
mwhudsonvorlon: i think you forgot to push the tag when you uploaded livecd-rootfs00:26
vorlonmwhudson: I didn't forget, but maybe there was a failure I didn't pay attention to00:27
vorlon$ git push --tags00:27
vorlonEverything up-to-date00:27
mwhudsonvorlon: well ok. ubuntu/master has 2.895 as UNRELEASED00:27
mwhudsonwhich i realize isn't quite what i first said00:28
vorlonmwhudson: oh I see, I failed to commit it, so pushing did nothing00:29
vorlonthis is all git-ubuntu's fault00:29
vorlon(for not being able to replace our standalone livecd-rootfs branch ;)00:29
mwhudsoni suppose i should make my out of control shell script i use for uploading things work nicely with git-ubuntu repos00:30
vorlonoh no Debian is removing stale i386-only packages that emulate game consoles00:32
vorlonnot sure Debian should keep the i386 arch around at all if it's not needed for zsnes, really00:35
schopinRikMills: there's something going on in Debian in plasma vs glibc 2.37 in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1040140 . Do you know if we had similar reports for Lunar?08:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1040140 in libc6 "libc6: upgrade libc6 to version 2.37-3 break plasma desktop (X11/Wayland)" [Important, Open]08:00
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slyon@pilot in11:01
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=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== JanC is now known as Guest5729
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
halveshello ubuntu-devel! I'm a little confused on a version for an SRU I'm working on, and would like to double check it with a more experienced dev. it's for adsys on Kinetic, which currently has version 0.9.2. given this is a native Ubuntu package, what would the next version string look like for an SRU?15:15
slyon@pilot out15:16
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halvesif I follow the security team's "UpdatePreparation" page/table, it seems a candidate would be 0.9.2ubuntu0.1. I've looked at the other stable releases for adsys, and noticed that they seem to follow the pattern of "~YY.MM.X" (e.g. 0.9.2~20.04.1 for focal)15:16
halvesso I'm wondering if for the next Kinetic update, we should follow this same version scheme as well. does that make sense?15:17
slyonhey halves! There's some nice documentation on that, which you can find here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging15:17
slyonlet me check your specific case..15:17
halvesslyon thanks! that's the page I was looking at, the table there is quite helpful indeed15:17
halvesit does seem to suggest a different version scheme for the other releases though, which is where my confusion started (i.e. 0.9.2ubuntu0.1 vs 0.9.2~22.10.1)15:18
slyonhalves: do I understand correctly that the SRU contains just some small fixes for adsys 0.9.2, not any new upstream version, right?15:18
halvesslyon that's correct15:19
slyonwe use the ~22.10.1 suffix usually when we "backport" a newer version from a more recent Ubuntu version. E.g. Lunar might contain 0.9.2 while kinetic might contain 0.9.2~22.10.115:20
slyonin this case it's not a backport (just some small fixes) and recent Ubuntu version have newer upstream versions of adsys already, so I'd rule out the ~22.10.1 suffix15:20
slyonAnd go with 0.9.2ubuntu0.1 instead15:21
halvesawesome! that makes sense, thank you slyon!15:22
slyonOh, we even have that special case with the Jammy version here.15:22
slyonHaving 0.9.2~22.04.1 (jammy) < 0.9.2ubuntu0.1 (kinetic) < 0.11.0 (lunar) should work just fine!15:23
halvesyes, for this specific SRU though we're also targeting jammy, but it won't break the version ordering15:26
halvesthanks again, slyon!15:27
slyonhalves: right. To apply similar fixes to Jammy, you'd just continue with the existing versioning scheme, e.g.: 0.9.2~22.04.215:29
slyonOr alternatively, do a full backport of your previous Kinetic SRU, which would lead do: 0.9.2ubuntu0.1~22.04.1 -- both cases would work, but the former is more common15:31
kanashiro[m]@pilot in17:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: kanashiro[m]
gilles_Hi, I was looking to get a package, namely mailman3, that was excluded from 22.04 due to now-resolved compatability issues back into Ubuntu, preferably in 22.04 itself. I'm not really familiar with packaging though, I was wondering if anyone had some pointers as to where I could start with this?17:18
kanashiro[m]gilles_: at this point, you need a good reason to introduce a package to a stable release. I am not familiar with the mailman3 package, but I think you might have dependency issues on the way17:32
blucaslyon: did you have any luck looking at the netplan.io autopkgtest failures?17:34
blucathey are blocking both systemd and iproute2 now17:34
gilles_kanashiro[m]: I believe it should work without too many dependency issues, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman3/+bug/1999197/comments/7 (+ some of my own poking around as to why it was removed and what has changed)17:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1999197 in mailman3 (Ubuntu) "mailman3 package missing in jammy, however mailman3 package from Debian 11 works with the other mailman3 packages from Jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed]17:45
gilles_But yes, I'm not completely clear on what the procedures for this would even be, and I can't really get a properly clear image of what is or isn't possible from the wiki17:45
kanashiro[m]gilles_: as you may have seen this was the reason of mailman3 removal: LP #1960547 . If you check the Debian's tracker page (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mailman3) you will see that it is still looking for help, and at the moment it is marked for autoremoval by the end of the month. I am not sure the situation described in the removal bug changed that much.17:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1960547 in mailman3 (Ubuntu) "please remove mailman3, mailman-hyperkitty" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196054717:58
gilles_kanashiro[m]: Thanks for pointing that out, I had missed it completely. I'll dig a little more to see if it's something I (or my org) can work on or if we should look into other options. Thanks!18:02
kanashiro[m]I just pulled the mailman3 version from mantic and rebuilt it in jammy, it works without any issue, so that's a good sign at least18:03
kanashiro[m]gilles_: since a straight backport of the version in mantic works in Jammy we have increased our chances to get it back in jammy :) we can try a one-time SRU to re-introduce the package. I am running autopkgtest locally to see if I can spot any issue18:06
kanashiro[m]gilles_: all tests are passing, I think we can give it a try if you are still interested. You could do the paper work which means updating the bug description (LP #1999197) to add the SRU bug template (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template), and I can handle the package changes for you. Be aware that some action from you will be required to test the package in case the archive admins/SRU team decide to accept18:18
kanashiro[m]the package (Test plan section in the SRU bug template).18:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1999197 in mailman3 (Ubuntu) "mailman3 package missing in jammy, however mailman3 package from Debian 11 works with the other mailman3 packages from Jammy" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199919718:18
kanashiro[m]If you decide to do so, let me know, once you update the bug, I can review it and prepare the package to be uploaded18:19
gilles_kanashiro[m]: I'm definitely interested in doing the paperwork, might take a while but I'll update you once I've done it. Thanks for helping me get started!18:27
kanashiro[m]gilles_: great! You are more than welcome :)18:28
kanashiro[m]@pilot out21:04
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mwhudsonlivecd-rootfs in proposed is broken?21:58
mwhudsonah https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/44600322:16

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