:35
lissyxI removed the whole package entry though14:36
lissyxnot just the arch live14:36
lissyxbandali, just removing the arch seems not enough14:38
bandalilissyx, ack. it would be nice to try deleting just that line, since we'll need to keep the stanza for native arm64 builds14:38
lissyxlet me ensure with clean first14:38
bandaliah. hmm... seb128 any thoughts?14:38
bandaliok thanks14:38
seb128lissyx, is that requirement for a newer libstdc++ from upstream on arm64 considered a feature or a bug?14:39
lissyxI have no idea14:40
lissyxthat sounds not normal imho, but I dont know for sure14:40
bandalii think that 'upstream' would be clang/llvm, not mozilla14:41
bandaliand it *might* be arbitrary, just the consequence of tooling choices the volunteer used for building that version of clang/llvm arm64 binaries14:41
bandaliall things considered, we need a better solution for clang/llvm14:42
lissyxwhy not having a snap?14:43
seb128bandali, hum, we download clang for a random upstream location and not from the ubuntu archive nor a mozilla bundle?14:48
bandaliseb128, yes, though not *completely* random: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases14:53
bandalii would much rather we could use one from ubuntu archive or ones built by mozilla14:54
seb128bandali, we don't have a ppa with newer llvm for focal?14:56
lissyxbandali, ok maybe it works removing the arch line14:58
bandaliseb128, not that i know of? there's https://apt.llvm.org but unfortunately it doesn't include amrhf builds14:58
bandalilissyx, it does?14:58
lissyxwell it starts to build it seems14:59
bandaliok, please do keep me posted14:59
lissyxbut that might prove breaking my WIP https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&revision=06f91476c237d3881b9dfb17fb4ecf1979c57dab14:59
bandalisorry not sure i understood that last one. 'breaking WIP'?15:00
lissyxmy wip patch to have upstream-like builds on treeherder15:02
bandaliso removing just the "architectures: [arm64]" still failed?15:16
lissyxbandali, no, on a local build it seems to work15:21
lissyxbandali, but since having the package-repositories triggers some apt-related work during the build, it will break on treeherder15:22
bandalilissyx, i see. is that fine with you? just a note that using the ppa won't be necessary for core22 (which we'll hopefully merge into stable very soon) but will be necessary on the esr branch if we are to keep it on core20 for the duration of 115esr support15:33

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